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Posts posted by kizer

  1. Ran a Test Handbrake rip of a 1080p File via Handbrake.

    Pretty impressive numbers. Both Ripping to a SSD drive


    Current Build 2hrs 2min

    Xeon 54min


    I think I'm going to have fun with this machine when I get around to Transferring Hardware around.

  2. I just purchased a PowerEdge T20 myself with a Xeon E3-1225 I want to do some Bench Testing first before I do anything, but I'm considering gutting the case just to swap out the Motherboard and Processor into my current build. I already have a AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 so I wonder how easy of a transition its going to be. I figure pick up 4more GB of RAM and whatever other odds an ends to make it all work. 

  3. @jbrodriguez My son has decided he doesn't like your app. He was giving me some lip so I threatened to shut off Plex. *Click* Plex Docker was shut off from the comfort of my couch and no more videos for him off the Network. :D


    Would it be possible for ControlR to be updated and access the user script plugin so we could run custom user scripts from the app? Maybe even a on/off from within the app settings to connect to them for those who don't use custom user scripts?



    • Upvote 3
  4. This totally saved my Bacon.


    Dropped in a new Drive and did a rebuild to a larger Data disk, and the Plex Plugin started and and later I started my my Plex Docker. I totally forgot to disable/delete the Plex Plugin :o and went bonkers trying to figure out why my settings, libraries was all messed up and ended up nuking my image, nuking my install from the appdata folder and later realizing the plugin was running. :$ Initial testing I actually labeled my server with the plugin to Tower-Plugin, but must of re-installed it and forgot to change it back to Tower-Plugin. 


    1. Rebuilt the Image

    2. Copied over my Plex Database. So glad I redirected my Backup elswhere than just in the Cache folder

    3. Totally remembered I made a backup with this. Yahoooooowiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    4. Restarted everything and everybody was happy


    Man I can't tell you how much I'm grateful for this app and all the work you do @Squid

    I'll be throwing a little :x your way soon. 

  5. Is there any merit to run the settings as a % opposed to how many drives are up and spinning?  6 Drives installed and 3 spinning is the same as 50%

    Automatic really becomes automatic so we don't have to keep adjusting the amount of drives when we add or merge drives and let the system do what it does. 


    Just some Rambling food for thought before I give it a go sometime. 

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks guys. I'm just stumped why this Watcher Folder isn't working. cron says its running 17min after the hour, but the logs aren't showing any errors and my test file is still sitting in the folder. I mapped it when I set it up, but so far nada. Of course looking in cron.hourly there isn't anything in the folder to run. Lol Stupid HandBrake Logs. Lol


    After I possed the question to why I coudn't find inotify it dawned me it was in the container. Lol


    Typo when I run the code :$

    When I run it manually within the container with the following

    HandBrakeGLI -i /Movies/MovieTitlteHere.mkv -o /Output/Movie.TittleHere.mp4 Ipad

    I'm getting an Error 3 which looks to me like a permissions error. Hmmmm


    When I run convert.sh within the container I get

    chown: cannot access '/Output/MovieTitleHere.mp4' : No such file or directory


    Anybody throw me a Bone here to what I'm missing?

  7. When I attempt to run the convert.sh script I get the following error

    ls: cannot access '/nobody/.config/ghb/Watch-Folder': No such file or directory

    Yes I did set the path of "'/nobody/.config/ghb/Watch-Folder'" in my container to the following



    Also when I move a file into my Watch folder it well doesn't appear to do anything. I can run HandBrake from the GUI just not via the Watch folder or manually running the conver.sh file. 


    When I check the Nerdpack Plugin I don't see inotify installed so I wonder........ Then again inotify isn't listed in the Nerdpack either. 

  8. I personally use Ember from Kodi.tv's forum and use the command line option to scrape my movies, I use Media Info Plus in command line to scrape my Tv Shows. 

    Both of them are ran from my Windows Machine at 6AM every day and it takes I'd guess less than 90 seconds. 


    I know you meant something your server can all do, but that's how I've been doing what I've been doing forever. I'm more or less slowly gravitating towards Plex since it does it all, but until then its Business as usual at my house. 

  9. ...

    It's strange for the dry-run to get stuck, since it's not physically touching the files.


    I'm afraid I don't have many ideas about what could be the issue, do let me know if you find out more about it.


    kizer, actually, I just had a thought ... can you check the unBALANCE log on the server after a dry-run to see if it did complete ?


    Honestly I ended up just using unBALANCE to tell me what is the best drive to dump my files to and then I proceeded to use MC to move the files. Wasn't a big problem I was just trying to play around with script and be a bit lazy with my efforts. All worked out in the end thou. 


    If it does happen again I'll give that log a looksee thou.

  10. Wow I don't know how I missed what you just replied with. I just did the New Permissions script, but still locks up when I use the Dry Run option. Did fix the permissions error thou.


    Thanks for the Reply on my question even thou if I had of looked up a bit more I would of caught it, but didn't for some odd reason. Lol

  11. Ok if this has been answered somewhere I apologize. However I'm feeling rather dumb right now.


    There are some permission issues with the folders/files you want to move

    51 file(s)/folder(s) with an owner other than 'nobody'

    0 file(s)/folder(s) with a group other than 'users'

    0 folder(s) with a permission other than 'drwxrwxrwx'

    0 files(s) with a permission other than '-rw-rw-rw-' or '-r--r--r--'

    You can find more details about which files have issues in the log file (/boot/logs/unbalance.log)

    At this point, you can move the folders/files if you want, but be advised that it can cause errors in the operation

    You are STRONGLY suggested to install the Fix Common Problems plugin, then run the Docker Safe New Permissions command


    I do have the Fix Common Problems plugin installed as well. What exactly am I trying to do here. Lol

    I'm trying to move a <Movie> Share


    I did figure out I have some files that are [nobody] and some are [cj]

    cj is my machine that I normally upload files to the server from.




    Went in and simply chown -R nobody * and it removed the errors, but when I run a dry run it seems to keep getting stuck on the same folder. Not sure why as of yet,but I have progress. ;)


    Folder name has a & I wonder if that's what freezing up the simulated move. I'll give it an edit and see if that fixes it.

    Nope. Still wont pass this particular folder. I'll keep doing some testing and possibly just remove the folder all together and keep tinkering.

  12. I simply moved all data off one disk, formatted to XFS and then kept leap frogging all my data around until every disk was empty so I could format to XFS. It certainly took a while, but got it done eventually.


    I personally would certainly get your drive backup before I did anything. When you rebuild your drive its going to build bit by bit back to your reiser disk so your going to have to reformat it after the fact when your data is backup and moved.


    If your new disk is going to be a 4TB you have plenty of room to shuffle your files around based on the amount of free space you have.

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