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Everything posted by ljm42

  1. Sorry bonienl, I upgraded from 2016.02.19a to 2016.02.20a and clear doesn't work any longer. To test: I created several test files in /mnt/disk1/CrashplanTower I ran "getfattr *.txt" and confirmed that the files did not have attributes on them (so inotifywait is working properly, since this folder is excluded) Then I manually added the attributes: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/scripts/bunker -aqx -md5 -L /mnt/disk1/CrashplanTower And ran "getfattr *.txt" again to confirm the attributes had been added Then I ran clear on disk1 and got "Finished - cleared 0 files, skipped 0 files. Duration: 00:00:01" "getfattr *.txt" shows that the attributes are still there. Also, it looks like a share has been added back to my disks.ini file somehow: disk2=build,export disk3=build,export disk1= CrashplanTower=build I had an idea for a minor improvement too, where it says "Information is stored on the flash device in folder /config/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/", can we link that here to make it easier to access? /Main/Browse?dir=/boot/config/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity thanks!
  2. Export works great in 2.19a, thanks! I went ahead and deleted those entries from disks.ini And thanks for posting to github too, it is easier to see the code there
  3. Thanks bonienl! I have the 2.19 version of the plugin. I ran the clear command and it worked great clearing the attributes on the files in the CrashplanTower share. The number of files it reported clearing was accurate too. I'm having an issue with Export though. When I export disk 1 it says "Scanning for files..." for a bit and then displays "Finished - exported 0 files, skipped 0 files. Duration: 00:00:21" and no hash file is created. When I export disk 2 or 3 it jumps straight to "Finished - exported 0 files, skipped 0 files. Duration: 00:00:00" and no hash file is created. Disk 2 and 3 both say the build is up-to-date (although disk 1 isn't) and I ran getfattr on a few files to confirm they still have data. Here is my updated config file: disks="disk1,disk2,disk3" service="1" method="-md5" cmd="A" exclude=".fsr,CrashplanTower,VMISO,cache_backup" schedule="2" parity="1" notify="-n" log="-L -f" disk1-1="on" disk2-2="on" disk3-3="on" priority="-n19,-c2 -n7" day="0" hour="0" min="0" folders=".Recycle.Bin" files="*.tmp" And here is disks.ini disk2=build,export disk3=build,export Music=build CrashplanTower=build,export disk1=export (not sure why Music and CrashplanTower are listed there, since they are shares?) And for completeness: ps -ef | grep "inotify" root 2500 16040 0 10:24 pts/0 00:00:00 grep inotify root 24878 1 0 09:57 ? 00:00:01 inotifywait -mrq --exclude ^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/(.*\.Recycle\.Bin|.*\.tmp$|\.fsr|CrashplanTower|VMISO|cache_backup) --format %w%f -e close_write /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 Any thoughts on why export isn't exporting? Also, are you open to publishing the current code available on github? This looks a bit older: https://github.com/bergware/dynamix/tree/master/file-integrity/source
  4. Wow, really looking forward to trying this, thanks bonienl!
  5. LOL yeah I probably didn't need to mask the serial number, but glad you got a laugh out of it And I agree, the fact that Samsung lets us over-provision and upgrade firmware from Linux is pretty awesome.
  6. So from what I can tell, once a file *somehow* gets bunker's file attributes added to it, that file will be processed by bunker's export and verify routines, even if the directory it is in has been excluded. To prevent this, I think we need a "Clean" option that loops through the files in the currently excluded directories and strips off any file attributes that bunker added in the past. It could either be run manually by the user or bunker could run it automatically before any export or verify routine. As to how the wrong files got the attributes in the first place, I can think of two possibilities: 1) If there are special characters in the share name (such as periods or dashes), they could confuse the regex parsers. Ideally the file integrity plugin would escape those characters before passing the share names to inotifywait or bunker. 2) It is also possible that user did a build or enabled the watch feature before they set the exclusions. Even though I really don't think I did this I'll admit it is a possibility. Either way, the "Clean" routine would fix it.
