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Posts posted by FreeMan

  1. 10 minutes ago, FreeMan said:

    Close, but no cigar. :(


    I had keys to connect to my backup server stored in /root/.ssh/ along with a few lines to move them on boot, and I did move them per the linked instructions. Unfortunately, PuTTY is still throwing the same error when I try to connect to my server.


    Updating my PuTTY client from 0.62 to 0.74 seems to have done the trick. I guess that makes the SSH updates a GoodThing™. :)

    • Like 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, ljm42 said:


    I can help with this part... remove everything from your go script that deals with /root/.ssh/


    Your authorized_keys and other files should be placed in /boot/config/ssh/root/ now and they will be symlinked to /root/.ssh automatically.  


    See https://wiki.unraid.net/Unraid_OS_6.9.0#SSH_Improvements 

    Close, but no cigar. :(


    I had keys to connect to my backup server stored in /root/.ssh/ along with a few lines to move them on boot, and I did move them per the linked instructions. Unfortunately, PuTTY is still throwing the same error when I try to connect to my server.

  3. Updated my main server to 6.9.0 then 6.9.1 and have run into 2 issues that only make sense in relation to the upgrade:


    1) Unassigned Devices and PreClear don't seem to be able to recognize drives plugged in via USB. I've connected both a brand new 8TB drive that I want to preclear (for testing purposes only, I know it's not required), and an older 4TB drive that's known to be good, but has been retired. It recognizes neither. UD doesn't show any devices and preclear_binhex.sh -l reports "No unassigned disks detected".

      I've confirmed that the USB dock I'm using works by plugging it into my Win10 machine and both of them show up in windows management, so the dock & and both drives are functional.


    2) In an attempt to double check the preclear results, I tried to open a PuTTY terminal and was presented with this error message: image.png.442c6670ae097706a5686587a8016d5a.png

    I don't know if my version of PuTTY is seriously out of date (I haven't a clue when I last updated it) or if there's something that I need to add back in to UNRAID to get it to accept a PuTTY connection, but this is mildly frustrating.




    This is the first issue I've had with an upgrade since I transitioned to 6.x, so I'm certainly NOT complaining! I'm the one who wants you guys to fix the Windows Update process! :) I'm just mildly disappointed and a bit frustrated because I've got this new drive to get installed...

  4. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    Yes sorry, sometimes I get the threads mixed up, just clear the errors and keep monitoring.

    No worries! Just making sure. There's probably nothing critical on this disk, so it wouldn't be a crisis if I lost data, but I would rather avoid it, and I'm never afraid to double check.

    • Like 1
  5. There's no emulation involved - every disk appears to be mounted just fine:




    Would you still recommend a disk rebuild, or just acknowledge the error and keep an eye on the disk? I'll probably make myself a reminder to do an extended parity check on it at least monthly, if not weekly.

  6. I'm still on 6.8.3 and would prefer to remain there until I get this resolved, if possible. The fewer pieces changing at once, the easier it should be to track down...


    While my parity check was running yesterday, I got this notification:


    Unraid array errors: 2021-03-01 22:24
    Warning [NAS] - array has errors
    Array has 1 disk with read errors


    Looking at my Array devices display, I see that disk 8 is reporting 256 errors. Of course, the warranty expired on 16 Feb 2021, so I've got that going for me... :(


    The parity check finished with no indication of error whatsoever. This disk has never, it appears, had a SMART self-test run, so I ran a short-test which completed without error and that's in the included diagnostics. I've got a long test running and will post results when that finishes.


    If anyone can tell me if this is starting to look terminal, I'd appreciate it.



  7. 7 hours ago, SpencerJ said:

    FYI- Grafana/InfluxDB users, if you wake up to a broken dashboard due to an update, here is a fix: 


    Thank you @T0rqueWr3nch!


    OK, it seems I shouldn't have taken that exactly literally



    influxdb:1.8.4-alpine@UnraidOfficial pic.twitter.com/JfDgwDGwJ6

    gives me an error that the repository name must be lower case and leaves me with an orphaned image.





    does work.


    Unfortunately, before I saw SpencerJ's post, I'd fiddled with the drive dropdowns and have lost some variable settings so I'll have to reset them. Better than having to completely start from scratch.


    Hrmm... Maybe I spoke too soon:


    I get the same missing drives...


