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Everything posted by xdriver

  1. I have a pro license from 2015 and for some reason, reading the current backup methods, something isn't clicking in my head. I don't actually remember how things worked back then or if they are the same, but I have two USB drives, and I seem to recall having to register the second USB stick's Device ID in order to use it. I also don't recall if using the second drive deauthorizes the first drive or not, etc. Would someone point me in the right direction for backing up my current and booted USB drive knowing that I think I have a second registered USB? I could also be totally confused, which is highly possible.
  2. Thank you, appears to have gone off without a hitch.
  3. broken link now. I know it is an old post though.
  4. What should I move? unraid has been so stable since I first set it up, that I literally don't do anything with it, and totally forget everything about its workings.
  5. Thank you. I will check this out for sure. I posted my diag file and hope someone can take a look at it for me. I only know enough to be dangerous, not to know what I am doing.
  6. # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 90 & /boot/unmenu/uu cd /boot/packages && find . -name '*.auto_install' -type f -print | sort | xargs -n1 sh -c That is everything in the config/go file. What should I specifically remove?
  7. I meant that unraid seems to be working correctly, not unmenu. I wasn't very clear.
  8. I never remembered till now, but it is a very old plugin called unmenu, circa 2013 or so when I first put it together. I don't even know how to get rid of it! It seems to be working correctly but if I can do anything to make it better/faster/ or help futureproof it, that would help. Thank you tower-diagnostics-20191210-1622.zip
  9. I recently had my server down for a while when I was out of town for a week, and when I returned, things looked a little odd to me. I assume it started because my cmos battery must be dead. On boot, I had to re-assign boot order to the thumb drive, time, etc. Unraid Pro 6.7.2 Under Disk management it warns "array management - array status" : Not started, unRAID ARRAY is STOPPED 0 disks in array. Array is not protected by a parity disk: Parity disk not configured. (Photo attached) However, under "Dashboard," everything is loaded and states it is protected by my parity. (Photo attached) Can someone help explain this to me along with the red warning blocks? The drive that it refers to is my parity drive. Also, if I post any log or diagnostics files, is there someone willing to take a look through them? Please let me know what I should post. Thank you
  10. Is there a link to guide me in the migration from needo to linuxserver.io Plex docker?
  11. What is the benefit of running one plex server docker vs another? linuxserver.io vs plexinc vs limetech vs needo etc. I currently am a plexpass subscriber and have needo installed from way back. Which docker will be updated most frequently and have the most support? I realize that I am currently in the linuxserver.io thread and there may be some bias, but even so, how does one go about picking a repo, especially for the plex server? Thank you.
  12. FYI, Crashplan does not show up in the community applications when clicking Apps->Backup even though when you do a search for it, it is in the Backup category.
  13. I am getting the error [Oct 14 10:22:01] Couldn't update. Trying again in 5 minutes. Output from curl command was "<html><body><h1>400 Bad request</h1> Your browser sent an invalid request. </body></html>". I was successful with the below code saying "nochg (my current IP)" however no-ip.com does not update my ip address: USERNAME='<username from your conf file>' PASSWORD='<password from your conf file>' DOMAINS='<domains from your conf file>' curl -S -k --user-agent "coppit docker no-ip/.1 $USERNAME" -u "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" "https://dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update?hostname=$DOMAINS" Not sure what to do next. Thank you.
  14. I tried doing it through midnight commander but given my limited ability, don't think I did it right at all. I may not have even been in the right folder. That would be great if you could expose that folder, I will make an attempt to use that control once you push the update. Thanks again.
  15. Thank you. Getting the Foscam 8918W control to work seems more challenging now. I get this error. Any thoughts? I tried adding the control as well as a script outlined here http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.php/Foscam_FI8918W but it still does not seem to work "Control response was status = undefined message = /usr/bin/zmcontrol.pl --panspeed=2 --autostop --command=moveConRight --id=2=>"
  16. EDIT: I was able to "fix" this by removing all traces of zoneminder form my server and reinstalling. I am having trouble with ZoneMinder. The container installs fine with no errors but when it is started I get this in the logs on the docker page. Current default time zone: 'America/New_York' Local time is now: Mon Oct 26 10:59:38 EDT 2015. Universal Time is now: Mon Oct 26 14:59:38 UTC 2015. increasing shared memory starting services * Starting MySQL database server mysqld ...fail! * Starting web server apache2 AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message * DBI connect('database=zm;host=localhost','zmuser',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Config.pm line 91. Can't connect to db at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Config.pm line 100. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Config.pm line 100. Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder.pm line 33. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder.pm line 33. Compilation failed in require at /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl line 37. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl line 37. Starting ZoneMinder: failure *** /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh failed with status 255 *** Killing all processes...
  17. Have you solved this? Wondering if you set your windows machine to backup to a folder on your unraid machine? I am unsure as to what the settings should look like and why someone would even need the docker when they could just map a folder. What am I missing?
  18. I am a little confused by something super basic. I have the docker installed and /data set to /mnt/user/xxx/CrashPlan, the client app installed on my mac and the ui.properties on my mac pointing to my unraid IP with the comments on the IP and the port removed. What is the proper setting on my mac app? Am I looking at the folder option in the mac app under Backup tab and pointing to the xxx/CrashPlan folder under the select a directory option or something else? Thanks.
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