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Everything posted by TimTaylor

  1. Tried to install this on a custom br0 network with ip Webinterface is not working, it gives error if i click something: Error code: 100 Message: Problem with connection to remote host. cURL error 0: .
  2. Thank you, worked out very well
  3. Will that new config kill any configuration? Or is there something i have to do with this? Never used new config.
  4. Hi there, i want to exchange a disk at my unraid server. But i dont understand what problem there is going on. I want to replace disk 3 with an new 20TB disk, if understand it right if have to set it to "no device" But then it says missing, if i now install the new disk and reboot, then add it to disk3 it says wrong? What am i missing here?
  5. i repaired the cache with that btrfs command, so its working again. I will have a look on it. Thank you for the help.
  6. i dont think its the ram, the nas was working for years without problems. and since 1 year on unraid. So i guess its the update it self. But i will try to repair ist like this.
  7. Im copying the whole data from the cache at this time with midnight commander, it runs since 2 hours now. It seems to be only sdc1 which is the cache drive. Can i reformat it or make it to a zfs drive (seems btrfs is crap, and the error comes back like i read in another post) and then copy the data back?
  8. I tried to revert to 6.11.5 but that didnt worked, so im back to 6.12.3. I cant start any docker any more, the cache drive seems to have errors cause of that 6.12 version and is now in read only mode. I really need help now. here are the actual diagnostic files: nas-diagnostics-20230802-1709.zip
  9. I dont get it. The only thing i see there is: If i do this:
  10. Actually i did revert do 6.11.5, now dockers are not starting anymore Im getting crazy with this
  11. Same problem with 6.12.2 and 6.12.3 ... my nas is now broken cause i cant get back to 6.11
  12. Edited: Because NGINX was not the problem
  13. Hello all, since yesterday suddenly the docker system of unraid is buggin garound. The Dockers are started but only partially accessible. I have already restarted Unraid last night, then it worked briefly and now again the same. I don't understand what the problem is all of a sudden. Anyone sees the problem here? Seems the cache drive have problems? nas-diagnostics-20230802-1321.zip
  14. How can i delete wrong entries in the list of folders? The plugin shows folders of fail2ban which are releated to another docker and not fail2ban for example.
  15. Hi there, i run a nextcloud docker and installed a OCR plugin. This plugin needs 2 things installed: run apt-get install ocrmypdf tesseract-ocr-deu How can i automate this on updates of this container? Thank you for help :)
  16. Actually i just see which packages are installed, but i dont see who need this packages really. So if i update it maybe break something to hell then ?
  17. is there a possibility to check what ressources of the nerdpack are used by the current unraid setup?
  18. Hi there, i want to ask about focalboard, there are no configs in the unraid menu for this docker. And it seems the database connection is missing. How to setup this?
  19. TimTaylor


    Danke erstmal für die Antworten Ok das heisst ich trenne die Wörter per Leerzeichen und irgendwann weiss Paperless dann, das die Dokumente dann in diesen Typ gehören?
  20. TimTaylor


    Hoi Zusammen, vielleicht kann mir jemand von euch kurz helfen und erklären warum die Dokumenten Typen nicht funktionieren. Ich habe das so verstanden das ich dort die entsprechenden Wörter eintrage und Paperless ordnet dann die Dokumenten-Typen zu. Verstehe ich das falsch?
  21. Ah hm that setting doesnt exists at my docker
  22. So u mounted the /data folder just in shared folder?
  23. i wonder how i can share the consume folder to the network. I just cant add a share with the path to it
  24. Hello together, I am brand new to Unraid and I would like to convert my NAS to Unraid. It is currently running Windows 11 Pro and I need to transfer some data. I have ordered a new 14 TB hard drive and would like to copy data from the Windows partition to it. Can Unraid read NTFS disks with "Unassigned Devices"? The other question then is, what is the fastest way to copy data to the array? Thank your for the help.
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