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  1. I might have more information. I checked logs when trying to pull a certificate and got this: "Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)" My NGINX is setup exactly the same as SWAG (and I know i did port forwarding for SWAG). Here is my NGINX PM: and note I also have this on the "Custom: Proxynet" network type as my SWAG is on that too. Here is my SWAG:
  2. I'll clear and restart. My only other guess is I am not setting up the Proxy Host right. NNote I have tried EVERY combination in port (ie. I've tried http/https for 443, 444, 1443, etc). Here is how I have it set up. What do you think I should be using? And my SWAG config file looks like this:
  3. So the dropdown shows: Note that what I highlighted out was my attemp to manually add my Certs from Cloudflare to NPM. It does not related to my nextcloud proxy. In my SSL Certs, I only have this manually added Cert from Cloudflare. Note I only added this cert because of the issues I was having trying to get nextcloud to work here. It didn't work prior to this (or after the fact).
  4. So when I try to obtain new SSL, I get this. Not that I do have HSTS enabled via cloudflare. However, when I uncheck the box, it seems to work but I get this: It seems to not want to issue a new cert because one is already issued. I actually tried to revoke (and delete) my cert in SWAG but that didnt seem to work either
  5. I have been using SWAG for some time but would like to transition to NGINX PM for various reasons (really ease of use). When I installed and went to set up the proxy, I got the error that the domain was already in use. I tried revoking my certificates via SWAG/Cert Bot however, I still wasn't to fix the issue. Do you have or are you aware of the steps on how to migrate (certificates) from SWAG to NGINX PM? Particularly, I am using SWAG for Nextcloud.
  6. SO I have been using SWAG for some time but would like to transition to NGINX PM for various reasons (really ease of use). When I installed and went to set up the proxy, I got the error that the domain was already in use. I tried revoking my certificates via SWAG/Cert Bot however, I still wasn't to fix the issue. Do you have or are you aware of the stops on how to migrate from SWAG to NGINX PM? Particularly, I am using SWAG for Nextcloud.
  7. Hoping someone can help me out. I've installed the OnlyOfficeDocumentServer file and it successfully runs. Once it's running; however, I am unable to actually see the GUI (and unable to link to Nextcloud). I followed SpaceInvaders setup vid basically to a "T" (changing out letsencrypt to swag) and confirmed the settings all appear right. What could be my issue. For reference, here's the logs for OODS: * Starting PostgreSQL 14 database server ...done. * Starting RabbitMQ Messaging Server rabbitmq-server ...done. Starting supervisor: supervisord. * Starting periodic command scheduler cron ...done. * Starting nginx nginx ...done. Generating AllFonts.js, please wait...Done Generating presentation themes, please wait...Done Generating js caches, please wait...Done ds:docservice: stopped ds:docservice: started ds:converter: stopped ds:converter: started * Reloading nginx configuration nginx ...done. ==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/converter/err.log <== ==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/converter/out.log <== [2024-08-23T21:50:39.352] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - num of CPUs: 20; availableParallelism: undefined [2024-08-23T21:50:39.353] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - update cluster with 1 workers [2024-08-23T21:50:39.359] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - worker 865 started. [2024-08-23T21:50:39.360] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - num of CPUs: 20; availableParallelism: undefined [2024-08-23T21:50:39.360] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - update cluster with 1 workers [2024-08-23T21:51:00.991] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - num of CPUs: 20; availableParallelism: undefined [2024-08-23T21:51:00.992] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - update cluster with 1 workers [2024-08-23T21:51:00.997] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - worker 1169 started. [2024-08-23T21:51:00.999] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - num of CPUs: 20; availableParallelism: undefined [2024-08-23T21:51:00.999] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - update cluster with 1 workers ==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/docservice/err.log <== ==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/docservice/out.log <== [2024-08-23T21:49:53.788] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server listening on port 8000 in production-linux mode. Version: 8.1.1. Build: 26 [2024-08-23T21:50:21.979] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - start shutdown:true [2024-08-23T21:50:21.979] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - active connections: 0 [2024-08-23T21:50:21.980] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - end shutdown [2024-08-23T21:50:39.607] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server starting... [2024-08-23T21:50:39.608] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Failed to subscribe to plugin folder updates. When changing the list of plugins, you must restart the server. https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/fs.html#fs_availability [2024-08-23T21:50:39.777] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server listening on port 8000 in production-linux mode. Version: 8.1.1. Build: 26 [2024-08-23T21:50:59.535] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server starting... [2024-08-23T21:50:59.536] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Failed to subscribe to plugin folder updates. When changing the list of plugins, you must restart the server. https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/fs.html#fs_availability [2024-08-23T21:50:59.651] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server listening on port 8000 in production-linux mode. Version: 8.1.1. Build: 26 ==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx.error.log <== ^A
  8. Thanks for this. I was thinking a list of all the Dockers would pop up and I would select the ones that I want to be part of the group. What you provided obviously works and makes sense. Thanks for the response!
