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Posts posted by kizer

  1. Very True garycase. I honestly have never put anything on a User Share. I've always moved files around based on Disk Shares to make sure all video files of a particular video stayed together to insure there are no freezes or buffering, but that is the way I keep my files organized. Do I think you should remove the SpinUp Group option? No because it does appear some users actually use it, but like mentioned before unRAID and drives have come a long long way in speed.

  2. Personally I'd leave the outside Totally stockish so its more of a server in hiding. That Radio is the showcase if anything. Heck if I could hide my server in the addict or in the basement even better since its just for storage, but an old Radio like that is so awesome to look at.


    As for fan noise I have 3 120mm running and I just did a 7volt mod to mine and you can barely hear them even on. Sure stick your head next to them and you can, but from a short distance nada.

  3. Its been over a year since I've said anything in this thread.


    I've swapped out my 1.5TB Green WD Parity drive for a 2TB drive and I as well swapped out one of my data drives for a 2TB Green WD. I had errors creeping up and decided it was best to replace the failing drive with a larger drive.


    The last 3 months I haven't had one error and the month parity checks are doing their thing pretty smoothly running 5.0-rc8a.

  4. I'm not sure but since I've switched to v5.0-beta6 cache_dir seems to scan everything and then stop working. Of course I'm just discovering this, but lately my drives keep spinning up and I'm only a folder deep. When I do a cache_dir -q it says there is no processing running. Kinda odd since I started it manually a day or so ago and it is in my go script /boot/scripts/cache_dir -w, which worked perfectly in 4.7


    I haven't done much testing to prove this, but something seems to be off a bit for at least me. LOL  :o




    Disk4 just finished scanning and then I spun the drive down. I connected to it via \\tower\disk4\ on my windows7 machine and as soon as I was one folder deep it spun up. I then forced the drive to spin down. Clicked around in a few folders and as soon as I was 2 folders deep and hit some actual files it spun backup again. I do have show icons not thumbnails selected.

  5. I actually used one of these. I'm sure you can do a search for USB adapter motherboard and find dozens of different ones. I just happened to have this and took it apart and well have it installed in two different computers. ;) I like the cable idea so I can just lay the USB stick on the side opposed to haveing it stand up on the Motherboard. Of course its all about choice so I'm sure anything would work.


    Clicky HERE


    I think I'll update my build thread so it points to it so others can use it if they want to know what I'm talking about. LOL

  6. I have an Intel P4 2.8ghz machine I use for daily torrents and what not. I was compairing the specs and this thing blows it out of the water and appears that it would run a lot quiter and I'm sure it would put out a lot less heat.


    2.8 http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Pentium+4+2.80GHz

    HP http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Athlon+II+Neo+N36L+Dual-Core


    2.8 - 415

    HP - 847


    Damn so many options and so little money. LOL

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