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Everything posted by Timbiotic

  1. yeah i found that out, tried to delete this post. thanks though
  2. Will it still have the same file structure for my libraries or will this mess up sickbeard and plex etc... So would /mnt/disk1/Movies/Antman/Antman.mkv become /mnt/disk2/disk1/Movies/Antman/Antman.mkv or on the Share /user/unraid/disk1/Movies/Antman/Antman.mkv? Or do you move it back to a root drive when finished? Step missing? Or does this rsync somehow move the share and pointers ?
  3. I don't understand why a sub directory in step 2. In another wiki something similar is done when rsync'ing but no sub directory is called for. https://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Replacing_Multiple_Data_Drives_with_a_Single_Larger_Drive Can you explain the duplicate comment?
  4. I am on 6.1.9. I followed the upgrade procedure to go from 640gb to 3tb. When I checked I want to do this and started the array the webpage showed stopped upgrading disk. Now I cannot get to the url at all. Is it rebuilding? Can I check status via cli? Should I power down and put old drive back? Please advise
  5. Is there anyway i can force my local version to run? It says local version 4.1.17 in red. or will i need to go back to 6.1.8 of unraid until the site is up?
  6. Is there anything I can do with my local dns to point to an internal resource? Or can I make a site that holds it? I am on 6.1.9 now and can't get virtual box running, my local version is for older kernel. Or is there a way I can download and convert a rpm or Deb from virtual box myself?
  7. Well poop, I had it working great with the virtualbox plugin that appears to have been discontinued... scrambling to find replacement.
  8. Did you ever get this working i want to do the same thing
  9. I love your plugin but am now dead in the water because your site is down. Would it be possible to change the links so it will work when your site is down? I can host something, I just need to know what needs to be pointed and where to get it working again. Or maybe make an option to manually point to the location of the files?
  10. Did you have any luck? I have ova file (Cisco virtual WLC) I'd like to run in unraid and have been using the virtual box plugin until recently when the plugin died.
  11. I was hoping to have them both running concurrently so my sickbeard tasks continue while I set up the new one. Is there a full drive trial?
  12. Is vbox.a1aina.com down for anyone else? I upgraded unraid and rebooted and now the plugin isnt working and my virtualboxes are all dead :'(
  13. So I got some new servers at home to play with. Originally I thought I would go the FreeNAS route on one and VMWare on the other. I got this all setup and now I am worried about the always spinning disks on FreeNAS and the power consumption and drive failure because of that. So I am thinking I will leave my VMWare server up for the VMs I want but stick with UnRAID v6 as my main storage server for 7200 spindles (vmware is all 10k, and 15k). That is the background, now the new storage server is all SAS and much larger drives. I would like to migrate my current UnRAID server data to the new server as well as my license. Because the old ones are SATA i dont think i can just move the disks and thumbdrive. So I am looking for suggestions. I do not want to have to buy another copy of UnRAID, but I am thinking my only option is to create a new UnRAID server with the SAS drives and manually copy everything? Please advise...
  14. How do you do this? I installed the docker application from the community and i do not see any custom parameters. Nevermind i see advanced adds extra parameters option. Would simply putting this --cpuset-cpus="1,3" in that spot limit it to 2 of my four? Nevermind again, that did it, i only see my cpu at topping out around 50% total now so it must have worked. Might make it 1,2,3 and leave 4 open to prevent peg while maximizing everything else. I am curious if anyone else messed with this and found a sweet spot.
  15. /bump. Love this plugin but would love it to work with latest.
  16. can i download beta 12 anywhere i went from 10 nevermind just changed the 14b to a 12 from download site and it worked
  17. great info for the webgui to work but i am in same boat now. No compatible virtualbox. Might be time to learn docker
  18. Hey phaze, could you help get crashplan plugin working? I had it going fine until I updated to b14. Then it with all my phaze v1 plugins were blank in settings. Thankfully you had v2 but crashplan and virtual box are still dead. Here is the thread of the plugin most of is were using http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=31539.15 Not as urgent as I got it working from a suggestion from you for virtualbox but it still would be nice to have you behind these two plugins (virtualbox and crashplan) as you seem on top of things. I guess I can go the docker route but I like your native plugins better
  19. did you rename your config.php-example to config.php and edit it and point it at your unraid server? Also did you start the VBOXWEBSRV service? You also have to edit the config file manually and I had to change the location of VBOXWEBSRV log file as well as the VirtualBox symbolic link before installing.
  20. So i setup wamp and am trying to get phpvb pointed at my unraid. Any tips? I started everything, renamed config.php-example to config.php and then pointed the server to my unraid server but it says it cant connect to it on 18083. I started the service successfully on the unraid server. What now? Yeah i tested the port and it isnt listening on 18083 on my unraid server. The service says started but none of the paths i am using get created somethign aint right here.. update - fixed it not even sure exactly what i did wrong first time. Made sure all settings were right then reinstalled plg and it worked. Cool
  21. i think i am all set. reported defect and limetech walked me through fixing it. i think he also was able to see what it was set at as he said he has no idea why it was set that way b4
  22. I upgraded to 6 today and was able to get all my plugins going except the dynamix webGui. I am fine with that because the most critical reason i was using this was the DNS server. I can install dnsmasq manually, but before i reinvent the wheel, is there a dns server plugin for 6.0 already? Or can I use the dnynamix dns plugin without full dynamix?
  23. rebooted multiple times cleanly and it never came back. Reverted to 5.0.5 and everything is fine. Maybe missing promise driver in 6?
  24. After upgrading from 5.0.5 to latest 6 build i have two 640 wdc drives showing unformatted. please advise... pretty sure it has to do with this line: Sep 1 12:45:32 Buddha emhttp: shcmd (33): mkdir -p /mnt/disk3 Sep 1 12:45:32 Buddha emhttp: shcmd (34): set -o pipefail ; mount -t auto -o noatime,nodiratime /dev/md3 /mnt/disk3 |& logger Sep 1 12:45:32 Buddha logger: mount: unknown filesystem type 'promise_fasttrack_raid_member' Sep 1 12:45:32 Buddha emhttp: _shcmd: shcmd (34): exit status: 32 Sep 1 12:45:32 Buddha emhttp: mount error: 32 syslog.zip
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