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  1. JorgeB's post in Unraid Disk 2 Error > Disk 2 in error state (disk dsbl) / sdd was marked as the answer   
    Disk dropped offline, this is usually a power/connection problem, replace cables or swap with a different disk.
  2. JorgeB's post in Can't backup from my Synology NAS to my Unraid server was marked as the answer   
    You can have UD run a script when the remote share is mounted, or install the user scripts plugin and have that run on a schedule.
  3. JorgeB's post in Can't start the array. was marked as the answer   
    Parity is not valid, and you can't replace parity and a data disk at the same time.
  4. JorgeB's post in SMB Windows transfers fail with "There is not enough space on the disk." was marked as the answer   
    You must set the minimum free space for the share, it should be set to twice the largest file you expect to transfer, or when cache is full (and later arrays disk) it will fail.
  5. JorgeB's post in Daily Out of Memory Errors on 6.12rc2 with ZFS was marked as the answer   
    Are you using the default ARC size? The problem is usually not just about not enough RAM but more about fragmented RAM, a small swap file on disk might help, you can use the swapfile plugin:
  6. JorgeB's post in drive unmountable but no longer being emulated, not sure what to do was marked as the answer   
    The reply above already mentions your best bet, if xfs_repair cannot fix the filesystem basically the only option, and assuming there are no backups, is to use a file recovery util, like UFS explorer.
  7. JorgeB's post in Remove disk from array was marked as the answer   
    That will happen if something is using them, e.g., a terminal windows opened on a mounted path.
  8. JorgeB's post in USB Flash Drive Corrupted was marked as the answer   
    If you don't have a backup you follow this:
  9. JorgeB's post in Disk 1 not installed and Unmountable: Wrong or no file system help please! (Solved) was marked as the answer   
    Disk2 was already assigned at boot, but assuming the data is all on disk2 you can do a new config to get rid of the disabled disk1.
  10. JorgeB's post in Disk Disabled - Not sure what to do or how to figure out why. Please help! was marked as the answer   
    Looks more like a power/connection problem, since there are some UDMA CRC errors replace the SATA cable and assuming the emulated disk is mounting and contents look correct you can rebuild on top.
  11. JorgeB's post in Can't add drives to array. Check the Video. was marked as the answer   
    Formatted with type 2 protection 8 bytes of protection information per logical block  
    You need to remove this:

  12. JorgeB's post in After Rebuild Disk "Unmountable: not mounted" was marked as the answer   
    Run xfs_repair again without -n, and if it asks for -L use it.
  13. JorgeB's post in (SOLVED) Quad NIC, 2 ports used by unraid. Cant pass through these ports was marked as the answer   
    Aah, the NICs use the same driver so didn't notice one was the onboard, remove the DHCP configuration from eth1, since it's together with eth2 it might than allow you to pass-through both.
  14. JorgeB's post in NVME Cache overheating from rsync backup? was marked as the answer   
  15. JorgeB's post in Unclean Shutdown detected....(stupid loadshedding!) was marked as the answer   
    Mar 13 10:04:37 Tower init: Switching to runlevel: 0 Mar 13 10:04:37 Tower init: Trying to re-exec init Mar 13 10:04:49 Tower Parity Check Tuning: Send notification: Array stopping: Restart will be attempted on next array start: Automatic Correcting Parity-Check (79.3% completed) (79.3% completed) Mar 13 10:06:39 Tower root: Status of all loop devices  
    Still not enough, did you stop the parity check? You can also time how long it takes for the array to stop after you click the stop button.
  16. JorgeB's post in Disk Swap Question was marked as the answer   
    Parity doesn't know about the data, only bits, it doesn't matter if the disk is empty or completely full, it will take the same time to replace.
  17. JorgeB's post in Flash drive is corrupted or offline was marked as the answer   
    Flash drive dropped offline, make sure it's using a USB 2.0 port and reboot, if it doesn't come back online or if it drops again best to replace it.
  18. JorgeB's post in NO LISTING: TOO MANY FILES - unable to view share was marked as the answer   
    There are what look like power/connection issues with that disk, check/replace cables.
  19. JorgeB's post in Using ZFS in unraid cache pool was marked as the answer   
    Yes, by default ARC is configured to use 1/8 of installed RAM, but that can be changed, see release notes.
  20. JorgeB's post in Distribute data evenly was marked as the answer   
    Unraid doesn't move array data on its own, you'd need to do it manually or using for example the unbalance plugin.
  21. JorgeB's post in Plex container doesn't start and has errors after appdata backup was marked as the answer   
    Try posting in the existing plugin support thread:
  22. JorgeB's post in Can't Reach unRAID GUI was marked as the answer   
    Start here:
  23. JorgeB's post in Upgraded Cache - btrfs Device Replace Did Not Start was marked as the answer   
    Under normal circumstances the 2nd option would be easier, unless something goes wrong during the balance, so always good to make sure backups are up to date before starting, then add the NVMe device to the cache pool, wait for the balance to finish, it will finish when the cache activity stops and you can stop the array, stop array, unassign the 840 EVO SSD, start array, a new balance will start to delete the old device, once that finishes you are done.
  24. JorgeB's post in Unmountable: Wrong or no file system on cache ssd configured for btrfs following power cycle was marked as the answer   
    Run the same command again, but if it's recurring best to then backup and re-format the pool, also see here for better pool monitoring, if new corruptions are found you have other issues, like a RAM problem.
  25. JorgeB's post in rebuild with errors cross disks was marked as the answer   
    Problem with the onboard SATA controller, this used to be be fairly common with Ryzen boards and v6.9/v6.10, much less common with v6.11, possibly because of the newer kernel, look for a BIOS update and/or try v6.12-rc2, failing that best bet would be to use an add-on controller instead.
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