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Everything posted by sisren

  1. Djoss - Firstly, thank you for this docker! I use it several times a week and it saves me a lot of time being able to download directly to my Unraid server. Unfortunately, after the recent update, I've been experiencing problems. In essence, after it starts the download process, the docker just stops. Checking the log, I continue to get the following error: invalid source position for vertical gradient. Edit: I did a bit of testing after uninstalling the docker and reinstalling. It only seems to hangup when I'm processing multiple files for download. If it's only a single file, then it does it just fine - which seems odd to me. Happy to send the log in it's entirety to you, but was just wondering if you had any thoughts on what might be causing the problem?
  2. Sorry for the potentially stupid question, but if I am connected to my VPN from my Unraid server, does it route all of the traffic from my server through said VPN including docker traffic? I see a lot of discussion around reverse proxy setups and I was just wondering what was the necessity to do that if a VPN connection was constantly maintained from Unraid. Thanks.
  3. This app just saved my bacon! Complete end user error on my part. I just wanted to say thank you for the development and distribution!
  4. Upgraded this morning. Completely flawless and took all of 5 minutes. My compliments!
  5. Disregard my previous issue. I figured it out. As I suspected, it was something stupid: rclone was not installed correctly on my remote machine.
  6. Rclone authorize “dropbox” Edit: I've tried both connecting via the 127.x.x.x:53682/auth as well as pluging in my Unraid server's address with same port.
  7. Forgive the newbie question: Having a bit of trouble rclone setup and specifically authorizing dropbox. I am working on a remote machine, select the option during the setup, login to the terminal on my remote machine but can not authorize dropbox. It does not direct my browser and the address just times out. I'm sure this is simple, but would appreciate some assistance. Thanks.
  8. Thank you for the prompt response! Creating the "openvpn" folder in /root did not work, however, putting it in /boot/openvpn did. Thanks!
  9. Same deal; it will not let me choose a file. Seems very straightforward other than that. Can someone advise?
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