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Everything posted by DaleWilliams

  1. A what ? That's like believing in chance! I do hope its fixed. I don't like the 'answer'.
  2. Can you post a full syslog? Zip and attach to the forum post, if you like.
  3. I gotta nuttin. Sorry, I never used 4.7 BUT, if you did a hard reset, and now your configuration isn't working, what *I'd* do is pop the flash into a PC and use chkdsk on it. (Disk Utility on a Mac.) On v.5, hard resets often result in directory corruption on the flash. OR...if you have a BACKUP of your flash, try that.
  4. / me looks around for the Brute Force Hammer! Quick and dirty as I run off to work, it looks like a mismatch of your IP addresses. (.10 vs. .11) Try clearing your browser cache or a different browser. When that doesn't work restart your router and your PC and then try again. If that doesn't work, report back and someone else will pick up the thread.
  5. That's [good] news. Its probably the root cause of the problem. You should run Reiserfsck with the --rebuild-tree option. BE SURE you're doing the correct disk [or rather, be sure to do the Broken disk. ]. Just give the command again, like you did for '--check', and using the same device '/mdx', substituting your broken drive number for 'x', and append the --rebuild-tree flag. READ THE FOLLOWING PAGE, ESPECIALLY THE PARTS IN RED: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Check_Disk_Filesystems (Be sure to NOT do the Parity drive! its just bits and has no directory to fix. You'll lose your parity.) Check back if you need help, or unsure. Running Reiserfsck is not as bad as it sounds...but it is a powerful command line command, and easy to type the wrong flags by mistake. Just go slow and double check your typing.
  6. and move the folder back to the cache drive from the disk share. Oh, yeah..and do that, too!
  7. I'm not sure there's consensus about the speed difference...but there are anecdotes. Here's an example: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=28429.0
  8. Not sure what to say here. There is another thread running (just closed successfully) where the user had a bad super.dat file, emailed to Tom privately and was returned 'fixit' directions. However that user was trying to upgrade and his 4.7 was bad.
  9. ON ERROR: Can we get a conga line of speeding ants running around the edge of the dialog box? Maybe fire ants would be eye-catching!
  10. Do this FIRST: Take a screenshot of your Web GUI (and save it on your PC) showing the EXACT serial numbers of your drives and their assignments. In theory, you can figure it out without it. In practice, you'll want to DOUBLE CHECK that you've assigned the same PARITY drive (and cache drive). Mix them up with a data drive and you'll have a lot of work and trouble unwinding it all.
  11. There are several threads about this. Seems to be normal behavior related to the SAMBA protocol. The speedsters seem to prefer FTP.
  12. [me=DaleWilliams]begins again to rant about 'reserved names' like 'disk1', etc.[/me] ...and then scurries off to create shares called 'root', and 'mnt' just for the heck of it. (butchs37: I found out not to do this the hardway. Now that you know, think of it as being given one of the unRAID secret handshakes. )
  13. Bad or unseated/badly_seated...maybe power is loose? or crosstalk across the wires, though that seems unlikely.
  14. Just to make your life interesting, I'll warn you that I use a homemade 'Hackintosh'...
  15. I never checked to see if unRAID has FW drivers...direct connect via something like 'SNAP' might not work as a result...and could require you to stay connected to your Mac.
  16. At the risk of missing something, everything looks normal to me. ? ? What line number(s) are you worried about? Although I do see a BIOS warning...you might check for a BIOS update.
  17. good summary here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linuxunix-rules-for-naming-file-and-directory-names/ But they don't point out that "putting things in quotes" changes them from 'many tokens' to 'one token'. Double and single quotes are used to FORCE multiple words into a single argument.
  18. Did you move this to a new topic? About 'how to read a syslog?' ...I'm thinking its the same issue.
  19. LOL If your share is named 'SAB', go the the unRAID GUi, go to the SHARE definition for SAB, and click the drop down that says, 'CACHE ONLY'
  20. Nice! I'll Beta! When I bring up DYNAMIX, the first thing I look at is the MAIN tab, with ARRAY DEVICES. Then my eye goes to: First: The ERROR column. Is it Zero? Second: The first column of stoplights for 'drive spun up'...more of interest and curiousity... Third: TEMPERATURE to see if I'm running Hot.
  21. My rule of thumb is the simpler the better. Its easy for me to dive too deep in trying to find a magic elegant solution...But that can turn out to be a lot of work or expense, and in the end brings its own problems. I've learned to move more slowly and deliberately...do what works. Work with it stably for awhile, even if it takes an extra 2 minutes a day. Really learn and internalize the issues, and what works and what annoys. And then understand the real tradeoff from adding more potential points of failure, more expense, more setup time, etc., before committing to the next step. Here, I'd think about what you really want and need. Is it just TimeMachine for your Mac? Is it a duplicate backup of your movies online/in-storage/on DVD's? As long as you're backed up now, there may be no urgency. Fireball3's link is a fine start place for the technical side.
  22. I don't actually know how to setup PAR2, but I am intrigued. (and worried about bit decay.