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Posts posted by kizer

  1. Yep totally figured it was that. 4TB in 1.65 hours or whatever the true time was is insane lol. 


    - Notifications for start/stop - check

    - Over Heat Check - check

    - Appears to work with Mover Tuner - check

    - Configurable Start/Stop - check


    Possible ideas maybe and I’m totally just chucking them out there:

    - CPU idle begin check between specific times/dates

    - History Logs like you mentioned 

    - Pause/Resume if a specific Process is triggered/stopped. Handbrake or whatever 

    - Stop/Resume Dockers while running 


    Ramble Ramle I think anything you add is Icing on the Cake and I’m a completely satisfied user. 


  2. I just logged in and saw this on my Browser. If this isn’t an in your Face Heads up I don’t know what is. Lol. 


    I think with your suggested pull and/or just this I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t be satisfying to a user. I did as well get a Prowl and email notification too. I am testing every option excluding the Temp on the drives. 


  3. 2 hours ago, itimpi said:

    That is why I submitted as a ‘pull’ request to the Limetech wegui github repository rather than getting the plugin to try and patch the relevant file.    Doing it that was as long as ‘pull’ request is accepted by Limetech it will automatically be incorporated into the next Unraid build.


    Sorry I knew what you meant and should of responded as such. I personally agree with your thinking. 



    Day 2 and now I’m getting a 87% Parity up from yesterday’s 42% Completion. Things seem to be working just fine with the Monthly Parity Schedule and the Tuner installed. 

  4. Honestly I’m not 100% sure what I’d recommend. I almost did a reboot and if it hadn’t been I just happened to check my phone because I use Prowl to tell me things I wouldn’t of caught the Parity Check paused 42% mention. Just slipped my mind. Normally my Check begins at 12AM and finishes around 2PM. So I automatically know not to do anything until around 3PM on the 1st. 


    What you gave us already solves a pretty big problem as it is and honestly I hardly ever reboot unless I’m making a system change and I normally reserve those for end of Month so they Parity Check can catch things. 


    I guess the worst maybe a check if an accidental reboot happens if that’s even possible or something or maybe nothing at all. We cant always have our cake eat it too. Lol 

  5. Looks like last night Parity started and as expected at 6AM I received a notification saying Parity has been paused at 42%.


    Could there be an indicator or something you can click that says "Current Parity Completion %." on the Plugin?

    Just wanted something visual just encase I wasn't running Send Notifications.

    Ah I totally forgot you can click on Array Operation if your running Tab'd View and see the current Completion.

  6. I've pretty much implemented everything you've added to try it. I'm not concerned about the cooling at all, but I know some are and I'll tinker with that sometime. The Way my CoolerMaster 590 is setup with Fans I'd be very reluctant to think it would ever heat up. 


    I think this Plugin you put together is pretty awesome honestly. I'm sure a lot of people will get a lot of use out of it as Drives get larger and are Hoarding keeps happening. :D I only see a 13-14 Hour Parity Check on my end, but I'm sure people probably go days. 


    I'll let you know after the first couple days of next month to see what I see. Notifications and all. I'm letting this go Automatic. 


  7. Just tried to access the dockers on my phone and its saying I don't have any dockers.

    I logged into the GUI and went into settings and well I can't seem to enable/disable dockers/VM's.


    READ:User can see the docker/vm, but actions are disabled
    WRITE:User can edit/remove the docker/vm
    EXEC:User can start/stop the docker/vm

    Choosing any of the permissions will make the app visible in the ControlR app

    No dockers/vms are available


    I'm running newest Plugin v2019.03.28 and I have Plenty of Dockers installed.

  8. Did the Update and I see lots of new changes. 😀


    What I don't see working:

    • When I click on the support under your installed plugin in list of installed Plugins. it takes me to. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/70783-plugin-mover-tuning/ @Squid you trying to mooch on his gig? lol
    • I don't see a PayPal Button yes I looked. I'm using FireFox unless Its a Browser thing?
    • Also I have a Broken Image for your Plugin in the Plugin list.


    I also noticed after the update it disabled the Plugin. Unless that is a supposed to happen thing?


  9. I have two machines backing up to Time Machine using 6.7.0 RC5 just fine. 

    Make sure you start a Brand new backup and share with the above settings and it "should work". There are several reports of people attempting to change settings after the first backup and it's failing. 


    I basically have two shares on the same drive. 

    TimeMachineLaptop set at 300GB

    TimeMachineDesktop set at 1TB


    I used the above settings and simply pointed each machine to its own Share and let it go. Its been going pretty smoothly for at least 5days. 


  10. Not sure why, but the image for the Plugin isn't loading in my install. Not sure if its a glitch on my end or simply a missing image. I'm aware you don't click on it because you go into settings and use the schedule feature, but just thought it was kinda odd. 




  11. 13 minutes ago, Marino said:

    Is it possible to pause pause the parity check when the disks are getting hot? Best case fans are not working well when the room is too hot (summer).


    And is it possible to implement a button on the main page to do a partial parity check on demand? My server only runs when needed and sometimes only 1h a day or less


    Nice feature btw! :)


    In this case I would run Parity when its at the coolest part of the day. Maybe early hours of the morning. I know here where I live its normally the coolest time of the day just before Sunrise. You could set your server up to run a couple of hours for a few days at that time frame.

  12. @jonp


    Nice Video. Sounds like a bunch of old Buddies just chatting it up.

    You guys did a really good job of talking about unRAID and it speaks volumes to those who have never experienced what unRAID really is and how simple and how "Nuts" you would be if you don't at least give it a try. 😀


    Wow I just realized I've been using it for nearly 9years. Wow time really does fly.

    • Like 2
  13. Since I've updated to 6.6.7 or even before this doesn't seem to index my files anymore. I installed the latest from CA and even installed the Beta from up above several posts. When I launch the Script I've spun up all my drives and literally watched all my drives. They never seem to get read and when they do spin down check a share which in my case would be TV and Movies which I have set as my Includes and all my drives spin up that should of been indexed. 


    Yes I've even used the help and changed the two settings that say read me if your drives spin up.

  14. Just now, Squid said:

    Technically it already does via the USB backup part.


    Ok now I feel kinda dumb. Lol

    I'm at sick at home with a Fever playing on unraid.net lol 


    I think I should go back to bed. Thanks @Squid for all the awesome stuff you do. 

  15. @Squid


    Would be nice to have some code or maybe a built in function of the Plugin to backup/restore all scripts. I've massed several of them and well it would really be disappointing if I messed up and lost them all. Maybe part of the Backup/Restore Plugin we all love. 😀Yes I know they are originally saved on the Flash Drive, but you always do things so much more Elegant. 


    Just in case your board and have nothing else to work on. Lol

  16. This looks really interesting.


    Just some questions simply because I want to be first. Lol


    How does it react if you write data to your array every day when it resumes? I'm guessing as long as the data is written to the parity drive and the target drives it doesn't matter.


    Also does this send the same ques to https://forums.unraid.net/topic/70783-plugin-mover-tuning/

    to let it know not to fire off the Mover or should the user simply make sure their schedule is set other than when the periodic mover is running?


    Also could this be ran in stead of the monthly?


  17. On 1/17/2019 at 2:24 AM, nuhll said:

    Is it correct set up?


    check every hour if >80%, then move. (could that be added to make it every half an hour? Maybe a custom cron tab?)


    and force every day 23:55 ?




    Unless your wanting it to run during a Parity check I would change the yes to no on Lines 3 and 6


    Otherwise it looks like your having it run no matter what when it hits 80% of Capacity and as well every day at 23:55.


    If that's your plan I don't honestly see any mistakes.

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