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Everything posted by Kushan

  1. Thanks, that makes sense actually! I never considered the swap partition. Oh well, guess I'm waiting until 6.13 then!
  2. I've not been following the ZFS developments for a while now. Can anyone confirm if it's possible to import existing TrueNAS ZFS pools into a fresh unraid install? Or is that more of a "phase 2" piece of work? What I am really asking is if it's possible to migrate my current TrueNAS Scale server over. Docker+apps I can move easily, I'm more curious if unRAID is in a position whereby I can just mount the existing pools directly as primary and secondary storage and go from there or if that's not "ready" yet. I've ready the docs and I'm not entirely sure. Can anyone confirm?
  3. I haven't posted this beyond reddit so far, but I'm currently working on a guide on everything to do with using compose on unraid, you can check it out here: https://unraid.kushan.fyi/ I'll make a dedicated thread on it when it's more complete but for anyone reading this topic, feel free to take a look.
  4. That's really good to know! I haven't had time to look into the above yet, but more info on this is certainly helpful. That's great to hear! Thank you. If you need any help or thoughts on the implementation, feel free to reach out!
  5. I see both sides to this. DockerMan is essentially just a UI on top of docker with some additions to make it a little more user friendly but ultimately it's going to run the same docker containers under the hood. It would be nice if DockerMan was a little less unRAID specific. One way of doing that would be for it to store its metadata as docker labels instead of whatever it's doing to store that XML data now - there's a feature request here for this exact suggestion. It would then give you the best of both worlds by allowing you to manage your containers using whatever methods you like, while still leveraging the DockerMan dashboard and niceties that it brings.
  6. Oh hey, it's a me! Yeah, this is something I was hoping was already being done under the hood, but alas the docker manager used by unRAID handles metadata its own way (If anyone can point me in the direction of how that metadata is stored and used, please let me know). The template system used by unRAID is great, it makes adding docker containers pretty straightforward and blings them up on the dashboard, with a nice icon or direct link to the container's WebUI. The only issue is that this system is somewhat proprietary and specific to unRAID. If you're using an image that doesn't have a matching template, there's currently no easy way (That I've found) to add them yourself without creating a whole template file. Or if you created your container outside of unRAID's own docker manager, you're equally out of luck. I prefer to manage my containers using docker compose, others use portainer, we'll all encounter the same issue (I understand that this is a tradeoff we make knowingly and I appreciate that you can argue if we're not using unRAID to manage our containers, then why should we care how they look on the dashboard). A good solution to this (in my opinion) would be to update the dashboard to check for some of this data using docker labels if a template doesn't exist. To clarify something that @Taako may have slightly misunderstood: This isn't anything specific to docker compose, but rather it's baked into docker itself. Compose just uses labels to add metadata to containers, but labels are a docker specific feature. Labels are key-value pairs and their use is pretty well defined. It would be great (And I think relatively easy?) to specify a bunch of unRAID specific labels so people can apply them themselves, then have unRAID's docker manager fall back on them (Or even prefer them so users can tweak them on the fly) for example: net.unraid.docker.icon="https://www.example.com/icon.png" net.unraid.docker.description="An example description" net.unraid.docker.webui="http://[IP]:[PORT:4040]/" This would supplement the existing template engine rather than replace it, it would mean almost any docker management tool (Like portainer) can manage these assets and, for my own personal use, would mean I can add them to my compose files as well. Image authors can even preemptively add them to their images (The Linuxserver.io guys apply some labels to their containers already) again without having to manage an entire unRAID template. To be clear: I have nothing against the template system, it's pretty neat and has helped a lot of people get their feet wet with docker. I think it's great. I'd just like to be able to take advantage of some unRAID specific gubbins without having to go the whole hog and have my containers managed entirely by unRAID
  7. I know this is quite an old post, but I've had this same error myself and I couldn't find a solution after a lot of Googling. I also couldn't see a response in this thread which helped. I have found a solution though, so in case anyone else ends up down a rabbit hole, here's what I've discovered. Keep in mind I'm not sure if I'm taking a hammer to crack a nut. In `\nginx\site-confs\default` the server_name is set to '_' which gets passed through to swiftmailer, causing it to send '_' as part of the EHLO. Some SMTP servers will reject this as it's not a valid domain name. You can edit 'server_name' to the name or host of your server (or anything really) and that will filter through to swiftmailer. This seems to be a configuration specific to the LinuxServer.io image for nextcloud. What I don't understand is why this isn't causing more issues - are people just not using smtp, or are they using smtp servers that are more forgiving about hostnames? That's why I'm a little unsure of my "fix", I feel like I've missed something in the docs around configuration but I can't find mention of it anywhere.
