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  1. I'm receiving the same error related to an empty cdrom file path. Did you ever figure out a workaround/fix?
  2. Same problem here. Any chance this could be fixed?
  3. Can you please elaborate a little? Do you simply boot into install mode and go through the normal install process?
  4. I recently used this thread as a guide to enable link agg on my unraid box. I just wanted to say 'Thank you' to everyone that contributed to this thread as it was extremely helpful!!
  5. I ran into this issue. I ended up deleting ALL local snapshots, which appears to be working (running right now). Unfortunately, I had deleted all existing Time Machine backups on my Unraid box before I attempted this. My guess is that Unraid is not at fault here, but I'm posting in case others run into this issue. My suggestion would be to delete all local snapshots and then see if it begins working.
  6. Agreed, I'm currently using a custom docker container to bridge airprint to an old network printer. This app would be a great replacement if it supported airprint. Can this be added in the future? Thanks!
  7. This explanation should be incorporated into a news article or the documentation (or the CA store itself) as it was very difficult to find the answer what qualifies an app as "official". That said, thank you very much for the explanation!!
  8. I just wanted to say 'Thank you!' for sharing your experience! It was a big help! The unRaid documentation in this area is seriously lacking...
  9. Unfortunately, I just noticed this little tidbit on the Crucial website that I hadn't noticed earlier: The M3CR033 firmware is only compatible with drives that shipped with M3CR032. Given that, I guess I'm stuck on M3CR023.
  10. I know this thread started years ago and a firmware update wasn't originally available. I did notice on the Crucial site that there is now a firmware update available but it is unclear if it fixes the issue at hand. Has anyone has tried the new firmware available to see it it resolves the problem? Both of my MX500 drives are currently on M3CR023 and I've been experiencing this same issue. I just ran across the firmware update and haven't had a chance to try it yet, so wanted to inquire. Thanks!! https://www.crucial.com/support/ssd-support/mx500-support
  11. Very good point about the copyright. I didn't think through that at all! Thank you for the tips!!
  12. Hello - very useful post! Is there any chance you'd be willing to share your WinPE files? I don't have a Windows installation handy, and I'm trying to get Windows going on a box via PXE but don't have a Windows machine readily available. If not, no worries. Appreciate you sharing your notes either way!
  13. Sorry to revive an old thread, but never saw what the final outcome was. Were you able to test this? What was the result? Did it work?
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