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Posts posted by kizer

  1. I've been a big fan of the Black Vortex units ever since I bought my first one a year or so ago -- they have by far the best cooling of any of the multi-drive cages.



    Yeah when I was looking at a lot of the others I kept finding smaller fans in the back and honestly I didn't want the nose or the reduction of fan size seeing my machine has always had 120's in it.


    Just seemed to make so much sense for my needs. Glad you have good results with yours too.

  2. LBRBAN2l.jpg  WiCRPj0l.jpg  LyHxAsml.jpg



    Decided to pull out the Stock CoolerMaster 3x4 Cages and drop in some ICY Dock Black Vortex Cages. $44 Each of Amazon


    The reason I wanted these because they more or less fit my needs.

    - Large 120MM fans up front

    - Drives pull out front the front

    - You physically disconnect wiring inside so there is no worry of a back plane failing in the future. **Im aware many people have had zero issues, but Its always been a concern knowing my luck.**


    I think the only downfall to these you will notice in the last pic with the first cage installed is the extra space that occupies the case. I wanted mine to sit so I could re-install the original grill so I had to push back the cage a bit, but it occupies an additional 3 or so inches. Not a biggie, but it does make for a tighter case and could make the wiring a bit tighter as well.


    Now I just need to grab my Label Maker and throw some serial numbers on the pull outs and drive numbers. Man sometimes I wish I had more time in the day to keep up with everything.

  3. Ah..... I'll have to take a look at this. Thanks for the info


    Why not just use UD?  You can set up a script and just click the mount button and the script will do what you want.  Add the un-mount at the end of the script and it will be automatically be unmounted.


    Yes totally understand. Sometimes I do things that are automated so I don't forget like early in the AM. I have a little NAS drive Dlink-323 toaster style NAS that I have connected, but unmounted currently that I sometimes re-mount and run a few backups off the server. However I've forgotten now and then and well I figured if I could automate the process some I wouldn't have to worry about it.


    I do plan on dropping in the script so when it is connected it just does what I need. Just looking for some more flexibility honestly. =)

    The reason I keep it unmounted just incase your wondering is because I can swap out the drives now and then and run scripts based on which ever drive is installed.

  4. I think the only thing I would ask for or suggest is a little popup or maybe something that can be explained when you click the help button that more or less says. "This is how you setup a basic custom Cron with maybe a few examples" I clicked on Custom and my Brain went into... Uh, How do I do this again. Lol


    Yes I know Google is your friend, but just a minor suggestion and we all like being spoiled by you. ;)

    • Upvote 1
  5. Holly Molly.


    Thank you so much for putting in the Time for something I really felt "I" needed. Hopefully others might feel the benifit from this. Now I can better automate my move files around based on what I don't use as much.


    Ive also started tinkering around with my SSD drive seen as part of the user shares, but I disabled the mover so now I can have some help moving files when I want them and where I want them.

  6. ...

    ***************No this is not my real CPU/MotherBoard laying on the Carpet.***************




    You'd have certainly learned a lesson if it had been !!



    I've learned my lesson many times doing stupid things. Luckily my stupid things didn't get me into to much trouble. ;)

    Gary thanks for helping me pick out my Ram and Processor. They work together like a champ. I winged the Cooling a bit, but found a happy medium between what I really wanted and what I thought I needed. lol

  7. Over the Christmas Break I decided to install a few things along with Building another PC for a buddy as a Christmas Gift for his Kid. He wanted a Gaming machine and well all the talk of gaming and coolers I couldn't help myself so I bought a bigger cooler as well.



    Athlon x4 630 replacing my Sempron 140

    8GB of Ram replacing my 4GB of Ram

    CRYORIG H7 CPU Cooler


    2Qek65Fl.jpg 7jaqcaJl.jpg AmYZKqbl.png


    As of yet since I'm not running much I don't really notice a lot of difference in Horsepower from my new Processor since I went from a 1X [email protected] to a 4X [email protected]. I do notice from the Main menu that between the 4 Processors at Idle its not doing much of anything which is really nice. Lol


    The Fan I noticed a HUGE change in Temp in the Case. Normally my Processor was around 36C-40C monitoring from unRAID using a plugin, which is odd because looking at my first post I made a comment that it ran a lot cooler. I wonder if the paste dried up and wasn't effective? I'll keep a mental note of that for the future. With this BEAST of a cooler and new processor I'm averaging around 26C-28C practically no matter what my machine is doing. I set the BIOS to Silent/Auto and the fan appears to be spinning around 525RPM, but can ramp up easily to 1600RPM on its own. With the fan spinning so slow I can barely hear it with my head up against the case. I also like the fact you can download/print a small Origami like cut out and make sure its going to fit in your case. Fit perfectly for my needs.




