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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. This issue is above my pay grade. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in here, but I would start with testing memory.
  2. I was asking what the kind of kernel panic you received, I know what a kernel panic is. If your error is the csrf error again, you still have a browser session open somewhere. If it's not the csrf error, then post diagnostics.
  3. I've seen this issue with 6.8 when permissions don't allow access to the share. Not sure if it is Windows or the latest samba that blocks listing share contents. Check your UD Settings and be sure the 'SMB Security' is set to allow access you desire.
  4. That's not a UD issue. What is the kernal panic? Can you show a console screen shot or a log snippet?
  5. You left a browser session running when you rebooted the server, Close all browser sessions.
  6. I think it's a permissions problem. Go to an Unraid terminal session and run this command: ls -l /mnt/disks/qB1 Show the results.
  7. Go to an Unraid terminal: chown -R nobody:users *.yaml chmod -R 666 *.yaml
  8. The disk is /dev/sdc and appears to be having issues. Nov 1 15:47:39 quasar-ultima emhttpd: device /dev/sdc has size zero How do you have the disk connected? Check cabling?
  9. What do you expect to happen? Is this your script, or the default? You can test run the script and see the results if you click on the + and then the lightning bolt next to the partition. Your script will run and you can see the results in the pop up dialog.
  10. It looks like you might have a corrupt UD config file. Can you post the /boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg?
  11. No. You can only create one partition on a UD disk. Just as a note, you can't use a disk as an array drive and a UD device. An array device is the whole disk, not a partition on the disk.
  12. This plugin does not control the attachment of usb devices when a VM boots. It only allows you to attach and detach a usb device manually. The issue is 6.8.
  13. The libvrt hotplug usb plugin does not control the attachment of the usb devices when a VM starts. It only lets you manually attach and detach a usb device.
  14. I see this in the log: Oct 21 02:23:33 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[80130] general protection ip:14663e8ac02e sp:33f087d8c00b3409 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[14663e88e000+16b000] Oct 21 02:25:21 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[81490] general protection ip:147fc496902e sp:4a143e0c8aa6fe81 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[147fc494b000+16b000] Oct 21 02:25:47 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[81948] general protection ip:14d28e45002e sp:6b022970d9f410c8 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[14d28e432000+16b000] Oct 21 02:26:13 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[82362] general protection ip:1504300c702e sp:c3716116e0a7fa7d error:0 in libc-2.29.so[1504300a9000+16b000] Oct 21 02:26:58 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[82679] general protection ip:15304331e02e sp:815217baf54c2d65 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[153043300000+16b000] Oct 21 02:27:21 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[83187] general protection ip:14f2d120902e sp:8ee8402bdfe127ae error:0 in libc-2.29.so[14f2d11eb000+16b000] Oct 21 02:27:52 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[83507] general protection ip:14c8d0dd802e sp:1e284918eb881007 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[14c8d0dba000+16b000] Oct 21 02:28:42 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[84126] general protection ip:151a6c04202e sp:8a17e10c93e17ec3 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[151a6c024000+16b000] Oct 21 02:28:44 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[84071] general protection ip:14748eb6b02e sp:46945e923f32fa95 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[14748eb4d000+16b000] Oct 21 02:29:30 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[84573] general protection ip:1528942e902e sp:4302eaad54a53ae4 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[1528942cb000+16b000] Oct 21 02:30:07 Unraid2 kernel: traps: lsof[85100] general protection ip:14eebce5d02e sp:4f74b89192f9d3d1 error:0 in libc-2.29.so[14eebce3f000+16b000] Oct 21 02:30:35 Unraid2 unassigned.devices: Error: SMB/NFS server '' is not responding to a ping and appears to be off-line. ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 1 TIMES] ### I don't know anything about the 'traps', but it might be related. Someone more knowledgeable than I am can possibly help here.
  15. Each device section has different information and the fields are of differing lengths. There is not enough display real estate to line up everything and have enough room for all the different fields and field lengths.
  16. UD checks the remote share by pinging it. When the remote share is not responding, it is usually from a network issue. You are running Unaid 6.7.2.
  17. Tips and Tweaks allows you to set a cpu governor mode, but it has no control over the governor operation. The cpu governor is a part of Linux for the Intel or AMD cpu. Based on some other posts, it sounds like the power save governor has been changed in the latest release.
  18. The Samba recycle bin works on shares. The cache disk can be shared, and the recycle bin will work on the cache share.
  19. Read several posts up. LT has noted an issue with long passwords. Have you tried rc3?
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