  7. This is a nice tool! Once it is installed it handles the installation of other Plex channels for you. I pretty much followed the instructions from here: https://github.com/dagalufh/WebTools.bundle/wiki/Installation Updated 9/14/2017 Guide to installing the WebTools 2.4.1 channel in Plex High level overview These instructions appear quite long, so here is a high level overview to show that it isn't really that complicated: Download the WebTools zip file, unzip it, and place it in the Plex appdata plugins directory. If the copy fails, fix the permissions and try again. After a delay the channel will automatically be installed and you can access WebTools here: http://<unraid IP address here>:33400/ Short instructions Download WebTools.bundle.zip from https://github.com/dagalufh/WebTools.bundle/releases/latest and extract it to your desktop. Locate the "Webtools.bundle" folder. Copy the Webtools.bundle folder to your Plex Plug-ins directory here: \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins If you get a permission denied error, you'll need to SSH to the server and: cd "/mnt/user/appdata/<Plex appdata>/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/" chmod a+w Plug-ins then try copying the directory again When it is done you should be able to navigate to: \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\WebTools.bundle\Contents If you are able to pull up the Content directory directly under Plug-ins\WebTools.bundle, then everything is in the right place. Wait a few minutes, then login to Plex. Go to the Channels area and you should see WebTools (although if you click the image the wrong url will be displayed.) If it isn't listed, wait longer and try again. If you want to kick-start it, restart the Plex docker, wait some more and check again. Once you see the channel listed, you can access WebTools at this url: http://<unraid IP address here>:33400/ Long instructions: "tower" is the default name of an unRAID server, but you may have renamed yours. Wherever you see <tower> written here, substitute the name of your server, without the <> characters. Open your unRAID webgui and go to the Dockers tab. Click on the Plex icon and choose Edit. Find the "host path" that corresponds to the container path "/config". It will look like this: /mnt/user/appdata/<Plex appdata>/ Make note of the folder name that appears after "appdata" and use that wherever you see <Plex appdata> in this guide. In other words, if your host path looks like this: /mnt/cache/appdata/Plex Media Server/ then your <Plex appdata> is "Plex Media Server". From your desktop computer, navigate to the Plug-ins directory here: \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media server\Plug-ins Download Webtools.bundle.zip from https://github.com/dagalufh/WebTools.bundle/releases/latest and extract it to your desktop. Locate the "Webtools.bundle" folder. Copy the WebTools.bundle directory from step 4 to the Plug-ins directory you located in step 3. If that copy works, great! If you get a permissions error you will need to SSH in to the server to fix it. Once you have SSH'd in, you need to cd to the Plug-ins directory. We'll do this in steps. I recommend copy/pasting what you type and the results into a text file so you can ask for help if there are problems. If you get an error message from mistyping something, it should be fine to simply retry that step. If you get completely lost, type "exit" and start over. You should now be able to copy the WebTools.bundle directory into the Plug-ins directory. To make sure you put the directory in the right place, confirm you can navigate here from your desktop computer: \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media server\Plug-ins\WebTools.bundle\Content If you are able to pull up the Content directory directly under Plug-ins\WebTools.bundle, then everything is in the right place. Wait a few minutes, then wait some more, then login to Plex. Go to the Channels area and you should see WebTools (although if you click the image the wrong url will be displayed.) If it isn't listed, wait longer and try again. If you want to kick-start it, restart the Plex docker, wait some more and check again. Be patient, wait some more Once you see the channel listed, you can access WebTools at this url: http://<unraid IP address here>:33400/ Need Help? If you are still unable to get this working, please provide the following information: A. From step 1 - What is the name of the server you are using in place of <tower>? Also, is your system working fine other than this? If you have underlying issues with Plex or your server, you should resolve those before installing a new channel. B. From step 2 - What is the full host path that corresponds to the container path for "/config"? And what are you using for the <Plex appdata> value? C. From step 3 - Are you able to access \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media server\Plug-ins ? If not, where does it break? i.e. which of the follow does not work: \\<tower>\ \\<tower>\appdata\ \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata> \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media server \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media server\Plug-ins D. From step 4 - Look in your "Webtools.bundle" folder. It should contain subfolders for "http" and "Contents", plus a few other files. If it doesn't you should re-download / re-extract and try again. E. From step 5 - Do you get any errors when copying Webtools.bundle to the Plug-ins directory? F. From step 6 - If you had to do step 6, attach the text file where you were saving the results of all the commands you typed. G. From step 7 - Are you able to access these directories? \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media server\Plug-ins\WebTools.bundle \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media server\Plug-ins\WebTools.bundle\Content H. Attach "Plex Media Server.log" from the logs directory: \\<tower>\appdata\<Plex appdata>\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Logs If "com.plexapp.plugins.WebTools.log" exists in the the "PMS Plugin logs" sub-directory, attach that as well.
