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Posts posted by kizer

  1. 1 minute ago, RonUSMC said:

    I installed this no problem. The only thing I had to check was the 'enable requests from all interfaces' to get it to work.


    This is a long shot, but does anyone have both this docker and plex docker running concurrently? Now Plex won't search metadata or make matches. I am trying to watch the log, but the damn thing goes so fast I can't see any blocks. It does ask for dns to plex.tv but those are all fine. Not sure which ones its blocking that is stopping Plex from updating.


    Yep I however do not have my unRAID using my pilhole for its DNS. Just in case you are. 

    • Like 1
  2. I got a message stating that my Parity Check started this AM and I thought well I better shut off my regularly scheduled scripts. 

    I double checked my scripts and realized they are not running and realized I used #noParity=true on all of them and never had a chance to really tested it. Well Test complete and everything seems to be delayed like I wanted them to be. Thanks @Squid  :D

  3. On 4/20/2018 at 8:06 PM, InfInIty said:

    My apologies if I missed my answer somwhere in this post.


    I want to set this container up to run headless and run the AMC script. It can watch the input folder, run the amc script to the output folder.


    I loaded this through the community apps plugin, and unfortunatly cannot get to the GUI, all though its really not needed if the way i want to run this is possible.

    Anyone with some tips on how to get this setup like that would be greatly appreciated.


    Edit the files in your FileBot folder. 


    # Run the UI in addition to the normal non-interactive behavior. The UI uses about 460MB of RAM, as opposed to about
    # 20MB of RAM. On my machine it uses .33% CPU instead of .03% CPU.
    RUN_UI=no    <------- change this to yes if you want to use the GUI. I personally don't. I just drop my files in the watcher folder and forget about them. 



    To change the way your files are outputted when they are moved to your outgoing folder


    Just in case you get confused to where these files are mine are in the following location.



  4. On 4/7/2018 at 10:29 AM, rxnelson said:

    Is anyone using the Plex docker from Plex themselves and able to use this?  I think I have it set up correctly but it appears to be just writing to the docker.img instead of /tmp.  


    I have /transcode<-->/tmp set up in the docker and /transcode as the temp directory in the Plex application.  However, no files appear to ever be written to this directory but the docker image seems to be "modified" every minute a movie is playing.  Additionally if a movie plays long enough I get warnings that the docker image is taking up more and more space.


    Does the "official" Plex docker not obey the settings or have I done something silly?


    I"m running the Offical Plex Docker. 

    I just changed the /transcode location in my Docker Template

    from /mnt/cache/system/appdata/transcode

    to /tmp 

  5. I was hoping somebody could lend me a hand with a little code. 

    I currently drop all my files into a folder and let a script move them around. However I want to put a little logic into it and came up with two things, but I'm having issues combining them. 


    for instance I want to have it search for files/folders that are older than a specific time and move which I figured out. 

    find /Source/* -maxdepth 1 -mmin +5 -exec mv {} /Destination/ \;


    I also want to search for folders with this particular string in it. Because typing out the same code for each Season 1 by one can get really long

    mv /Source/*S{01..50}* /Destination/


    I attempted to do some Hair Brained combining but it doesn't work. Always results in an empty search

    find /SOURCE/* -iname "*s{01..50}*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 -exec mv {} /Destination/ \;


    Basically what I'm attempting to accomplish is moving TV shows I have in folders from one folder to another, but I'm trying to make sure they are at least 5minutes old so there is no confusion to the script I wrote so its not moving files that are in progress of being written from one location to another before performing some other steps. I also want to make sure they are TV Shows and since things like Plex and XBMC aka Kodi use Some.Show-S01E01.mp4 for their naming convention which I've adhered to. 


    I can get things to work if I use the following, but honestly I was hoping for a work around. 

    find /mnt/user/uploads/blah/* -iname "*s01*e*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 mv {} /Destination/ \;

    find /mnt/user/uploads/blah/* -iname "*s02*e*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 mv {} /Destination/ \;








    find /mnt/user/uploads/blah/* -iname "*s99*e*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +5 mv {} /Destination/ \;






    I think I found a little work around using FileBot to achieve what I'm trying to do.  xD

  6. 6 hours ago, jbartlett said:


    Foster Kitten Cam actually. I foster for Purrfect Pals which is located in Arlington just north of you. I'm just a stone's throw from the southern border of Mill Creek. Fostered 59 sets since 2008, mostly kittens or queen's and their litter and a few adults. Waiting for the call for #60.


    Currently, my foster kitten cam is showing highlight clips made of my fosters over the years, you can watch for a week and not see any duplicates. I'm known as "Foster Dad John" over there, or FDJ for short. https://gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=gnsZwg09u6A


    Tis funny you say that. We brought home a Kitten and didn't realize she was pregnant. Magically we have 6 cats 2years ago this very day. I call them Brat Pack. Luckly we have some land and they are indoor/outdoor or I'd go insane. 

