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Posts posted by kizer

  1. This Plugin is a life saver.


    Dropped my 3.5 inch drive into a USB Hard drive dock and rsync to a NTFS formatted drive to restore every file that was lost on a windows machine. Luckily I made a backup of the files in the first place on my server, but this is saving me tons of work.


    Heres the dock that I'm using. I'm sure lots will work...


  2. When I start my array and from what I recall from the original cache_dir plugin it would scan all my drives and it would appear to work and show reads in my Array Devices.


    With cache_dirs version: 2.1.1 when it runs it doesn't seem to update my Array Devices with reads and when I set it purposely to Include TV and Include Movies and I visit a Share TV it spins up 4 of my drives opposed to showing me cached folders in Windows Explorer.



    I'm going to enable user share scanning and see if it improves my caching.


    So Odd, when I open with windows and I do have thumbnails disabled it spins up drives, but when I scan with Kodi on my Mac it doesn't spin up any drives.


  3. I've been throwing in drives 500GB or so as I find them in the house from my older projects and moving files on/off my drives hanging on my AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 card. I'm currently up to 10 of the possible 14 my Motherboard and AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 will support. Mobo-6 AOC-SAS2LP-MV8-8


    Basically I'm just stress testing it some to insure that my previous issues of motherboard/power suppy are behind me. So far I'm feeling pretty happy. A few more mass data swapping arounds and a couple more parity checks I'll lay this problem to rest.


    Before in the past when two drives was on the AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 my machine would throw tons of errors or freeze up. So far I have 3 Spinners and one SSD running off it and it "seems" to be doing just fine.

  4. Well honestly I find it sometimes annoying since I know I don't have any dockers installed, but maybe a one time click or an option to say ignore future notifications? Maybe an option that says something of the manner.


    "Docker storage is required for the dockers included here" Click to ignore future notifications.


    Its not a super big deal since I'm used to saying "go away", but just an idea either way.

  5. There has been a request to do a split of region in the Buy, Sell, Trade area. For that to happen it would be rather difficult with all the various regions. In order to insure items are easy idenfitied for your intrest the following could be implimented for easier idenfication.


    For Example you could tag your posts in the following manner.


    1. Status: [SOLD], [WTB], [4Sale] or [4Trade]

    2. Location: [Canada-Toronto], [uK-London], [uS-California]

    3. Shipping: [Free Shipping], [Pickup only] optional obvisously

    4. Item listing Motherboard, Hard drive....................


    [4Sale] [Canada-Toronto] Intel 100meg nic


    When an item is sold it is recommended you change the Status to [SOLD]


    The above are suggestions to help others find/sell their items easier and hopefully to keep the need for several sub-forums for now.

  6. I clicked on my App tab and was presented with this after I clicked the "Yeah I know I don't have any dockers"


    Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (No such file or directory) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 490 Couldn't create socket: [2] No such file or directory


    nothing appears in my logs.

  7. ... but I do think /mnt/ unless your worried somebody is going to mess up disk shares some how with the incorrect mounting.

    You can count on it. ;D


    Yes.  And all the support issues when someone does it wrong.


    What if by default you make it /mnt/disks but if the user goes into settings and turns on "advanced mounting" they then have the option to use /mnt/ but it still forces the user to use /mnt/ (that way if someone does pick "extra" as there share name it would force it to /mnt/extra) That should prevent most issues.


    And as well a note saying something to the fact. "Incorrect Mounting can.............."

  8. or can you let us know how to get around the disks limitation or like mentioned limit us to only /mnt/

    I've had an instance when I mounted mine to /mnt/user/ because of what I was doing at that time, but typically I do mount to /mnt/disks/


    Options are always nice, but I do think /mnt/ unless your worried somebody is going to mess up disk shares some how with the incorrect mounting.

  9. Every time I try to remove Dynamix System Statistics even thou its an awesome looking Plugin, I just don't honestly need to use it all the time. I get this same message that repeats over and over in my logs. I found the cron entry in /etc/cron.d/root


    */1 * * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.stats/scripts/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null


    I removed it I still keep getting that error message. Am I missing something some where else?


  10. dlandon, when you have a chance, could you review the first post for this plugin?  I believe the info in the special notice we added about the replacement version is now out of date.  Would you suggest what the links and instructions should be now?


    I also noticed there's no mention of "destructive mode", and that could be added, as a note or FAQ entry, denoted as a moderator edit that he can remove or edit as he wishes.  How would you suggest wording it, or is there a place where it's fully documented I could use?  And is there anything else that should be in that first post, while we're modifying it?


    Is there a way to allow me to edit the first post to keep a mod from having to do it?


    If not maybe I can start a new post and refer to that one in the first post here?


    As you can see there is a lot of activity here and the plugin is pretty dynamic at this point so I can see more changes and enhancements coming.


    Currently NO... I honestly would create a new thread and reference the original or how ever you want to do it and Maintain your own build/thread. Of course that is just my opinion on the manner.


    Let me know if you need aid you in changing the first post or any of us Mod's when your ready.

  11. Since you can

    mkdir path-to-mount-point


    mount .... path-to-mount-point

    it makes sense that this would work. What I wonder about is what happens when path-to-mount-point is inside a user share as kizer is doing. This method is even in the wiki.


    But how does unRAID treat this "folder" when it comes to calculating the free and used space in the user share, or when doing other things with the folder? What if you cache that user share and write to that folder within the user share, does it go to the cache drive or the external drive or where? If it does go to cache, where does it get moved to? Etc.


    Unassigned Devices and SMB Mounts are not mounted as unraid user shares (/mnt/user).  Unassigned Devices and SMB Mounts are mounted at /mnt/disks and are shared using the smb_extra configuration file.  The unassigned device and SMB Mount is shared and shows as an smb share, but unraid is not aware of it as a user share.


    Mount a device and look at the /boot/config/smb-extra.conf file and you'll see an include that inserts the share properties of the device.  The include file is created by unassigned devices when the share is mounted and the share switch is turned on.  The include file is located at /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/.

    I mostly knew all this but kizer is changing it from /mnt/disks/name-you-want-for-share to /mnt/user/share-that-he-created if I understand him correctly.


    Yes so it will show as a folder in my user shares. Otherwise I couldn't get it to show on my windows machine when I browsed my shares.

    Like I said its not something I have to do or anybody else, but I'm always trying to see what I can get things to do even if they are not intended half the time.


    I would like to know when a drive is Shared how do you view it/find it? A smb share that is mounted under /disks? I can find it in command line pretty easily.

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