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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. If you start over with a new install and follow the instructions on docker hub you shouldn't have any problems. If you are attempting to use spaceinvader's video for this, you'll run into issues. The docker has been updated since the video was recorded so the video is good, but a little outdated. If you run into problems, just post a detailed description of what you did and which step of the instructions you can't get to work. Users here will be glad to help.
  2. Local users need to be set up via the admin UI. Follow the instructions linked in the OP. Scroll down to Setting up the application.
  3. Alright. Progress. Adding new friends worked. Now I get lots of emails. Can't turn them off though. Setting plex_user_emails=no doesn't seem to have any effect. Am I missing something. My goal is to send emails to PLEX_USER (myself) and recipients_email. --- email: title: 'New This Week' image: 'http://i.imgur.com/LNTSbFl.png' footer: 'Thanks for watching!' language: 'en' web: title_image: 'img/nowshowing.png' logo: 'img/logo.png' headline_title: 'Just added:' headliners: 'Laughs, Screams, Thrills, Entertainment' footer: 'Thanks for watching!' language: 'en' plex: plex_user_emails: 'no' mail: from: 'Plex Server' subject: 'Now Showing' recipients_email: ['[email protected]'] recipients: ['PLEX_USER'] report: interval: 7 report_type: 'both' email_report_time: '10 8 * * 0' web_report_time: '5 18 * * *' extra_details: 'no' test: 'disable' I am also still seeing an error in the log (not on cli though)- I, [2017-11-04T07:43:23.299758 #806] INFO -- : Starting up NowShowing E, [2017-11-04T07:43:28.580590 #806] ERROR -- : Something failed. If you are seeing this, please turn on debugging and open an issue. I, [2017-11-04T07:43:28.838743 #806] INFO -- : Reporting The Good Doctor Season ["1"] I, [2017-11-04T07:43:28.855772 #806] INFO -- : Reporting The Good Doctor Season 1 Episode 6 I, [2017-11-04T07:43:29.429323 #806] INFO -- : Reporting Outlander Season 3 Episode 7 I, [2017-11-04T07:43:30.412129 #806] INFO -- : Reporting Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Episode 7 I, [2017-11-04T07:44:24.204630 #806] INFO -- : Script complete. Ran in 60.905840231 seconds full_debug_nowshowing.log.zip
  4. I see. Just need to figure out what my gmail address is now I guess. Never use it but I know I have one.?
  5. Not quite sure how to create a plex account with a fake email. Doesn’t plex send a confirmation before activating an account?
  6. No problem. appreciate the help. root@Brunnhilde:~# docker exec nowshowing emailreport -vvv /var/lib/nowshowing/mailReport.rb:61:in `[]': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError) from /var/lib/nowshowing/mailReport.rb:61:in `block in sendMail' from /var/lib/nowshowing/mailReport.rb:60:in `each' from /var/lib/nowshowing/mailReport.rb:60:in `sendMail' from /usr/local/sbin/emailreport:385:in `main' from /usr/local/sbin/emailreport:389:in `<main>' root@Brunnhilde:~# advanced.yaml- email: title: 'New This Week' image: 'http://i.imgur.com/LNTSbFl.png' footer: 'Thanks for watching!' language: 'en' web: title_image: 'img/nowshowing.png' logo: 'img/logo.png' headline_title: 'Just added:' headliners: 'Laughs, Screams, Thrills, Entertainment' footer: 'Thanks for watching!' language: 'en' plex: plex_user_emails: 'no' mail: from: 'Plex Server' subject: 'Now Showing' recipients_email: ['[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]'] recipients: ['PLEX_USER'] report: interval: 7 report_type: 'both' email_report_time: '10 8 * * 0' web_report_time: '5 18 * * *' extra_details: 'no' test: 'disable' nowshowing.log.zip
  7. Have you followed the installation instructions linked in the OP under Setting up the application? I’m not sure if gridrunner has updated his video yet. It may be outdated.
  8. Right. My bad.? Was thinking the same thing myself, especially for people just starting with unRAID that may never have used the scripted (JoeL) version.
  9. It didn’t a couple of weeks ago. My guess, they used UD to format and then Preclear to clear.
  10. Not related to cache pools. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/41631-support-linuxserverio-openvpn-as/?do=findComment&comment=599197
  11. This would run a check on the first Tuesday of every other month at 0030 hours. What else would you like to customize?
