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Posts posted by kizer

  1. 54 minutes ago, Djoss said:

    @kizer, I updated the container.  Now files should not be processed while they are transferred :) 


    Just gave it a try and this is what its spitting out why I'm copying a file over to the watcher folder. Still seems to rip, but this is what it says during the copy. 


    [matroska,webm @ 0x556a5a3f3260] Read error at pos. 2659571456 (0x9e85d700)
    [matroska,webm @ 0x556a5a3f3260] Read error at pos. 143664603 (0x89025db)
    [matroska,webm @ 0x556a5a3f3260] Read error at pos. 143664603 (0x89025db)
    [matroska,webm @ 0x556a5a3f3260] Read error at pos. 704643255 (0x2a0000b7)
    [matroska,webm @ 0x556a5a3f3260] Read error at pos. 1040199229 (0x3e002e3d)
    [matroska,webm @ 0x556a5a3f3260] Read error at pos. 1040199229 (0x3e002e3d)



  2. 44 minutes ago, Djoss said:

    I guess the /output and /watch folders are mapped to different folders on the host?


    Yes they are to different folders. I'll try and recreate the same situation soon and pay attention more to the log files to see if anything stands out as obvious. 


    Watch Folder =  /mnt/cache/Handbrake/dump

    Output Folder =  /mnt/cache/zzzzzzzz


    Your very welcome for the Feedback. Nothing stands out as bad just figured honest/constructive info is always good to share.

  3. Just gave this a go. Couple Observations/Comments


    1. Gui Looks pretty sharp

    2. I really like the settings in the Template vs trying to hack around in the HandBrake.conf file

    3. I like the idea that I can create a preset in the GUI and call it out in the Settings without having to attempt to save it, edit the Handbrake.conf file and it works too. :D

    4. Thank you for adding the option to delete from the Watcher folder. I normally put my copies of originals there so I don't mind if it disappears

    5. When I tried to do a Test I used a file like so with the following settings.  

    -- Do not delete the original

    -- Using a Custom Preset

    -- Using the Watcher Folder

    -- "The Watchers S1E05.mp4" and I noticed it ripped the file, but then it erased the file from /Output and attempted to Re-rip the file so I stopped it. I can only guess its because the file had a space. I didn't catch anything error wise in my HandBrake Log

    -- I can only imagine if I had of set Delete Original it would of worked just fine, but just wanted to point that out. 

    6. I drug a file to the /Watcher folder and while it was copying I noticed several error messages saying it couldn't read the file as it was copying over in the log. I wanted to say. "Duh, can you wait a few minutes and let it finish first? lol I know Coppit's Handbrake Docker had a "Waiting for Watch Folder Stabilization message, will re-attempt in 10 seconds"  Not a big deal most of use might ignore this error message since once things are running smoothly in our day to day operations. 

  4. @Jorgen


    Thanks. I'll give that a try soon. Totally makes sense in what your saying. 


    Knowing how picky Linux is I've always tried to keep things space proof so I'll just keep it simple and leave out spaces or do my favorite. this_is_how_I_use_spaces or this.is.how.I.use.spaces. 



    I'm getting this when I run it via the Watcher. My custom file is in the same folder with the Handbrake.conf file in the /appdata/system/Handbrake/


    152 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 19
    [10:25:28] hb_init: starting libhb thread
    [10:25:28] thread 2b701f772700 started ("libhb")
    unknown option (--import-preset-file)




    Found the little mistake that was messing me up. the import and preset was swapped. Not a big deal you had me on the right direction and a little GoogleFu fixed it right up. :)



    HANDBRAKE_COMMAND='HandBrakeCLI --import-preset-file /config/mycustompreset.json -i "$SRCDIR/$SUBDIR/$FILENAME" -o "$DESTDIR/$SUBDIR/$BASE.mp4" --preset "mycustompreset"'


    HANDBRAKE_COMMAND='HandBrakeCLI --preset-import-file /config/mycustompreset.json -i "$SRCDIR/$SUBDIR/$FILENAME" -o "$DESTDIR/$SUBDIR/$BASE.mp4" --preset "mycustompreset"'


  5. Something that is confusing me. 

    I edited my /cache/appdata/Handbrake/Handbrake.conf to iPad2


    I created a iPad2 preset because I want my files to be 1024x768 and now when I run this its not running. I checked my logs and its seeing the file hit the WatchFolder, but its skipping right over the files. I'm dropping files that are at least 1280x720 and it should be working. If its because of the custom preset how can I force the GUI to save any of the presets to 1024 since it keeps wanting to create new ones?



    Logs say iPad2 is an invalid preset.... How can you change the already set presets to a configuration that you actually need?

  6. Worked Great. 


    So am I to assume that after it rips a movie from the Watch Folder to the Output Folder it will periodically check for new files in the Watch Folder, but compare to already done files in the Output folder. Basically I have two copies of the same movie, but one is the original that resides in the Watch folder and the converted file in the Output folder. 

  7. I wrote this script that I tell user.scripts to fire off every morning at 7AM-11AM to back up some stuff from my Mac

    #Start Docker
    docker start resilio-sync
    #Delay before issuing Stop
    sleep 4h
    #Stop Docker
    docker stop resilio-sync


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