    Then I stopped all three dockers and restarted Influxdb > Telegraf > Grafana and all is good now. Whew!

    • Thanks 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, falconexe said:

    Are you using Cache? It won’t show anything until the mover runs and the data hits the actual array. It is designed to pick up data changes within 30 seconds (assuming your Telgraf config update interval matches). The selected Grafana timeframe has no impact on these growth queries because they are set to explicit relative time intervals individually. In the upper right you’ll see “Today so far” in blue. This means that the graph starts at Midnight. The uptick may have been your mover. Mine works perfectly...

    Ah! That makes perfect sense and, yeah, I knew that. This makes sense - that's yesterday's growth, since it was all written to cache and the mover ran around 01:30 today.

  9. Is the `Array Growth (Day)` chart designed to show new data added since midnight <My timezone>? If so, I don't think mine's working right. Here's what it's showing currently:



    And here's my TZ setting: image.png.b43459b1f9c8372a63a40cf48718e006.png

    I can only account for about 3GB of data added since midnight. I've checked my backup directory and have had very little added there of late.


    As I was typing this, I got to wondering if this shows the data added in the previous 24 hours, as noted in the TZ settings screen shot. If that's the case, why does the growth graph start at zero for a little while before climbing? Does that not show growth over the time period?

  10. I had this working in the LE days, and seem to have successfully updated to SWAG (my certificates are updating), however, my reverse proxy setup doesn't seem to be working in one specific instance.


    Since originally installing LE, I've added a VPN. I have a connection for my primary desktop machine, and I have a connection that I use with my binhex-delugevpn client and I have several dockers accessing the outside world using that docker as a proxy.


    When I try to connect to https://emby.myddns.com, I get the default "Welcome to our server page". However, when I disconnect the VPN [i]on my desktop machine[/i] and try to access it from there, I get the login page as I would expect. If I reconnect the VPN, again, I simply get the default page again.


    Why would the VPN connection running on my desktop machine impact SWAG's forwarding of the connection to the server? I have confirmed that port 80 is forwarded to port 81 on my server (not 100% certain why I'd changed that originally, but all I've done is transfer my LE config files to the SWAG config directory, and it does work when the VPN connection is down).


    As soon as I posted the question, it decided to start working properly. I don't know if it took some time after adding the emby config file in (I'd missed doing that originally) and restarting the SWAG docker, or what, but now I'm getting my login prompt again.


    Now, to reset all my passwords because I'm sure nobody remembers theirs, it's been down a while.


  11. On 1/18/2021 at 5:04 PM, DontWorryScro said:



    Try navigating to the windows youd like to be your new default and then inside Krusader go to Window>Save Position




    Genius! This has been bugging me for months! I even went into the settings and told it to use the previous session and it didn't restore the selected directories. Thanks!

  12. 13 hours ago, falconexe said:


    I literally just went through this same issue after swapping my unassigned drives. What fixed it was a complete reboot of my UNRAID server and then clearing my browser cookies and restarting the dashboard. Try that and report back.

    I simply cleared cache and did a ctrl-F5 hard reload of the page.


    Too bad, I was getting some decent write speeds on that drive!





    • Haha 1
  13. Just updated from 1.4 to 1.5 to confirm that I'm still having this odd issue.


    I had replaced an older 4TB drive with a new 8TB drive, but left the old drive in the server when I booted it back up. Yes, this was a silly idea and I'm not sure why I did it, but I went ahead and added that drive to the Unassigned Drive(s) variable. I just upgraded a different 4TB to 8TB and removed both of the now unused 4TB drives (including the one that had been listed in Unassigned Drives).


    However, the dashboard, under both 1.4 and now 1.5 are showing a constant 301.07MB/s read rate on the Unassigned I/O graph. As I understand it, with no devices assigned to the Unassigned Drives variable, nothing should be showing here. What would you recommend I do to trouble shoot?





    The only customization I've done to my 1.5 install so far is to assign drives to the proper categories. I've yet to delete all the Plex stuff (I don't run it) or do any of my drive overrides to make nice names on the I/O and temp graphs.


    Thanks, once again, for all your efforts on this!

  14. I will say this: It seemed like a huge jump to go from unRAID v5.x to v6.x (and I was certainly very late to that party!) but it is really, really worth it!.


