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Posts posted by kizer

  1. Just recently undervolted my 12volt front fans to 7volts. I just used one extension and daisy changed the 3 front fans off it.




    Why well more or less experimenting to see what it would do and I noticed during a parity check it ran about 5c warmer, but as well realized later I also under volted the rear fan, which I didn't mean to. Other than that its nearly silent in my configuration. Cpu said it was around 22C, which in normally idles around 19-20. I think the hottest fan was around 33 at this current time. Of course I'll have to check when summer hits because it would run a bit warmer in my house and I will adjust.



  2. Hi,


    I love using cache dirs, but I'm trying to track down an issue with my music steamer running on my unRaid server (Subsonic). When I add a new folder, it doesn't show up unless I reboot. I shouldn't need to do this. Its not the browser cache and since I rebuilt the search index for Subsonic and deleted the folderCache files it uses, I'm looking at other possibilities.


    Stopping and starting the cache_dirs script doesn't help. Is there a way to force cache_dirs to rescan? Are files left over that could be deleted?


    Many Thanks!


    I've not experienced what your experiencing with Subsonic. Sometimes I have an issue and I have to restart whatever browser I was using, but I've never had to reboot.

  3. UH, LOL


    WeeboTech I don't even know where to begin on my complaining about having stuff all over my office. LOL


    My reasoning for the Over sized U was so I had a large desk to work on.

    To my left would be a book shelf aka laptop tinkering shelf, charging station for my wifes iPad and iTouch

    To my right which is a wider surface space would be for working on machines opposed to throwing down cardboard on the ground and trying to be all anti-static  ;D


    Man I'm almost speachless and don't know what to even say seeing how much stuff you have in that room. LOL

  4. Nope actually all that is in there is a single PC aka server I use for doing some surfing and downloads, Router, Switch, Wifi Router and two old School Toaster style NAS's.




    I use hardly 1/4 of it. Tis why it must go from the house back out to the garage. I want my space back, but at the sametime I want to house 3 PC's in some kind of desk enclosure because well I'm tired of hand me down looking stuff and I want to clean up things a bit.

  5. I have a full size rack believe it or not in my office now. LOL


    I was thinking of racking mounting, but hanging high on a home made shelf would get it up and out of the way so you could stretch out your legs. Since I've had my rack in my office I can only think of a few times I actually had to pull the drawer out to service my PC.


    Of course I got the full rack for free otherwise I wouldn't be wasting its potential


  6. I found the Google Sketchup I started a while ago. This is what I was going to do first. I'm still throwing things up in the air because I want to place 3 machines.



    Over all work space is pretty large, but I want it that way so I have plenty of area to spread out as well to allow for my wife to run her business and when my boy plays room to do all his drawing.



    unRAID server to be under the window for no other reason than thats where its going to end up.



    A basic under the desk shot to give you an idea


    Of course there would have to be USB plugs everywhere and a few other goodies like a connection to my 26" Wall mounted monitor that I often use to watch movies aka my mini Man Cave.

  7. While this sounds like a cool project, I don't see much point.  Why not just design an opening large enough to accommodate the CM 590?


    Just trying to have some fun. In the end its probably exactly what I'm going to do since my requirements would require the opening size anyways. LOL


    I just saw things like this and thought man that is cool as well I found a lot that was well NOT COOL.







  8. I'm currently in the stages of building designing a rather large desk in my PC room/office and I would like to incorporate my unRAID build into it since I'm guessing unRAID will be part of my house for a long time. As well I have 2 other windows based machines that I use for day to day stuff. 1 is mine the other is sorta a guest machine/wifes machine.


    Basically I would like to decase my Cooler Master 590, but using the same layout of it and stuff it into a desk. Has anybody else done the same or have any good ideas? I figure tomorrow at work I would fire up Google Sketchup and do a mock up or 3 and go from there.


    I figured I would need the following:

    Proper Cooling

    Slide out Drawer to access internals

    Easy access to Drives so they can be swapped out and upgraded


    Anyways Ramble Ramble ;)

  9. Am I looking at the same case as you guys?




    Air enters from the front and is blown across the entire case. The air now is pulled out via the top fan and is pulled out via the PSU.


    I have the same case except my PSU is flipped per Cooler Masters directions so its not sucking air out of the case because the PSU already has an in/out via the opening at the bottom and felt cold in hot out. Also all of my openings I have sealed with a simple piece of paper to keep air from blowing out of the holes, which honestly I couldn't tell you one way or another if it makes a difference. There are large fan openings at the top of his case that you really cant see, but anyways.


    My CPU sits around 19C and my drives when on are around 25-30C.


    As long as his temps are OK and hes happy with it, its still a nice build and I need to take a lesson from him on cable management.  ;D

  10. I'm trying to setup my office/computer room so its as quiet as possible and well enjoyable, which soon there will be a complete remodel of a new wrap around desk and some other changes when I actually stop being lazy and get to it. I got a bit annoyed with the Blue Glowing lights so I took care of it.




    I didn't take any photos of what I did, but more or less I exposed the fans in front and used a sharp knife and cut each wire on the fan extending from the center to the LED in each corner.

  11. In order to ensure a faster review by other members it would be very helpful for all to append your thread titles with [sOLVED] when your questions have been answered to your satisfaction. For example you have the following topic.

    Drive error, which would become [sOLVED] Drive error.


    Just by doing this it would allow you to skip over [sOLVED] topics and get right to the ones that are still needing help. It by no means you can not continue to reply, but would ensure unsolved posts get faster attention.