  8. I just found this thread dealing with the same thing. I noticed that all 8 of my disks were spun up all the time. If I manually spun them down, they'd all spin back up a few seconds later. Checking the log I'd see something like this: Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdg Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdd Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sde Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdb Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdf Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdc Mar 22 14:28:21 Jasmine emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdi Mar 22 14:28:30 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdb Mar 22 14:28:34 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdf Mar 22 14:28:35 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdg Mar 22 14:28:39 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sde Mar 22 14:28:39 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdc Mar 22 14:28:55 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdh Mar 22 14:28:55 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdd Mar 22 14:28:55 Jasmine emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdi I don't think it's related to Mover. Mover was on an hourly schedule but this happens consistently after I spin down the drives. I switched mover to a daily schedule and the same thing happens. I don't have any active streams or file handles to some of these drives, some of them are completely empty yet they're still spinning up. Some of these drives are plugged right into the motherboard's SATA ports, others are plugged into a cheapo Marvell 88SE9215 card. It definitely used to spin drives down, so something has changed likely on my end that I've done but I can't see anything that would cause drives to be kept "awake". My spin down idle time is 30mins and even an hour after the SMART reads the drives are still spinning and nothing new is in the syslog. I suspect the SMART reads are a red herring and that's just happening when the drive spins up but what is causing them to spin up I simply don't know. EDIT: As soon as I posted this, I think I figured out the issue on my end was Turbowrite. It seems determined to spin up all my drives no matter how many are actually active so I've disabled it for now and it seems to have calmed down. I'll monitor on my end. jasmine-diagnostics-20210322-1538.zip
  9. Oh fucksticks, you're absolutely right. I was reading that page wrong this whole time 🤦‍♂️
  10. Apologies, I didn't realise there was a response to this (I'm new on the forum and didn't have notifications on). The problem with ignoring it is that the warning pops up again but the ignored warning is still listed. Here's what I mean (See how radarr is listed in both sections): I think this happens when the container gets updated (Or recreated), but I haven't tested that theory much. I appreciate this is because I'm doing something that's not widely supported (Docker Compose), I'm happy that I won't get the templates or access to them, I'd just like to be able to reduce the noise here if at all possible. EDIT: D'oh! Of course there'd be an update to the plugin shortly after I post this. Most of my template warnings seem to have gone, thank you! I'm still getting notifications about containers having updates that I can't ignore (Same duplicate behaviour) but it's much less noisy now, thank you!
  11. Sorry if there's a good answer for this. I did a search and seen a few people posting the same issue, but couldn't see any resolution. I have a bunch of missing template errors on my docker containers: When I click "apply Fix", I get an error: Now, I created these containers using Docker Compose as I had my compose file already defined from a previous NAS. I suspect that's the crux of the issue, so my question is: Is there a way to properly fix this, so the templates can be applied? (Ideally without having to do it each time a container updates) OR is there a way to disable this specific check? I can't ignore them as they just come up again.
  12. Sorry to bump an older thread, but I'm getting this same issue with my containers. Now I think it's self inflicted as I'm creating my containers via docker-compose (old habits die hard and all that). Clicking the fix button gives the error in the screenshot above. I'm not actually bothered about the templates, but the warnings are a bit annoying. Is there a way to add these templates via compose or some other method? OR a way to turn this particular set of warnings off?
  13. I'd heard of unRAID from various places, but had been rocking a Synology NAS since about 2016. It suited my needs absolutely fine, but I had been pushing it more and more as of late. The final straw came when some docker containers stopped working due to the kernel being too old. I had thought about building a new NAS myself off and on over the years, but this felt like the right time. I looked into several solutions and settled on giving unRAID a go. The trial made it an easy choice. I built my new machine and fired up unRAID last night to play about with it. This evening I bought a license. I have never been more impressed with how easy and how seamless everything has been so far. I'm actually a little bit in shock at how well everything has worked, from assembling my hardware to getting things like Plex hardware transcoding working. I thought DSM was impressive for ease of use, but unRAID is next level. Easiest $129 I've ever spent.
  14. Kushan

    RSS feed?

    I just came here because the main blog doesn't have an RSS feed I know they're a little bit old hat, but I've yet to find a better way of digesting a ton of different information sources. Social media has too much noise, email isn't any better (and is much harder to keep organised). I don't want to have to manually visit different sites just to see if there's more content, I want to pull that information in and sort it at my leisure.
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