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Posts posted by kizer

  1. You could use the (unBalance Plugin) *Scatter* and make sure you go into settings and set the Reserved Space Threshold if you can figure that out effectively.


    How effective is it going to be exactly? I can't say for sure as a true balancing, but its a start I guess. ;)


    Personally I set a 10GB or so threshold on all my drives and let unRAID fill up my drives however it wants as long as files are grouped together and not spanned across multiple drives when I need to access specific data.

  2. I have all mine goto a Cache/SSD drive. No spin ups required. 😃


    I have a few shares







    When ever I rip a movie or tv show I always send it to my (Upload) share. Then unraid via user scripts checks that upload folder and rips thru handbrake and a few other processes and then it places it in outgoing folder which FileBot looks at and then renames things and places it either in a (TV) or (Movie) share. Mover runs in the AM when my Plex Docker spools up to check my drives for new stuff moves the files onto the Protected Array off the SSD drive. 


    My scripts run every 30 minutes so I don't have to Babysit, but the final drop to my Array/Spinner drives are at 6AM along with Plex. 

  3. Not sure why, but after I updated my server to a newer version of OS and  updated Medusa when I goto add a new show the drop down for Language isn't available right when your attempting to do a search and I'm not able to search for a new show. Anybody else seeing this and is there a way to fix this? I have no intentions of changing the Language, but it seems to be missing and when I click next or Add Show it acts as if there is nothing to search for since it never performed a search. 


    I oringinally deleted the Docker and re-installed it which appeared to fix it, but I had to go thru the task of adding back shows, which takes forever. Now all of the sudden its doing it again. The only thing I changed was enabling the Post Processing, but I've restarted the docker, and lord knows what else attempting to figure out why I can't add more shows. 







    I switched to Safari and it works just fine. Now I'm really confused. I tried to use Chrome and IE 11 and it wouldn't allow me to search/add new shows. 

  4. 10 hours ago, jbrodriguez said:


    I'd say you have SSL set to auto.


    If that's the case, what happens is:

    - unRAID creates a self-signed certificate to enable https access on the server

    - unRAID redirects http to https internally


    So you can access unRAID stock gui via http and have no issues.


    This may have changed in later releases, but I haven't had the time to fully check it yet.


    What happens on the plugin side is:

    - unBALANCE detects the SSL set to auto, and the presence of the self-signed certificate

    - unBALANCE listens on https instead of http


    Since you're now connecting to an https endpoint with a self-signed certificate, the browser raises the warnings.


    Exactly what it was. Found the SSL="auto" in my ident.conf file. 

    Set it to "no" and it works just fine. 

  5. 4 hours ago, jbrodriguez said:


     I misread you then. Although AnnabellaRenee87 did manage to get it working.


    Do you have a bookmark to the plugin ? 


    If you do the same, change http to https, does it work ?


    Weird. I changed it to https:// and

    Chrome threw up a bunch are you sure warnings, but it seems to work.

    IE basically said. Page not found. So weird. I had zero issues running this a couple of weeks ago. At least there is a work around for now, but this is kinda odd. 



  6. I was having issues on 6.5.2-rc2 before I even updated to 6.5.3-rc2


    I just happened to need it today and figured it might of needed a system reboot or an update to the plugin did it. Not a 100%, but figured I'd mention it. 

  7. I'm getting a Page not Found all of the sudden when I click on the link Open Web UI ( v5.2.1 )

    Mine points to which is my servers IP and the port defaulted in the settings. 


    I don't see anything odd in the system log. 



    Updating to the latest OS release then I'll follow up just in case I needed a Reboot or something. 



    6.5.3-rc2 and I'm still seeing the can not connect message. Basically Page not found



  8. Totally get it. I personally just use my PiHole Docker to serve everything else on my Network. Aka all of my other devices. 

    My unRAID machine just routes straight thru and I did that to insure if any list ever gets changed that anything running on my unRAID machine never gets blocked. I thought at one time that docker updates was being blocked until I remembered I'm not using PiHole for DNS routing for my unRAID machine. :$

  9. 1 minute ago, RonUSMC said:

    I installed this no problem. The only thing I had to check was the 'enable requests from all interfaces' to get it to work.


