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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. It actually defaults to two ports. UDP 1194 and TCP 9443. If you have gotten the paid license for OpenVPN that allows more than two users you may need both ports. My understanding is that they alternate for load balancing.
  2. Just to be sure, you do have the proper ports forwarded to the docker in your firewall right? That’s the only problem I have ever had when trying to connect to my docker.
  3. Not really. I don't use Android. Might try the openvpn forum.
  4. I left those settings at default and haven't had any issues. Maybe someone with better knowledge might have different suggestions.
  5. IIRC, using CLI doesn't create the user in the local database. Log in with the default admin user and then add the new user in the gui as I described. Once you have verified that that user is working delete the default admin user in the gui and run step 3 from the dockerhub page to be sure the default user doesn't get recreated during updates. Let me know if this works.
  6. Just to be sure, are you using this screen to create your local user? Want to make sure you have set Authentication>General to local? You entered a new user in the screen shown, with admin selected and a password in the proper field? Saved the changes and updated the running server?
  7. If you want to connect to the admin page you would use
  8. I think you’ll find that the instructions linked in the OP are much more helpful- https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/openvpn-as/ Scroll down to the setting up the application section. @gridrunner has also released a video- https://youtu.be/I58LTMKyeYw Its good for reference but a little dated with regards to admin user configuration.
  9. Probably a question for the OpenVPN-AS thread. I don’t use VPN forwarding so not really sure. Probably depends on the software you’re using and such.
  10. I think it works very nicely. I setup LSIO’s OpenVPN-AS docker and use it to create a secure encrypted tunnel to my local network.
  11. Plenty of space on your docker image file? That is probably what the error is for.
  12. IIRC the /data paths must be exactly the same for Radarr and sab. Edit: Copy the path you have set for sab and paste it into Radarr.
  13. Many users have reported better speeds with binhex-rtorrentvpn docker. Just sayin’.
  14. Are you using Deluge or rtorrent? That path would be for an rtorrent docker file.
  15. I can see I'm going to need a bigger phone to make room for all the buttons.
  16. Actually, I didn't get a crash. It froze. and only if I didn't wait for the shutdown to complete (~30 seconds (ish)).
  17. If you don't get an answer to this on here, you might try checking on the plex forums. I've never tested this, but my guess is that the safe thing to do would be to re-create from scratch. You could always do some testing though.
  18. Probably the only significant difference between the various dockers will be the level of support you get. This docker and the binhex version are both well liked I believe. A docker runs independently from your system. If the docker crashes it shouldn’t take the system down with it.
  19. Sure. You can use the user scripts plugin to reboot the docker on a cron schedule.
  20. That would mean tools>diagnostics. A zip file will be downloaded. Just attach it to your next post.
  21. Sorry. I thought you were storing the transcoded media.
  22. Just as a test, setup a cache only share and add a path to it in the docker. Use that share for your transcode. This will be outside of parity and may give you better write speeds. A UD mounted drive will work for this as well.
  23. Just a guess, but if you are writing to parity that may be the problem. You could try writing to an Unassigned Devices Mount located outside the array and see if you’re speeds increase.
  24. Thanks. I think if I reach a point where the number of torrents has grow high enough to start triggering the error again, I might just get me some really cool shades.?
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