  9. I am a bit confused on the settings surrounding "member of group". It shows up for me as this: However, it doesn't matter how many times I click, no "list" of groups pops up for me to select. My backup type is set correctly "Stop, backup, start each container" Do I have to type each docker in? Is that a valid workaround? It'd be nice to have a list pop up that allows me to group but not sure if my app is bugged. Thanks.
  10. No change that I am aware of. I have all dockers up to date and plex still announces (checked as of today).
  11. Thanks. Uninstalled and reinstalled from apps and it works perfect now. Note that I noticed "DISABLE_SSL" was still in the advanced settings but I just ignored it. Thanks for the fix!
  12. When I access the unraid gui, it's via HTTPS://192.168.X.XXX:8079 but it didn't seem to matter whether the SSL was disabled or not.
  13. Just tried installing the webtrees app that's newly released. When I try to load the GUI i get "The page isn’t redirecting properly An error occurred during a connection to 192.168.X.XXX:8079. This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies." I tried playing with the "pretty URLs" and the "disable SSL" settings and nothign changed. Here are the logs for the docker" AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message Site webtrees_insecure already disabled Site webtrees already enabled Configuration file /var/www/html/data/config.ini.php yet exist. No settings will be modified. Activate pretty urls. Configuration file /var/www/html/data/config.ini.php found. Setting rewrite_urls="1". BASE_URL not explicitly set. Nothing to do. Set max_upload_size. Set post_max_size. 2024-05-08 20:14:39,443 WARN No file matches via include "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf" 2024-05-08 20:14:39,443 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded 2024-05-08 20:14:39,445 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized 2024-05-08 20:14:39,445 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking 2024-05-08 20:14:39,445 INFO supervisord started with pid 37 2024-05-08 20:14:40,446 INFO spawned: 'crond' with pid 38 2024-05-08 20:14:40,448 INFO spawned: 'apache2' with pid 39 2024-05-08 20:14:41,476 INFO success: crond entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 2024-05-08 20:14:41,476 INFO success: apache2 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) Any ideas on why it won't open?
  14. Hmm I'll have to look at that. I guess i always assumed nothing would write to the array if a parity operation was in progress (whether its a check, rebuild, etc.) In fact, I can't manually click the "MOVE" button because it's grayed out and says "Disabled -- Parity operation is running". I didn't realize a background process could trump this.
  15. Perhaps this should go under the "bugs" if it truly is a bug; however, my mover is automatically scheduled to run at 1pm every day. I just replaced two 4TB drives with 2-12TB drives (yea I know I should have done each in separate steps) so at the current time, I have both drives being emulated. The data rebuild is currently at the 7.80TB mark; however, I noticed it really slowed down --- the reason, it looks like Mover ran in the background to move data off of my cache drives and placed data in one of the new 12TB drives I just installed still undergoing a parity rebuild. My question is if a data-rebuild is occuring, why would Mover run while the operation is in progress?
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