    This is a long shot, but does anyone have both this docker and plex docker running concurrently? Now Plex won't search metadata or make matches. I am trying to watch the log, but the damn thing goes so fast I can't see any blocks. It does ask for dns to plex.tv but those are all fine. Not sure which ones its blocking that is stopping Plex from updating.


    Yep I however do not have my unRAID using my pilhole for its DNS. Just in case you are. 

    • Like 1
  10. I got a message stating that my Parity Check started this AM and I thought well I better shut off my regularly scheduled scripts. 

    I double checked my scripts and realized they are not running and realized I used #noParity=true on all of them and never had a chance to really tested it. Well Test complete and everything seems to be delayed like I wanted them to be. Thanks @Squid  :D

  11. On 4/20/2018 at 8:06 PM, InfInIty said:

    My apologies if I missed my answer somwhere in this post.


    I want to set this container up to run headless and run the AMC script. It can watch the input folder, run the amc script to the output folder.


    I loaded this through the community apps plugin, and unfortunatly cannot get to the GUI, all though its really not needed if the way i want to run this is possible.

    Anyone with some tips on how to get this setup like that would be greatly appreciated.


    Edit the files in your FileBot folder. 


    # Run the UI in addition to the normal non-interactive behavior. The UI uses about 460MB of RAM, as opposed to about
    # 20MB of RAM. On my machine it uses .33% CPU instead of .03% CPU.
    RUN_UI=no    <------- change this to yes if you want to use the GUI. I personally don't. I just drop my files in the watcher folder and forget about them. 



    To change the way your files are outputted when they are moved to your outgoing folder


    Just in case you get confused to where these files are mine are in the following location.



  12. On 4/7/2018 at 10:29 AM, rxnelson said:

    Is anyone using the Plex docker from Plex themselves and able to use this?  I think I have it set up correctly but it appears to be just writing to the docker.img instead of /tmp.  


    I have /transcode<-->/tmp set up in the docker and /transcode as the temp directory in the Plex application.  However, no files appear to ever be written to this directory but the docker image seems to be "modified" every minute a movie is playing.  Additionally if a movie plays long enough I get warnings that the docker image is taking up more and more space.


    Does the "official" Plex docker not obey the settings or have I done something silly?


    I"m running the Offical Plex Docker. 

    I just changed the /transcode location in my Docker Template

    from /mnt/cache/system/appdata/transcode

    to /tmp 

  13. I was hoping somebody could lend me a hand with a little code. 

    I currently drop all my files into a folder and let a script move them around. However I want to put a little logic into it and came up with two things, but I'm having issues combining them. 


    for instance I want to have it search for files/folders that are older than a specific time and move which I figured out. 

    find /Source/* -maxdepth 1 -mmin +5 -exec mv {} /Destination/ \;


    I also want to search for folders with this particular string in it. Because typing out the same code for each Season 1 by one can get really long

    mv /Source/*S{01..50}* /Destination/


    I attempted to do some Hair Brained combining but it doesn't work. Always results in an empty search

    find /SOURCE/* -iname "*s{01..50}*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 -exec mv {} /Destination/ \;


    Basically what I'm attempting to accomplish is moving TV shows I have in folders from one folder to another, but I'm trying to make sure they are at least 5minutes old so there is no confusion to the script I wrote so its not moving files that are in progress of being written from one location to another before performing some other steps. I also want to make sure they are TV Shows and since things like Plex and XBMC aka Kodi use Some.Show-S01E01.mp4 for their naming convention which I've adhered to. 


    I can get things to work if I use the following, but honestly I was hoping for a work around. 

    find /mnt/user/uploads/blah/* -iname "*s01*e*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 mv {} /Destination/ \;

    find /mnt/user/uploads/blah/* -iname "*s02*e*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 mv {} /Destination/ \;








    find /mnt/user/uploads/blah/* -iname "*s99*e*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 mv {} /Destination/ \;






    I think I found a little work around using FileBot to achieve what I'm trying to do.  xD

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