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Everything posted by ljm42

  1. I had the same issue on Windows 7 until I actually deleted something. Once there was something in the recycle bin share I was able to access it over the network without a problem. update - now I see you said you did delete something. Sorry, guess I responded too fast.
  2. I upgraded to 6.1 and installed the LMB plugin. Settings -> SMB -> Workgroup shows: * Workgroup: WORKGROUP * Local master browser: Yes * Current elected master: TOWER • My network is on the 192.168.10.x subnet. Here is the output of the nmblookup command from TOWER: Linux 4.1.5-unRAID. root@Tower:~# nmblookup -M -- - __MSBROWSE__<01> Per the instructions here: http://scottiestech.info/2009/02/14/how-to-determine-the-master-browser-in-a-windows-workgroup/ From a windows computer I ran: nbtstat -a TOWER and it shows that TOWER is the master browser for WORKGROUP: Name Type Status -------------------------------------------- TOWER <00> UNIQUE Registered TOWER <03> UNIQUE Registered TOWER <20> UNIQUE Registered ..__MSBROWSE__.<01> GROUP Registered WORKGROUP <00> GROUP Registered WORKGROUP <1D> UNIQUE Registered WORKGROUP <1E> GROUP Registered However, my ASUS router (running Merlin) also thinks it is the master browser for WORKGROUP: nbtstat -a RT-AC68U Name Type Status -------------------------------------------- RT-AC68U <00> UNIQUE Registered RT-AC68U <03> UNIQUE Registered RT-AC68U <20> UNIQUE Registered ..__MSBROWSE__.<01> GROUP Registered WORKGROUP <1D> UNIQUE Registered WORKGROUP <1E> GROUP Registered WORKGROUP <00> GROUP Registered Is this a problem? Should I disable LMB for TOWER and let the router handle it?
  3. I think this has been implemented? I see this in the 6.1 release notes: And then jonp's comment here: Are we really done with manually running chkdsk in another computer? That would be great!
  4. Hi bonienl, I can't tell from the red text in the op... do the latest versions of these plugins still work with 6.0.1, or is 6.1 required?
  5. Some more data points for you... The unraid-plex user is used by the plex *plugin* that plex provides. I believe this is user 999. I don't know why, but the LT and Linuxserver dockers want plex to run as user 99 (nobody) instead of 999 (unraid-plex). Therefore, every time you start either of those dockers, they will reset the file ownership to user 99. Note that the LT and Linuxserver dockers install the ubuntu version of Plex, not the unraid plugin that plex provides. The people helping you out on the plex forums are probably not aware of that nuance. So this doesn't answer your question of "why", but I can assure you that the ownership changes you are seeing are by design. This is not the source of your problems. Hopefully someone else can explain the "why" though, as I would like to understand the reason for the user change as well.
  6. I don't run limetech's docker, but I've looked at the code and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't update. But you're the second person with this problem, so perhaps there is an issue? I'd recommend deleting the Docker and re-adding it. It won't hurt your data. Edit: I see you've done that, glad it worked!
  7. At a high level, they all do the same thing But there are differences, check out this post: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41562.0
  8. The dockers autoupdate based on what is available to download from the Plex website: https://plex.tv/downloads/1/archive so I would not expect them to autoupdate to a release that was announced in the forums only: https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/176124/plex-media-server-transcoder-preview-0-9-12-10 If you want to run this forum-only version, switch to the Linuxserver docker and set the VERSION environment variable to The LimeTech docker does auto-update, but only to the latest public release. I recommend reviewing this post: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41562.0
  9. No, no issues that I know of. What makes you think it is the Crashplan docker that is filling up your docker.img file? You mentioned that you've been running this Docker for a long time, have you changed any settings recently? In the Crashplan GUI, take a look at the History tab. Do you see any issues in the log that might explain what is going on? What folders do you have mapped to the Crashplan docker? Have you defined a local folder as a backup destination? If so, what is the path to that folder?
  10. Here is the updated url to jonp's post on the Plex forums asking for an official way to support Plex Pass: https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/168733/unraid-question-regarding-plexpass-version-of-plex
  11. Sorry if you've already confirmed this, but do you have "--volumes-from CrashPlan" in the Extra Parameters area of the MATE desktop? If so, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.
  12. Not sure about your Windows client but for CrashPlan desktop you mentioned having to copy files... that means you have likely mapped a /config folder for the CrashPlan desktop docker. You should delete all volume mappings for this docker as described a few posts back. The "--volumes-from CrashPlan" param takes care of everything for you.
