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Posts posted by kizer

  1. I've automated some ripping of movies from HD to SD so I have 2 Libaries in my Plex server. One for the Big screen and the other for mobile devices. I don't like spaces in my file names so I devised a way to do some renaming prior to running through HandBrake and I wanted to create a folder for each file after ripping simply because I want a folder for each for my personal reasons. Took me a while to figure things out, but here is two little snippets of each. 



    cd /SOURCE/
    for f in *\ *; do mv "$f" "${f// /.}"; done

    FolderfromFilename. Create folder from file name. Does not like spaces. Tis why I use above. ;-)

    #Create Folder from name and move to final location. File types editable below
    for FILE in `ls /SOURCE/ | egrep "mkv|mp4"`
    DIR=`echo $FILE | rev | cut -f 2- -d '.' | rev`


    Obviously do some trial and error on some test files just to be sure. 😁


  2. Personally and I do mean personally this is how I do my setup. I created a Cache Only user share called (HandBrake)

    /Handbrake/watch > /mnt/cache/Handbrake/watch

    /Handbrake/output > /mnt/cache/Handbrake/output 

    /Handbrake/storage > /mnt/cache/Handbrake/storage -------- I only put files I'm considering to convert soon here opposed to my entire system. Or a script will pull one at a time from here 

    /config > /mnt/cache/system/appdata/Handbrake


    Also within that (Handbrake) share I've created a few other folders for some scripts I've written, but I find that creating a Cache Only share lets me tinker around without worrying about spooling up the discs and keeps my system from going a little bonkers and I want to keep HandBrake sand-boxed so it doesn't have free reign over my system


    @Jorgen I think I was reading that unRAID 6.4 or maybe its soon after that does away with user0. I only mention that because I see you've mapped it. 


    Looks like you already know. Saw your reply in 6.4

  3. 4 hours ago, saarg said:


    No need to use any converter. Just install the drive and add the above device tag that @Djoss wrote and you should have the drive in makemkv.

    Only thinking of using a USB to SATA so I could use externally since I don't have any bays left to slide in a drive. ;-)

  4. This is something I cobbled together that I run twice a day since I have 150+ Movies to convert. Basically I have an HD for my Large Tv and SD versions for the iPads and whatnot. 

    Basically it looks in a folder and grabs the oldest movie folder because my youngest son is giving me grief that a lot of his favorite movies haven't been ripped yet. lol

    I launch this from user.scripts. I'm sure somebody could come with something more elegant, but it works for me as of now. All folders and files have had spaces ripped from them simply because I hate spaces in Linux, but that is something else I can share if needed/wanted. :D


    #Copy to HandBrake based on oldest Movie
    #Find oldest Movie
    traveldump="`ls -t /mnt/user/filedump/ | tail -n 1`"
    #echo below not needed, but only so I can see it running from user.scripts popup window
    echo Movie to Process $traveldump
    #Copy Oldest Movie Media Files and then delete the source
    #Copy MKV MP4 AVI to HandBrake Folder add any other file types as wanted
    for FILE in `ls /mnt/user/filedump/$traveldump | egrep "mkv|mp4|avi"`
    cp /mnt/user/filedump/$traveldump/$FILE /mnt/cache/HandBrake/dump/
    rm /mnt/user/filedump/$traveldump/*
    rmdir /mnt/user/filedump/$traveldump/

    traveldump is just a variable to give unRAID something to pick as well all locations are my locations that I failed to edit/remove out of laziness to post up here. 

  5. 44 minutes ago, Djoss said:

    Since '/mnt/user' contains all the shares, I thought it was a good and safe starting point.  Isn't the case?


    Well yeah it does. Lol

    Oddly I was thinking you was hitting /mnt/disk 


    I wouldn't say its a bad mount point just seems wide open, but now that I really think about it, its not technically wrong. 

    I just like to compartmentalize my stuff. Things that need converting and so forth use a Share just to keep the things that don't need converting or whatever is going on protected from possible mishaps. 

  6. Id personally change /storage aka /mnt/user/ to a share opposed to the entire machine. 

    For instance in my machine it would of been something like /mnt/cache/files/ 


    Just make sure your pointing at something like a disk share or user share that has read/write permissions and you should be fine. 

  7. 23 hours ago, megna22 said:

    I like this convert to MKV docker. I was just wondering if their was an option to change the output folder and what do I have to change to have it output the converted file into a different folder? Dumb it down cause I am new at this. :)


    I tried tweaking this once or twice trying to edit the config file so I could pick the input and the output folders, but I haven't had any luck as of yet myself. 

  8. I personally assigned 25GB to my image and I was very careful with my mapping to make sure everything pointed to:

    folder for data - /mnt/cache/docker-name-here  now that I think of it I should of created a folder /mnt/cache/dockerdata/docker-name-here lol 

    for configuration files - /mnt/cache/system/appdata/docker-name-here        


    I think I have roughly 10 dockers installed, but I only have 5 that are currently running/active.


    Exactly what I followed and I've used it on every Docker so far and Haven't noticed my Image grow at all.  Just make sure you enable Advanced Settings and plug it into the Text Box. 


    --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1

    Specifying the max size without the max-file won't actually do anything because all its going to do is archive the old logs and recreate another.  Specifying max-file will delete any old logs.