    If nothing else, with v6 you get notifications in the WebGUI (if you don't turn on email or push notifications) of OS updates, and it's a click and about 3-4 minutes for a near flawless update to the latest release version. If only these guys worked for Microsoft, Windows updates might not be such a pain!

  15. Of course, this is the Christmas season and it's entirely reasonable that @housewrecker has decided to take some well deserved (I'm sure) time off from developing this project, and, possibly, the internet itself, to spend some time not being a marriage wrecker (another assumption, I know).


    I hope we'll hear back in the next few weeks, as everyone's lives resume, and get some good news that an Emby version is in the works, but if not, well, I've lived without this thus far, and will continue to live without it in the future.

  16. I think this is all good, but it never hurts to double check:

          Raw_Read_Error_Rate =    80     100           44        ok          90993936
              Seek_Error_Rate =    73      68           45        ok          21274715
             Spin_Retry_Count =   100     100           97        near_thresh 0
             End-to-End_Error =   100     100           99        near_thresh 0
      Airflow_Temperature_Cel =    58      55           40        near_thresh 42
          Temperature_Celsius =    42      45            0        ok          42
       Hardware_ECC_Recovered =     6     100            0        near_thresh 90993936
     No SMART attributes are FAILING_NOW

    My only real concern is the Hardware ECC Recovered because I don't recall seeing that on drives previously. Does that look like an issue at all? I'd presume that the Raw_Value for that is somewhat meaningless...

  17. 6 hours ago, wgstarks said:

    The error shows that port 6080 is already in use. Is another docker using that port?

    You know, I read that and though, "that can't be the problem - this worked last time I used it and I haven't changed it at all!"


    binhex-krusader uses port 6080, and I rarely used it. I've got that docker running now though, so of course it's currently in use. I changed preclear to use 6081 and all is good

  18. On 10/22/2020 at 12:01 PM, cinereus said:

    I am getting the following when trying to start the Docker:


    Execution error

    Server error


    On 10/23/2020 at 7:39 AM, Squid said:

    Edit the container, make a change anywhere, then undo that change and hit apply.  The docker run command will appear that will tell you exactly why that's coming up.


    I, too, am getting that error. I made a change to the config, undid the change, then hit Apply. Here's what it's telling me:


    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-preclear' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'WEBPAGE_TITLE'='Preclear' -e 'VNC_PASSWORD'='' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='0' -e 'PGID'='0' -p '6080:6080/tcp' -v '/boot/config/disk.cfg':'/unraid/config/disk.cfg':'ro' -v '/boot/config/super.dat':'/unraid/config/super.dat':'ro' -v '/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini':'/unraid/emhttp/disks.ini':'ro' -v '/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd':'/unraid/mdcmd':'ro' -v '/dev/disk/by-id':'/unraid/disk/by-id':'ro' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-preclear':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-preclear'
    /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint binhex-preclear (cec6aaf9c6ccd771777e2f6eaf09640fe4eecfff58e1ae3b3300f231bd42c4ec): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
    The command failed.

    I'm up for any pointers, as I've a new 8TB drive I'm itching to throw into the array. :)


    I have CA set to automatically update all docker containers, and I tried to force an update, so I'm pretty sure I've got whatever the latest version of the docker container is. Since there's no real configuration to worry about, I'm happy to uninstall/reinstall if that's recommended.

  19. 2 hours ago, falconexe said:


    No you are not hallucinating. That is controlled by the Group By "Interval$" option within the query itself. Grouping by time will curve the edges. It is a nice feature to curve 0 values (nulls) into a graph without having a gap. You can add that group by to all, or remove it from all. I may have forgot to add it to that Day panel, but mine are all the same.


    Does that help?

    Well... sorta...

    For my (Day) query, where I've got the squared off graphs, I have this:

    SELECT last("used") FROM "disk" WHERE ("path" = '/mnt/user0' AND "host" =~ /^$Host$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)

    Note the group by ($__interval) (there are 2 underscores there)

    The (Week) query has:

    SELECT last("used") FROM "disk" WHERE ("path" = '/mnt/user0' AND "host" =~ /^$Host$/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval)

    with no underscores in it.


    I tried editing the (Day) query, but it automatically changes it back. If I edit in "text editor" mode, then hit "Apply", it applies the change, but makes no change in what I see. When I go back in to edit, it's still in text edit mode and still shows no underscores. As soon as I go back to "graphic" editor mode, it shows it with the 2 underscores.

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