    ***************No this is not my real CPU/MotherBoard laying on the Carpet.***************


    I was sitting on the Floor watching some TV when it arrived and I got kinda excited to play with it so I broke out my retired and no longer working Twin to my Mobo/Proc setup and was doing some verification does it clear the RAM test before taking down my Real setup.

  8. Is there a way to export the tabled data? I'm having issues with my connection and my host wants a little proof of my findings. Basically they are saying there is no way that my 25Mb connection is dipping down into the 3Mb connection range. When I have logged proof of it of course.

  9. I'm up for anything. Lol

    I'd like to keep it simple and effective and if everybody gets a benefit from it even better. ;)


    I just slap things together and pray they work. Often the results are somewhat questionable, but things seem to get done. lol


    As for the nofications they aren't really required just something I was tinkering with at the time.

  10. I was looking at the Mover code at a specific threshold script, however I was trying to figure out how to move oldest folder from a Disk to another Disk at a specific threshold. I normally move the oldest folder from a specific folder simply to reduce Disk spin ups across my array. Has anybody ever worked on something like that or could you throw me a bone on how to modify what somebody else has already done into something of the sort that I have slapped together?


    My reasoning is I move "All" my files from my windows machine to:

    Disk3 then to Disk5 for archiving

    Disk2 then to Disk4 for archiving


    Here is what my Slapped together code that works if I manually run it, but I'd like to incorporate Threshold into it:


    MoveSearch="`ls -t /mnt/$OLD/Movies/All/ | tail -n 1`"
    echo moving $MoveSearch
    mv /mnt/$OLD/Movies/All/$MoveSearch /mnt/$NEW/Movies/All/
    echo $MoveSearch move complete
    /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e "Recovering Space" -d "Moving $MoveSearch from $OLD to $NEW" -i "normal" -m "Moved $MoveSearch from $OLD to $NEW"


    The OLD and NEW Variable isn't required, but I just decided a while back it was easier for me to just drop it in so I could wash, rinse and repeat without digging in the code often when I wanted to run on multiple disks and reduce the error factor. Maybe someday I'll get fancy with it, but figured if I had a threshold script I could just let it run often and not worry about it.


    I attempted for simplicity sake to just make a call from the mover script to what I've done, but apparently I messed things up and it just doesn't work. I deleted what I did a while back and just remembered recently and figured why not just ask here.

  11. ... but uses double the power of my current Chip.


    Actually that's probably not at all true.  Remember the TDP of a chip is the MAX power it will use -- when you're using a lot of CPU "horsepower".    Most systems use a tiny fraction of the CPU's capabilities, and the chip will draw significantly less power under those circumstances.    I suspect there's actually little difference in the power draw you'd see with the quad core chip under most circumstances => and when it WAS drawing more power, it'd be because it was working much faster than your current CPU.



    Exactly right. I should of said "could" use double the power. Which really isn't an issue honestly. I was looking at coolers. Holly Molly there are some crazy ones out there. I've been spoiled having a small cooler that is nearly silent, now some of these coolers are either HUGE or small and make a lot of noise to which is why I was thinking about the power draw/heat from an Athlon vs my Sempron.

  12. Since I've swapped out my Old Power Supply the CX400 I've had zero issues.


    Just picked up:

    4TB Blue WD (Parity Drive)- Installed and Parity Check complete

    3TB Blue WD (Data Drive) - Letting things settle some before dropping/replacing older drives

    3TB Blue WD (Data Drive) - Letting things settle some before dropping/replacing older drives



    AMD Athlon II X4 630 2.8GHZ Quad Core

    Samsung 8GB 2X 4GB DDR2 Ram


    Need To Order:

    CPU Cooler



    My thoughts are lets give the old box a little more breathing room with some new Drive Space since drives are a lot cheaper now than they have been in a while. Also I figure lets swap out the smaller RAM and give the box a bit more breathing room with the extra RAM. Eventually since I bought a Used processor I'd toy with swapping that out as well. I've been really happy with the computing power of the Old Sempron 140, but thought why not go a lot bigger with 3 more cores. I may or may not swap out the 140 for the Athlon Quad Core or I might fish around for another lower power Dual Core. Undecided as of yet. The Quad core was only 30Bux shipped, but uses double the power of my current Chip.


  13. I haven't had a chance to play with this as of yet, but I'm really intrigued now.

    I know on trigger it sets things to ReadOnly. Is there a way to "Return to Previous" State. Some of my Drives I have different settings depending on users, Disk Shares, User Shares


    Would be nice to simply return to whatever settings I had on that particular drive/Share so I don't have to figure out what was changed and how it was before.

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