  13. I wonder if everyone who is still having problems is making the mistake of mapping a /config folder for Crashplan Desktop. That Docker should have no volume mappings of its own. Everything it needs it gets from the "--volumes-from CrashPlan" param.
  14. Remove the volume mapping for /config -> /mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan-desktop. that conflicts with --volumes-from CrashPlan
  15. This is a great tip! It reminds me of the techniques Jon used here: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40777.msg385753 I was previously backing my desktop computer up to a "CrashplanTower" share that was set to use disk1 only. This meant the Crashplan docker kept disk1 and the parity drive spun up the entire time my desktop computer was on. So I changed the CrashplanTower share to be "cache only", and then moved all the standalone files and the most recent subfolder from disk1 to the cache drive. I left all of the older folders on disk1. Now my array stays spun down even when my desktop computer is running a backup! There are two downsides I can think of: 1) If I ever lose my cache drive, I'll probably lose these backups too. But since my desktop is also backing up to the Crashplan cloud, that isn't really a big deal. 2) It looks like Crashplan will create a new directory on the cache drive every few weeks, so I'll need to remember to periodically move older directories to the array to keep my cache drive from filling up.
  16. I agree it does sound like the extended attributes are getting wiped, I am opening the files with MS Word 2010 and then clicking save when I exit the file. I suppose you have mapped the share as a disk under windows, but I am afraid that Windows applications are not aware of extended attributes (read: destroy them) when working this way. Actually, that sounds ideal. Is there any way to get unraid to wipe the attributes whenever the file is modified? Then you wouldn't have to worry about checking file modification times at all.
  17. This could be challenging, since someone may wish to preclear a drive using an USB external enclosure. Good point! That use case should trump mine
  18. Look at this: Would this work for you? Looks great! Especially if it only displays for hard drives (non-mounted) and not for USB card readers and such. Thanks!
  19. I like the way Needo's handles it, although I'd prefer to have Limetech host the helper script. Assuming Plex doesn't object. I really like that it allows you to pass a VERSION environment variable to the container so you know exactly what version you are going to get. The only problem I see is that by default Needo's gives you the latest PlexPass version, it seems like it should default to the latest Public version instead. Perhaps to get the latest PlexPass you should pass in a VERSION=PLEXPASS environment variable? So: * VERSION=PUBLIC (default) - get the latest public version of Plex * VERSION=PLEXPASS - get the latest PlexPass version of Plex * VERSION= - get the version of Plex, available versions are listed here: https://plex.tv/downloads/1/archive
  20. 1) The spin down feature is incomplete right now, and all drives will spin down after 15 minutes of inactivity. When complete, it will use the system's default spin down interval. 2) No. Preclear requires a separate feature set, and join them will result in a massive increase of complexity. I can add a link in front of the disk serial, if this make things easier... 4) I'll do that, thanks for pointing out. 5) Only one get installed - the most recent one. 1) That sounds great, thanks! 2) Ah, didn't realize that. You did a great job hiding the complexity I think a link to the preclear plugin would be helpful if you can find room for it. 3) Cool to see that the pull request has been accepted, so perhaps an upcoming version of Docker will be able to handle this. Until then mc should work 4) thanks! 5) ok, I'll delete the one from 2014.
  21. Hi gfjardim, This Unassigned Devices plugin is amazing! I do have a couple of questions / requests: 1) Would it be possible to add spin up/spin down icons next to the hard drives in the list of unassigned devices? 2) Have you considered merging your preclear plugin into this plugin? It would be more natural to kick off a preclear from the Unassigned Devices tab than from Settings -> Preclear. 3) When I use Sparkly's Krusader docker, it isn't able to see any content in the /mnt/disks/[xxx] folders. Is there any way to give that docker access to these mount points? 4) I noticed the /var/log/unassigned.devices.log file includes smb passwords. Can that be sanitized? 5) My /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices directory includes both of these: * ntfs-3g-2014.2.15-x86_64-1.txz - dated 4/28/15 * ntfs-3g-2015.3.14-x86_64-1.txz - dated 4/18/15 Is that going to cause a conflict? Should I delete one? Thanks!
  22. It seems like this would work... Load your current Crashplan interface and go to Destinations -> Folders to see where your local backups are currently stored. Pass that folder as a new volume to Docker, and then go to that same screen in the Docker version of Crashplan and configure it to use that folder.
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