  10. 57 minutes ago, Squid said:

    In the meantime, I can offer you up this:


    https://rawgit.com/Squidly271/AppsThread/master/forumpost0.html  which I banged together as a quick and dirty replacement for the All Apps thread.  Looks like crap, but it does have everything there.


    But I only really update it around once a month.


    My Eyes. My Eyes..... Lol


    Thanks. Now I can search for things. :D


    Yep now I found "Custom Tab" Which I wanted to install, but for the life of me couldn't remember the name and since I'm at work and all. lol


  11. I know its a bizarre reqyest, but sometimes when I'm not home I find myself wanting to look up and see if there is a Docker available or a Plugin available and have to remote home and then bounce over to my server. It would be so nice to see a online aka not only on our machines CA Community Applications site. :D Basically a Place to do some Windows Shoppnig as well showcase to everybody who might be interested to see everything unRAID and Dockers/Plugins currently support. 


    I know I know its a lot of work, but just sounded like a decent idea. 

  12. @puddleglum I'd look at your Handbrake log it may give you some clues to why Its not working. 

    Did you make sure to set your Output folder to R/W opposed to just R/O in your Template settings? I know that has been a problem for some in the past. As well if your planning on having it delete the source after conversion you have to make sure that path is set to R/W as well. 

  13. Copy, Move, Rename things of the sort. Nothing fancy... Worst case we can supply a Mapped Volume pointing at whatever scripts we would like to run. 


    I used to use this a while back to Notify me when I Moved some files and had to use some sloppy code to make it work, but it did. I haven't test ran this to make sure everything fully runs, but its a quick jot down of an idea. 




    #Edit your Source/Destination here



    #Just a way to get a listing

    MovieConvert="`ls -t /$Source | tail -n 1`"


    #Move the Files to its final Home

    mv $Source/$MovieConvert $Destination

    #Tell the world via the Notify Script which will push it to Prowl

    /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Just Converted" -d "Just Converted $MovieConvert" -i "normal" -m "Just Converted $MovieConvert"

  14. Is it possible to include a when HandBrake is done with a Conversion or all conversions run a script? Possibly a fill in a path to a script in a the Docker Template?

    I have a few process I normally run after converting a file and currently I have it setup to run several hours afterwards just to make sure there is no conflict with HandBrake doing its thing. However if HandBrake triggered the script I don't have to worry about setting up any delays. 


    Of course if its pushing outside the relm or scope of what we are doing here I completely understand the reason if the answer is NO. ;-) 

  15. When your support post has been solved please edit your title post with (SOLVED) to let others know your issue has been resolved. For Example. 


    Drive unresponsive ---> (SOLVED) Drive unresponsive


    As well if somebody just happens to have the same problem and does a search or sees it they might be inclined to see what was done to trouble shoot the problem so they might solve it the same way. 


    Obviously if its a problem is still in progress and your still troubleshooting do not edit your topic. :D

    • Like 1
  16. @Jorgen


    Do you have your Watch Folder set to Read/Write or Read Only in your Docker Template?

    I ask because mine seems to delete the original when its complete when ripping movies so far. 

    I haven't tried multiple files yet. I'll give that a go soon and report back.


    The only time I've seen any weird glitches is when I had a file name with spaces in it. I'll retest some of those later as well. 

    Just tested the following




    Worked perfectly





    Worked Perfectly

    The Big Bang Theory-s01e01.avi

    The Big Bang Theory-s01e02.avi

    The Big Bang Theory-s01e03.avi


    Not sure if it makes a difference, but I have not been starting/stopping the Docker. I have had it running and I just drop files into the Watch folder. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Djoss said:


    Sorry about that.  The method I used worked for transfers done within the container, but not for ones done outside.  I pushed another update.  Hope it's good now.


    All good Now I'm seeing this instead. Not an error, but its doing it Every 5 seconds. Lol I suppose it doesn't really matter because its a lot better than Red Text... Eeeekkkkk. I'm planning on using --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1 to keep my log files from blowing up which I normally do on every Docker.


    Thank you for all your attention on this.  


    Waiting 5 seconds before processing '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv'...
    watchFolder: Skipping file '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv': currently being copied.
    watchFolder: Watch folder processing terminated.
    watchFolder: Watch folder: New file(s) detected!
    watchFolder: Processing watch folder...
    Waiting 5 seconds before processing '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv'...
    watchFolder: Skipping file '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv': currently being copied.
    watchFolder: Watch folder processing terminated.
    watchFolder: Skipping file '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv': currently being copied.
    watchFolder: Watch folder processing terminated.
    watchFolder: Watch folder: New file(s) detected!
    watchFolder: Processing watch folder...
    Waiting 5 seconds before processing '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv'...
    watchFolder: Skipping file '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv': currently being copied.
    watchFolder: Watch folder processing terminated.
    watchFolder: Watch folder: New file(s) detected!
    watchFolder: Processing watch folder...
    Waiting 5 seconds before processing '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv'...
    watchFolder: Watch folder: New file(s) detected!
    watchFolder: Processing watch folder...
    Waiting 5 seconds before processing '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv'...
    watchFolder: Starting conversion of '/watch/Hidden.Figures.mkv' (d87849f292d0591af50f0c5ec1f3292a)..

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