  7. Seattle Cat Picks Huh? I don't have Cat Pick Issues here in Marysville WA. :D


    I did notice something odd. I just installed this today and started a test. It said spinning up drives, but well nothing really spun up. I aborted and things appeared to work after I manually spun up my drives. 


    Did show me some interesting things. My older/smaller drives are slower than my newer drives, which I knew, but its eye opening to know how much faster. Also I didn't realize I had some 3 Gb/s drives installed too. Lol


    Is there a way to run a Test on a Single Drive?




    I do believe what @johnnie.black suggested up above is a decent and cheap alternative until wifi support if ever is built into unRAID. 

    Its basically giving you a Ethernet into a wireless device that can bridge the connection from wired to wireless. I used to use something similar for the longest time because I had a printer I couldn't connect to wired and it worked very well. 

  9. On 4/7/2018 at 11:12 AM, Rudder2 said:

    I have a Recycle Bin share for my Sonarr and Radarr and Lidarr Recycling just in case I need to jump back to the previous version...What I didn't realize was that after years of this it's taking A LOT of space.  I was wandering if there was a script to Delete everything in my Recycling Bin that's older than 30 days every week.


    Thank you in advance for your help,




    Are you using the Recycle Bin Plugin? If so it should have settings to delete files after a specified length of time. 

    If not you could use the find command


    Check this out to give you a little bit of an idea to get you started. 



  10. Nice Job Squid. I really like your plugins and I like how this is/was a User.Plugin morphed into an actual Plugin that makes it really easy to click a few buttons and be done with it, but at the same time we can simply disable the mover without having to hack some code to change the cron. 


    Here's a little screen shot with the Help menu enabled so others can check it out. :)






    • Like 2
  11. Without knowing your exact work flow its really hard to give you any direction or advice.


    If I was using Media I guess I would Utilize 7200RPM drives and more than likely a 10GB connection. I'd also set my default drive spin downs to an extended amount in the hours vs my 1hour I have set now. 

  12. Worst case store all the data on your Cache you must have access to for speed and then copy that data to the array for protection. 

    If need be create a simple script that copies your data from your cache to the array as you add it for protection. 


    I know you don't want work arounds, but honestly your asking for something that isn't currently in unRAID and often we all have to use work arounds to achieve one off tasks.

  13. Or if you use the find command and have it detect files that have changed over a specified time frame they could be archived into another share or folder and moved into the array for protection. 


    I literally use Find for a lot on my system to make sure a file hasn’t been changed for at least 5minutes so in my video file work flow another script doesn’t mess with a currently accessed file.

  14. @Squid


    Started up my Tester Script before the Parity Check.

    Let it alert me every 5 minutes for 10 or 15 minutes and then I started up the Parity Check and I relieved another message, but I'm guessing like you said it wasn't fully running.

    After the first message I no longer received any messages for at least 15 minutes. Stopped the parity check and I started getting messages again. 


    /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Testing the Message System 1" -d "$(date +%D-%H:%I) Testing the Message System 2" -i "normal"

    So looks like we have a winner. :D

  15. Lol

    Awesome. I'm glad I could be of some service. xD


    I'll have to wait on the Check for Updates. Last time I tried to check the plugins well it took forever and I gave up. As soon as that all stabilizes I'll give this a look see again. 


    I'll follow up with what I find out again. Plugins/Apps appear to be working again. :x

  16. Tried something else. I set it to run Every 5 Minutes and well, while running a parity check I received a Test message Every 5 Minutes when I was expecting absolute silence via email and Prowl which I both have setup as Notifications. 


    /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Testing the Message System 1" -d "$(date +%D-%H:%I) Testing the Message System 2" -i "normal" 


    Not trying to be that guy, but I'm just trying to make sure I understand what is supposed to work and what isn't. Lol

  17. 3 minutes ago, kanth said:

    It seems really odd to me that the scheduler allows one to schedule parity checks, or disable doing them.
    But doesn't allow one to _disable_ mover.  I use my cache drive to hold various things on it that I _never_ want "moved" onto the unraid array.


    Currently the way I stop unraid from doing a mover function is to copy a script over top of the mover script that just has an exit 0 in it.

    It would be much better to be able to disable this functionality if the user wishes. (And simple!)




    Easy. Create a Share and use the Use cache disk: Only

    Files will be written to Cache only and the mover will not move them.

  18. Ok I added the 

    #noParity=true Set to be try if the script is not allowed to run when a parity check / rebuild is in progress


    To the top of my file. I ran it from User.Scripts and it appeared to run while I'm doing a Test parity Check. 

    Does this Variable only work if its running from a Background or scheduled run?

    Or is it simply I'm not doing it correctly? Lol


    Random Test Code for the fun of it. 

    echo "locking down Tv Shows"


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