  8. Can you stop your other dockers and vms one at a time until this one starts without error? Curious to know what the conflict is, hopefully there is a work around.
  9. Here you go! I used this method, works great! You'll want to read the last two pages of that thread. Recent versions of Plex don't work well with transcoding to RAM.
  10. I can confirm this does work with my 850 Pro on unRAID 6.1.8. Here are the steps to install and do a little cleanup: mkdir /mnt/user/Data/magician/ cd /mnt/user/Data/magician/ wget http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/downloads/software/samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz tar xvfz samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz mv samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2/64bin/magician . rm samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz rm -rf samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2/ I chose to put it in /mnt/user/Data/magician, adjust as needed. It won't extract to the flash drive. To run: cd /mnt/user/Data/magician/ ./magician -L ================================================================================================ Samsung(R) SSD Magician DC Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Corporation ================================================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Disk | Model | Serial | Firmware | Capacity | Drive | Total Bytes | | Number | | Number | | | Health | Written | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5 |Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512GB |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |EXM01B6Q | 476 GB | GOOD | 10.06 TB | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If I was starting from scratch I might over-provision the drive, but otherwise I don't see much here. The manual is here if you need it
  11. Not right now, but the next release will have a VNC server available on port 4279 (in fact, WEB_PORT - 1). Nice! That sounds like the best of both worlds
  12. I have come up with an answer for a card reader without a device plugged in. UD will now show 'Insert' instead of 'Format' when a device is not plugged in. 'Mount', 'Format', etc will still be the same. I'll release a new version later today once I do a bit more testing. Thanks dlandon! I can confirm it correctly identifies my card readers, very cool. Umm... would you be open to hiding the preclear links too? I don't see those with the card reader I have. Let me see what I can do. EDIT: Ok, I see where the preclear icon comes from - the pre-clear plugin. I have it fixed. This works great! Here's my updated screenshot:
  13. All of the inotifywait exclude examples I can find have the regex wrapped in single quotes. Maybe that would help?
  14. Hmm, looks like I'm having problems with exclusions now too. Here is my dynamix.file.integrity.cfg file: disks="disk1,disk2,disk3" service="1" method="-md5" cmd="A" exclude=".fsr,CrashplanTower,VMISO,cache_backup" schedule="2" parity="1" notify="-n" log="-L -f" disk1-1="on" disk2-2="on" disk3-3="on" priority="-n19,-c2 -n7" day="0" hour="0" min="0" But this showed up in my log today, about one of the excluded directories: Feb 14 06:19:43 Tower bunker: warning: MD5 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk1/CrashplanTower/470662345684159084/cpbf0000000000000000000/cpbmf was modified <snip> Feb 14 06:36:14 Tower bunker: warning: MD5 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk1/CrashplanTower/470662345684159084/cpbf0000000000003747658/cpbdf was modified Feb 14 06:36:14 Tower bunker: verified 661488 files from /mnt/disk1 with mask *. Found: 75 mismatches (updated), 0 corruptions. Duration: 06:36:13 Average speed: 47.5 MB/s Since it just started, I wonder if the problem is that ".fsr" is excluded but that directory only exists during a defrag. Can you post the output of command: ps -ef | grep inotify Sure thing! Thanks for looking: root@Tower:~# ps -ef | grep inotify root 5522 5288 0 13:26 pts/0 00:00:00 grep inotify root 6484 1 0 Feb09 ? 00:00:01 inotifywait -mrq --exclude (^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/(\S+\.img$|.fsr|CrashplanTower|VMISO|cache_backup)/|\.AppleDB|\.DS_Store) --format %w%f -e close_write /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 Hmm, maybe it should be \.fsr instead of .fsr? Any chance you might be willing to exclude that by default, along with the Apple stuff? https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=44989.msg442250#msg442250
  15. Wow! This is going to be so much easier for people to use, thanks a ton gfjardim! Here are step-by-step instructions for updating: Go to the Docker tab Click on the CrashPlan-Desktop docker icon and choose Remove Click the Crashplan docker icon and hit Edit Ensure it is set to Host mode, or be prepared to add/modify the ports Click the button for Advanced View Change the WebUI and Description fields as described here Hit Save Wait for it to install and start running To use (just one step!): Click the CrashPlan docker icon and choose WebUI
  16. Thanks for this! Setup was very straightforward. Once we start controlling the fans, I think it will be important to have quick access to all of them. For me, that would mean 2 temps and 3 fans but if we want to cover the 10 fan use case... What do you think about displaying one fan in the footer, but when you mouseover it, there is a flyout div showing details on all of them? Not sure how hard that would be, but I thought I'd throw it out there
  17. I have come up with an answer for a card reader without a device plugged in. UD will now show 'Insert' instead of 'Format' when a device is not plugged in. 'Mount', 'Format', etc will still be the same. I'll release a new version later today once I do a bit more testing. Thanks dlandon! I can confirm it correctly identifies my card readers, very cool. Umm... would you be open to hiding the preclear links too?
