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Posts posted by ljm42

  1. You are having issues with SSL and DNS.


    After disabling SSL like JorgeB recommended you should be able to access the server via:

    (note: http not https)


    Then follow the instructions here:


    to enable SSL with a custom certificate. Note that servername + localTLD has to be listed in the custom SSL cert. And the network has to provide a DNS entry that resolves to the server's IP.

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  2. This feels like something specific to your environment that may not be automatically solved by a new release. It is up to you, but if you'd like to keep going here's what I'd recommend...


    Setup a new flash drive with 6.12.6 and boot into a default config. Navigate around the webgui and see how it responds. If this all works fine, then that points to a configuration issue with your server that we can work to isolate.


    If it is still slow, I would start by focusing on your client. Try accessing the server from private/incognito mode, or a different browser or even a different computer. The webgui did change, so it is possible that browser extensions or security software on the client could be causing issues with the updated webgui.


    Either way, be sure to grab diagnostics while in this state.

  3. It looks like you've been with us for a while so I'd recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the "Docker custom network type" from macvlan to ipvlan. This is the default setting that Unraid 6.11 ships with. This will prevent crashes related to macvlan call traces, I'm not sure if the slowdowns you are seeing are possibly related to macvlan issues.


    If that doesn't help, since htop is pointing at the unraid-api I'd suggest uninstalling the Connect plugin to see if that helps. It may be a symptom of the problem and not the cause, but might as well rule it out.

  4. The OpenZFS team has published a true fix (rather than just a mitigation) for the ZFS data corruption issue, so we are publishing Unraid 6.12.6 with that fix. This also includes an IPv6 bug fix. All users are encouraged to read the release notes and upgrade.


    Upgrade steps for this release

    1. As always, prior to upgrading, create a backup of your USB flash device:  "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".
    2. Update all of your plugins. This is critical for the NVIDIA and Realtek plugins in particular.
    3. If the system is currently running 6.12.0 - 6.12.4, we're going to suggest that you stop the array at this point. If it gets stuck on "Retry unmounting shares", open a web terminal and type:
      umount /var/lib/docker

      The array should now stop successfully (issues related to Docker not stopping should be resolved in this release)

    4. Go to Tools -> Update OS. If the update doesn't show, click "Check for Updates"
    5. Wait for the update to download and install
    6. If you have any plugins that install 3rd party drivers (NVIDIA, Realtek, etc), wait for the notification that the new version of the driver has been downloaded. 
    7. Reboot


    This thread is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.


    Release Notes

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  5. 14 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

    i did encounter maybe the same?! similar issue to this after updating from 6.12.5-rc1 to 6.12.5.

    Nothing(webgui, ssh, anything really) runs on ipv6 after you stop the array and then start the array again.

    First bootup is fine oddly enough. It still lists that it actively listens on the adresses and ports but its absolutely dead. Gonna check on it later and post the diagnostics.


    Are you using a statically assigned IPv6 address? We just tracked down an issue related to that, although DHCP and SLAAC should work fine. This will be fixed in the next release:



    If you don't have a statically assigned IPv6 address, please start a new thread in general support and include your diagnostics along with a description of the problem.  This release thread is not meant for support.

  6. 10 hours ago, pbear said:


    Well, I already did send my diagnostics file to the support by email, had opened a thread  and even opened a thread on discord.

    The only answer I got was from the support (email) who adviced me to wait for the next release.

    Anyway I updated my thread with extra infos and a new diganostic file.


    Sorry, I originally replied based on your post in this thread as it had no hints about the other communication.


    I just commented on your thread, this issue will be resolved in the next release https://forums.unraid.net/topic/145859-after-upgrade-troubles-with-ipv6/#comment-1332834


  7. Jumbo frames (especially on eth0) can cause many issues, reverting the MTU to 1500 is likely what solved the problem.


    BTW, the Fix Common Problems plugin is great for detecting configuration issues like this, it would have sent you here:



  8. 2 hours ago, pbear said:

    As I already had with 6.12.4, I cannot connect to my unraid server through his ipv6. I had downgraded to 6.12.3 until now for this reason (among others).


     root@unraid # ss -tlpn | grep :22 
    tcp   LISTEN 0      128               *    users:(("sshd",pid=24054,fd=3)) 


    I don't know why it doesn't listen on [::]:22


    Any idea ?


    (But with this version, unlike v6.12.4, the ipv6 works with my docker containers.)



    Not much to go on there, we really need your diagnostics. The next time you upgrade, be sure to grab diagnostics and then start a new topic in general support where you detail the issue. It is very difficult to do back and forth support in this release thread.

  9. The Unraid 6.12.5 release includes a mitigation for a ZFS data corruption issue, along with other bug fixes and security updates. All users are encouraged to read the release notes and upgrade.


    Upgrade steps for this release

    1. As always, prior to upgrading, create a backup of your USB flash device:  "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".
    2. Update all of your plugins. This is critical for the NVIDIA and Realtek plugins in particular.
    3. If the system is currently running 6.12.0 - 6.12.4, we're going to suggest that you stop the array at this point. If it gets stuck on "Retry unmounting shares", open a web terminal and type:
      umount /var/lib/docker

      The array should now stop successfully (issues related to Docker not stopping should be resolved in this release)

    4. Go to Tools -> Update OS. If the update doesn't show, click "Check for Updates"
    5. Wait for the update to download and install
    6. If you have any plugins that install 3rd party drivers (NVIDIA, Realtek, etc), wait for the notification that the new version of the driver has been downloaded. 
    7. Reboot


    This thread is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.


    Release Notes

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  10. This is really odd... Digital Ocean (our CDN) is sending the wrong file when the plugin installer tries to download it. The good news is that the SHA256 mismatch detects the wrong file and refuses to install it.


    We are investigating, in the meantime you can manually download the file by opening a web terminal and running these commands one at a time:

    mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers
    wget -O /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/unraid-api.tgz https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/unraid-api/unraid-api-3.2.3.tgz

    Once that is done, you will be able to install the current Connect plugin (dated 2023.09.08.0637)

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