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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. You can try this to capture the complete crash.
  2. Filesystem corruption is most usually caused by an unclean shutdown or hardware problem, like bad RAM.
  3. Make sure you're booting using legacy BIOS/CSM, memtest doesn't support UEFI boot.
  4. This is one way: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/93846-btrfs-error-with-new-system-m2-ssd/?tab=comments#comment-867992
  5. Yes, you can add those attribute to the ones Unraid monitors, so will get notified if they increase. You can clear those by rebooting or clicking on "clear stats"
  6. No, backup and reformat sdb, which I assume is your cache but can't say since you didn't post the diagnostics.
  7. Start by running memtest.
  8. Possibly a disk having slower zone(s), use the diskspeed docker, it can sometimes find the problem if it's big enough.
  9. Like mentioned you need to change the existing devices filesystem to a new one to be able to format them, default filesystem if for new devices only.
  10. The Asmedia controller you're using is a 2 port controller with SATA port multipliers, these are known to have multiple issues, you should replace it with one of the recommended controllers.
  11. In the syslog it's also log as a disk problem, what you can do for WD disks is to monitor these attributes: ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-K 200 200 051 - 70 200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate ---R-- 200 200 000 - 0 Ideally both should be 0, when they start climbing is a bad sign, and if they keep climbing you'll likely going to run into more issues in the future.
  12. Please start a new thread in the general support forum and include the the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  13. No. Stop the array, unassign parity, start array, stop array, re-assign parity, start array to begin parity sync.
  14. You need to re-sync parity, just downgrading won't fix anything.
  15. If you used the GUI to upgrade there's an option to go back.
  16. There are some known issues with v6.9 and the ST8000VN004 when connected to an LSI, if it's an option you can connect them to the onboard SATA ports, otherwise best to go back to v6.8 for now.
  17. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  18. Never a good sign, keep monitoring.
  19. Yes, that what was happening to the other users, shutdown time-out was set to more than 30 secs but Unraid started forcing the shutdown almost immediately, after just a couple of seconds.
  20. Diags saved on the flash drive would confirm but there have been a couple of reports where it looks like the shutdown time-out is not being honored, i.e., Unraid forces the shutdown after a couple of seconds even if the set time is much higher, changing the setting (Settings -> Disk Settings) to re-apply it fixes the issue.
  21. XFS (md9): Filesystem has duplicate UUID 5cbc417e-05c1-46d6-8b6f-e54881ce73f4 - can't mount This usually happens when the disk is already mounted by UD or manually.
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