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Everything posted by DanielPT

  1. Hi JorgeB Thanks for the reply I have attached the logs kratos-diagnostics-20240919-1710.zip
  2. Okay How can i then do it? The data is not important But i want to have the cache drive looking like before so my dockers dont get confused? Thanks!
  3. HI all I have a pool of 2 Samsung SSDs. But i want to use the slot for a 18Tb drive. The pool is ONLY been used for downloads. Nothing critical. Can i in a easy way split the pool or deactivate the pool? I want it to be the cache drive like it is now but only with 1 disk Thanks!
  4. Wow! After i remove it from "post arguemnts" and put it in "additional parameters it worked! And i had to edit the permissions on the database But meny thanks! Another question i have. I have made a "config" path in my appdata folder. But it dosent seem to store anything? Is it all in the database? Thanks!
  5. Hmm okay just tryed the "-with-database" in post arguemnts but then it wont start
  6. Hi all I have tryed really hard to get this running. Im running out of ideas. Hopefully somebody got the same problem on github. https://github.com/tillsteinbach/VWsFriend/discussions/654#discussioncomment-10436066 But i have just ued the "Dockerhub" to get the containers. How can i "do" what she says fixed it for hear? Meny thanks! Regards Daniel
  7. Im also! Just tryed to install it from dockerhub but cant get it to work properply.
  8. Meny thanks for the time and good answer ! My server is connectet to my UDM SE with 10G. And i have 2 1G ethernet connectet to my 24p switch. So if the fiber card in the server blows up or fiber cable is broken. I like the idea that a backup line can be configured. Meaby i can get my Unify UDM to send me a notification if the 10G has gone down. But too bad that it cant be done with "almost" no down time
  9. Hi @MAM59 You sound like you know what you are doing Im into kind of the same place. I like to make a 10G SFP and a "Acitve-backup" with 1G. Is that even possible? So if my fiber is broken (10G) it will switch over to the 1G cable
  10. Nobody knows how to get this working?
  11. Or should i move all ip config to eth2 ?
  12. I just inserted a PCIe card for 10G sfp. It is linking fine and working. But i like the "active-backup" solutoin so if the fiber (10G) is down it switch to the 1G port. I have switched around the mac adresses so the "eth0" mac is on my 10G card. I looks like this: But when i deisable the 10G link I dosent failover to the 1G port. What am i doing wroung? Meny thanks!
  13. Hi all Just saw that a tracker says my connection is "closed" SOOO long ago i messed around with the wg0 config. I use OVPN. Just tryed crating a new port and config but then i get Warning: `/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible Is that a bad thing? Somebody have the "guide" how to portforward in OVPN? Thanks!
  14. Hi all Just saw this AWESOME project. Is it possible "someone" could make a container for this? Could be so cool! GitHub - larsfroelich/unifi-protect-bulk-download: Bulk video downloader for ubiquiti unifi protect video surveillance systems Regards Daniel
  15. Thank you very mutch! I tryed a reboot now it is gone Good day to you!
  16. HI I did just a scan with FCP I godt this - I cant figure out what it is? Can somebody help? Thanks! kratos-diagnostics-20240216-2054.zip
  17. Im so confused about this Si right now you dont update the repo with the lastes version? Only if we have the mini parametre? Sorry that i dont understand this
  18. Okay just so im sure. I wont get the latest version of duplicacy if i do not add the "mini" parameter?
  19. Oh sorry i dont quit understand this? What is web:mini? Is it no the full version like i run today? Why does it not just update with saspus/duplicacy-web ?
  20. Yea they are But when i restore with duplicacy it tryes to restore the owner Thats why i will like it to just be "nobody"
  21. Okay so I make an envoriment variable with DUPLICACY_WEB_VERSION And set it to 1.8.0 Is that stable version? 😊
  22. It is becurse my app data backup is going to that drive. And that is a problem when i restore that it is with root. I will like to do it with nobody 😊
  23. Am i looking the wroung place? Just did a "Check for updates" But no updates?
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