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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. You can post the diagnostics during a check, but note there's a known issue with parity check speed in some cases with v6.8.x, especially for larger arrays.
  2. It still needs to be formatted, it doesn't need to be cleared. If the drive was cleared it means the preclear didn't work correctly, and if you want you can post about it on the appropriate support thread, preclear plugin, preclear docker, etc.
  3. -Unassign both disabled disks -Start array -Stop array -Re-assign both disks (to their original slots) -Start array to begin parity sync/data rebuild If there are any issues grab diags before rebooting or shutting down.
  4. I don't know what type o case you're using but as long as there's some airflow around them it should be fine, e.g. server cases usually have fans at the front for fresh air intake and then at the back for exhaust, that's enough to create some airflow, depending on the fans used and speed they rotate. Seems unnecessary to me in this case.
  5. Damn! You're using 5 LSI controllers! 😛 Everything looks fine so far, all are in IT mode and using latest firmware, no errors for now, make sure there's some airflow on the controllers, especially if they are stacked together, and some must be for so many.
  6. If the status is the same as last screenshot you need to re-enable both disks, you can do both at the same time: https://wiki.unraid.net/Troubleshooting#Re-enable_the_drive
  7. Check filesystem on the emulated disk2, remove -n or nothing will be done, and if it askw for -L use it, if the repair is successful and data looks good rebuild to a new or old disk.
  8. My solution would be to replace the known problematic controller, other than that can't help.
  9. Run again without -n, or nothing will be done.
  10. Likely if the Appdata folder is recovered without corruption, you should have a backup of that, look for the CA appdata backup plugin, the docker image itself can be easily recreated.
  11. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  12. Disk1 is failing, you don't have parity so not possible to do a rebuild, xfs_repair won't normally repair a disk with bad sectors, you can clone with with ddrescue, then run xfs_repair to copy everything you can from it. P.S. array devices using USB is not recommend.
  13. Disk isn't the problem, it's the filesystem, like mentioned above you need to do a filesystem check.
  14. When this happens again post syslog.
  15. Post the complete syslog when you lose it again, those call traces look network related.
  16. Don't know, just know that those problems are typical when using port multipliers.
  17. Problem started with checksum failures, which suggests data corruption, you should start by running memtest.
  18. Usually that's an out of space problem on the filesystem containing the vdisks, you should post the diagnostics.
  19. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
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