  18. Impressive! Now I really wonder why mine didn't go to zero And we're still left with the question of directory fragmentation. I disabled Cache Dirs and re-ran it, but it had no effect on directory fragmentation. I'm beginning to think this tool doesn't defragment directories.
  19. Hmm, looks like I'm having problems with exclusions now too. Here is my dynamix.file.integrity.cfg file: disks="disk1,disk2,disk3" service="1" method="-md5" cmd="A" exclude=".fsr,CrashplanTower,VMISO,cache_backup" schedule="2" parity="1" notify="-n" log="-L -f" disk1-1="on" disk2-2="on" disk3-3="on" priority="-n19,-c2 -n7" day="0" hour="0" min="0" But this showed up in my log today, about one of the excluded directories: Feb 14 06:19:43 Tower bunker: warning: MD5 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk1/CrashplanTower/470662345684159084/cpbf0000000000000000000/cpbmf was modified <snip> Feb 14 06:36:14 Tower bunker: warning: MD5 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk1/CrashplanTower/470662345684159084/cpbf0000000000003747658/cpbdf was modified Feb 14 06:36:14 Tower bunker: verified 661488 files from /mnt/disk1 with mask *. Found: 75 mismatches (updated), 0 corruptions. Duration: 06:36:13 Average speed: 47.5 MB/s Since it just started, I wonder if the problem is that ".fsr" is excluded but that directory only exists during a defrag.
  20. Added charts. It's not along side but there's a switch to enable them. It'll graph download and upload based on filters, visible or all data. charts are AWESOME! thanks The charts are great! Thanks!
  21. I'm not convinced that it makes a big difference, but if you are sure you want to try... Note: you might want to backup your Plex config folder first, in case reverting to an older version causes problems. I offer no warranty on this You'll need to be running the LinuxServer docker, because it allows you to specify the exact version of Plex you want to run. Go here and decide which version you want to try: https://plex.tv/downloads/1/archive Click the "Computer" button next to that version, then go to Linux -> Ubuntu and copy the entire "Version" string. For instance, for the version string is "" Then go to the Volume Mappings docker page and enable the Advanced View option. Add an Environment Variable named VERSION and paste in the value you got from the archive page. Then start the Plex docker. It should download and install the requested version.
  22. Transcoding in RAM stopped working around Plex 0.9.14. See the other comments on this page. For more info on moving the transcoding directory, see: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg419495#msg419495
  23. I'm wondering if github can help with this? If I'm reading the help files correctly, someone could create an "unRAID collaborators" organization and invite people to join. Each plugin or docker would have a "team" assigned to it, and only the team members would be able to commit to that project. Initially the teams might only have one person in them, but if that person isn't available, an administrator could add someone else to the team and the project could continue on. We would also want to enforce a license policy on all code so there are no legal issues. As long as we don't need private repositories, it looks like this would be free: https://github.com/pricing
  24. I rebooted earlier today and noticed that nothing from Nerd Pack installed. I just updated to today's version of the plugin and rebooted, everything installed as expected. Thanks!
  25. <snip> I really appreciate your responses dlandon! Looks like I just need to move my sync command from REMOVE to ADD and I'll be good to go. And welcome back gfjardim!
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