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Posts posted by kizer

  1. 7 hours ago, midasisking said:

    Should my volume mappings for plex and other docker containers be set to /mnt/cache/appdata/[appname]? The share that all the data is on, appdata, is set to cache preferred right now and it appears that all the data is in sync between the array and the cache. 

    That's the same place I map all of my Dockers. Actually mine is /mnt/cache/system/appdata/DockerName ,but you get the idea like yours.

    and for

    appdata I have Shares setting set to "Cache Only" to keep all my Plex Docker files on the SSD/Cache Drive.

  2. As long as your actually trying to read off the "Correct" Drive using /mnt/disk* or which ever via your PC/Mac.  I'm saying this because if your using a Cache drive in a User Share files might not actually be on the drive yet. Unless of course you know the files are on the removed drive and I'm rambling again. Lol

  3. Simply put and taken from the FAQ and a HUGE advantage IMHO. 😀


    Q2. Why has this docker image been created, as we already have a unraid preclear plugin?.


    A2. Due to the fact that plugins rely on the underlying OS (Slackware) in order to run, any changes made by Limetech can potentially lead to a breakage with the preclear plgin, this has historically happened a number of times and is unfortunately a fact of life. So how do we try and mitigate this from happening?, by using Docker, this then gives us a known platform from which to run the preclear script, and should reduce the chances of this happening.


    So if LimeTech makes system changes the Docker can stay in tact and still perform like intended.



    • Like 1
  4. @Squid


    Can your script be modified to exclude or specify a Share? It went HayWire Scanning my TimeMachine Backup. 


    Also we might want to start posting the good stuff on the Support thread so it doesn’t get lost. 


    ************** Note *****************


    Saw your mention about Multiple Instances of Docker to Select which to Scan in the Support Thread. 



  5. Hmmm I don’t know. I just checked my Dockers list again and there is no mention of that. I’ve ran the Clam Docker 4x and it hasn’t recreated it once. Heck I’ve even modified the Template a few times to have it scan specific shares. I’ll try and uninstall it and see if it creates it. I know it did the first time a day or two ago. 

  6. Thanks. I get it now. Do I also need to manually start the recursing_einstein docker that CA installed along with ClamAV?



    Uh I think that was part of the Old Docker. I don’t have that in my Docker list anymore. I deleted everything and reinstalled the new Docker and everything works fine.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. Ah I think it was having issues attempting to Scan my TimeMachine Backup Shares. Would be really nice if we could tell it not to scan Specific Shares. In the mean time I just told it to scan a Specific Share opposer to /mnt/user. With the /scan config option in the Template.



    Scanned Half of my Ripped Media. No known viruses. Lol. Only Half simply because I directed it to a specific share.


  8. @TQ


    It did a download and then it gave me the following after extracting.


    root@Tower:~# docker run -it -d -v clamav-db:/var/lib/clamav -v /mnt/user:/scan:ro tquinnelly/clamav -i
    docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"/scan.sh\": permission denied": unknown.


    Also where is it installing the files to? Location wise that is.


    I think I'll wait a bit to see where this goes. 😀

    Thanks for working on this.

  9. 2 minutes ago, TQ said:
    You can easily do this until I get it working with CA.
    From the shell of your unRAID server
    docker run -it -d -v clamav-db:/var/lib/clamav -v /mnt/user:/scan:ro tquinnelly/clamav -i

    That will install the docker container, and it will start up, update the virus db, and start scanning /mnt/user.
    Hope that helps.

    Thanks I’ll give it a try soon. I wasn’t sure if it was just that easy. 

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



  10. I can't get unBALANCE to start from the WebGUI, but I can get it to start running the following, but then I have to leave a command line window open.


    /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance/unbalance -port 6237


    Linux 5.0.10-Unraid.
    Last login: Thu Jun  6 06:55:06 -0700 2019 on /dev/pts/0.
    root@Tower:~# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance/unbalance -port 6237
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 app.go:51: unbalance v5.5.0-1104-b9678b5-v2019.02.12b starting ...
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 app.go:59: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 server.go:77: Starting service Server ...
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 server.go:94: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unbalance
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 array.go:46: starting service Array ...
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 planner.go:52: starting service Planner ...
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 core.go:101: starting service Core ...
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 server.go:145: Server started listening http on :6237
    W: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 core.go:116: Unable to read history: open /boot/config/plugins/unbalance/unbalance.hist: no such file or directory
    I: 2019/06/06 07:03:20 app.go:73: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...


  11. 2 hours ago, warwon said:

    From my viewpoint no reason not to roll back as 6.7 is broken. There are a ton of people reporting videos freezing using dockers running Plex and direct network play videos.


    As of now it unstable, it went from being useable to not.

    Simple, roll back


    Zero issues here. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    Why not use the Parity Check Tuning plugin to only run the check out of prime hours.    The plugin now handles pausing/resuming non-scheduled checks as well (assuming you enable this in the plugin's settings).   The after a power blip if you get a parity check auto-starting because of an unclean shutdown you can immediately pause it and let the plugin handle running it only at the scheduled hours.  That way you avoid having the server running slowly during prime time because of the parity check.


    I have been looking at whether the plugin could do an automatic pause/resume according to system load but I have not yet found a satisfactory way of detecting when a pause is appropriate and (even harder) when a resume is relevant so at the moment it only handles running increments at scheduled times.   If I ever crack detecting the load appropriately I will add an 'auto' option to the plugin. 


    I've used this very Plugin for the past two monthly Parity Checks and it has worked exactly as I filled in the options. Other than filling in the options and launching its been literally setup-and-forget. If it hadn't of been for the Notifications I wouldn't of even noticed an impact on the way I normally use my server.


    I highly encourage it and would recommend it to everybody. Parity Tuner and Mover Tuner work flawlessly together and if you want even more Icing on your Cake run User.Scripts with the Do not run while parity is active for total control of your scheduled events.


    From the Hours of 12AM-6AM nothing but Parity runs 1st, 2nd and 3rd day of the month and nobody in my house even notices a thing since everybody is asleep.

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