    If you have questions or need help feel free to contact a moderator.

    Thank you



  12. I was then on a website and they kept talking about unRAID. I thought why would anybody name their software unRAID, when you want to raid your stuff for protection. Well I built a little test machine which was actually my regular desktop and I dropped in a few hard drives and attempted to get things up and running. Within 5minutes I was staring at a console and a webpage. That was to easy so I decided to preclear a few drives and the first one was a 6gig, followed by a 10gig then a 120gig. Got everything up and running with a few videos on the 6gig drive. I pulled the IDE cable and tried to watch the video on the share and sure enough it was still there. I was 1/2 sold until I turned off the machine and replugged in the drive and it rebuilt its self. Now I was really excited. I camped on the forum for a few weeks and found the wiki which gave me a piece by piece build out for my machine. I thought there is no way it can be that easy even with links to NewEgg so I could purchase. I decided to ask Rajahal a few stupid questions to see if what I was buying was actually right. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about and I went for it.


    OS: unRAID 6.4 Pro

    CPU: Xeon 1225-v3 Athlon x4 630 2.8GHz AMD was 2.7 GHz AMD Sempron 140

    Motherboard: AsRock Extreme 6 was BIOSTAR A760G M2+

    RAM: 16GB DDR3 8GB was 4 GB DDR2 800 RAM

    Case: Cooler Master 590

    Drive Cage: (3) ICY Dock Black Vortex was 2 Stock drive cages + added one COOLER MASTER STB-3T4-E3-GP 4-in-3 Device Module Hard disk Cage from NewEgg

    Power Supply: Corsair AX760 was Corsair 400W

    Sata Card: SuperMicro AOC-SASLP-MV8

    Cables: Locking Sata Cables, 3ware Serial Attached SCSI CBL-SFF8087OCF-05M, (2) Molex to 4 port Sata power extensionsInternal USB MotherBoard Adapter Cable

    Other: Cut the LED leds on the cage fans.


    Parity Drive: 4TB WD Green  was 2TB WD Green EARS "Jumpered"

    Data Drive Few WD Greens

    Cache Drive: Sandisk 240GB

    Total Capacity: 12 Drives


    Primary Use: Data Storage and streaming of Video and music across my Gigabit Network

    Likes: Super Quiet and appears to run really cool

    Dislikes: Swapping Drives is kinda a pain. I'm thinking of modding the Drive Cages some to make drive swapping easier

    ToDO: Other than adding additional drives I think I'm good to go. 




    I've since added two new drive bays with fans 1 was a stocker from Rajahal and the other was a CoolerMaster cage I bought off NewEgg and took off the front section that had the chrome strip to make it all fit behind the mesh screen and the SuperMicro Card, well I've purchased it, but its in a box and the cables are pre-installed.


    My internals aren't as pretty as most, but I'm wired up and zip tied up and ready to run 12 drives if/when I need to with a 2TB WD Green precleared and waiting to go online if/when needed.


    WJuDb.jpg6C3IZ.jpg JBkR1.jpg


    I've been asked how does it perform. So far I've been able to play/not Transcode (3) 720 Streams, (1) SD stream and do some file copying all at the same time without any noticeable performance hit.


    Normally with this configuration my CPU normally runs around 19-20C and my current drive line up they normally run from 25-30C. I'm not really sure about Temps during a pairity check since I'm normally asleep when it runs once a month. I've only had one drive failure and I believe it was due to a faulty cable, but I didn't take that chance. I threw in a fresh pre-cleared drive and restored. I've since pre-cleared the drive that I thought had a problem and its shown no indication of any failures. I'm guessing it could of been a loose power cable since I was in the case earlier that day.


    Yes as you can tell I do keep swaping out Sata Cables with different colors. I guess I like a little color in my box. LOL


    Big Thanks to Rajahal for pointing me in the right direction the entire time. From The CPU to the cables for the expansion card. If it wasn't for him I would of had to actually think for myself and honestly I'm sure that wouldn't of turned out very well.

  13. @sacretagent


    I was just looking at this thread again. Its nice to know that my office/computer room is just as messy as anybody else's that is a computer tinker. ;) Messy meaning I have the same parts boxes everywhere and I refuse to throw them away because I can store screws or something in them. LOL

  14. Joel L. I just recently purchased another 2GB stick for my machine for a total of 4GB. Would that allow for more Cachin'g of files or is there a set limit when it begins to over right newer reads over older reads? I'm guessing that the cache of files doesn't take up much memory, but was a bit intriqued enough to ask. ;)


    I personally picked up the extra memory because it was rather cheap and figured if I wanted to do more I would have the extra Ram.

  15. Stop it you guys before I get the bug to build another machine. LOL

    I like my Cooler Master 590, but they seem to be harder and harder to find. I really only wish that you could install the 4-3's without having to pull everything out to take out one drive, but I'm guessing that's just the way it is.






    •Accommodates up to eight 120mm fans for efficient cooling-Removable HDD rack provides for easy assembly

    •A fully meshed front panel provides superior airflow andmaximum cooling performance

    •Tool-free user-friendliness for quick maintenance and upgrade

    •The roomy interior allows for dual or triple graphics card setups

    •Convert three 5.25" drive bays into a HDD module for four 3.5" drives with a 120mm LED cooling fan

    •Cable Management holes for better cable routing and neatness

    •Bottom mounted power supply for improved cooling and ease of installation

    •Front I/O panel provides easy access to a variety of peripherals


    Buy from NewEgg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119152

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