  12. I used the user scripts plugin to stop my torrent dockers on parity start and then restart them on parity stop. Discussion starts here.
  13. After receiving the info from tech support regarding updating the app from within the docker container I've been trying to work out the docker commands required to download and install the update inside the docker. Figured if I could figure out how to create the backup files they recommend that would be a good start. I believe I have finally worked that out but I keep getting a segfault error. root@Brunnhilde:~# docker exec openvpn-as /bin/bash -c 'cd /config && ./bin/sqlite3 ./etc/db/config.db .dump > ./config.db.bak' /bin/bash: line 1: 435 Segmentation fault ./bin/sqlite3 ./etc/db/config.db .dump > ./config.db.bak I'm not positive, but after googling I think this is related to the permissions set on the openvpn appdata folder- root@Brunnhilde:~# cd /mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn-as root@Brunnhilde:/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn-as# ls -al total 84 drwxr-xr-x 10 nobody users 174 Oct 30 18:48 ./ drwxrwxrwx 13 nobody users 258 Oct 30 03:00 ../ drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users 70 Oct 27 18:17 bin/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 30 18:48 config.db.bak drwxr-xr-x 5 nobody users 161 Oct 27 18:16 doc/ drwxr-xr-x 9 nobody users 233 Oct 27 18:17 etc/ -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 448 Aug 30 17:34 exports drwxr-xr-x 3 nobody users 23 Oct 27 18:16 include/ -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 10898 Oct 27 18:17 init.log drwxr-xr-x 6 nobody users 4096 Oct 27 18:16 lib/ -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 54308 Oct 27 18:16 license.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users 4096 Oct 28 09:57 log/ drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users 79 Oct 27 18:16 sbin/ drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users 4096 Oct 27 18:17 scripts/ I know these permissions aren't the same as any of the other docker appdata folders I have installed, but that doesn't mean they aren't correct. Should I run "New Permissions" on this folder? Or maybe I'm using the wrong command completely and should be using something else?
  14. I'm not even sure exactly how to create the backup? Tried using the docs supplied by tech support but I just get a segfault. root@Brunnhilde:/mnt/cache/appdata/openvpn-as# ./bin/sqlite3 ./etc/db/config.db .dump > ./config.db.bak Segmentation fault
  15. Scroll up a little. Should fix your problem. If not, post back. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/41631-support-linuxserverio-openvpn-as/?do=findComment&comment=598988
  16. I agree, “corrupt” isn’t correct. The update required a modification of the database which didn’t occur when just pulling an updated docker. Will updates work using the method recommended by tech support in a docker exec command? Not quite sure what the correct procedure should be.
  17. @linuxserver.io @CHBMB @sparklyballs After being questioned by OpenVPN tech support regarding the process I used to update OpenVPN-AS to the current version I informed them that I was running the server in a docker and that I had just updated the docker to install the updated application. I received this reply from OpenVPN-AS tech support- I haven’t had a chance to completely review all the info they sent me, but it looks like future updates to the application may need to be applied within the application rather than pushing out an updated container??? Not quite sure if the exact process yet though?
  18. I don’t know how old my template is but mine is under “show advanced settings”.
  19. I imagine the logs will show something.
  20. Ok. New reply from OpenVPN-AS support- It looks like the upgrade procedure you followed broke the database. Try the following to reset the TLS settings: Go to Advanced VPN in the Admin UI. Disable the "Enable TLS authentication" option. Save settings. Update running servers. Enable the "Enable TLS authentication" option. Save settings. Update running servers. Now try again. This fixed the problem for me. @linuxserver.io Looks like updating the docker caused an incompatibility of the local database???
  21. I don’t see any problem in that part of the configuration. Probably should attach deluged.log and supervisord.log. Both are located in /config/binhex-delugevpn/. Maybe @binhex or someone else will see some issues. You didn’t include the bottom half of your docker configuration so I don’t know exactly what the /config path is. Probably /mnt/cache/appdata/.
  22. When you edited the docker configuration did it complete successfully? Maybe post a screenshot of the configuration.
  23. Yes Your cache will work assuming it has enough capacity. You just need to be sure you use the same path for /data in each docker. And be sure that any share you create on the cache is set to "cache prefer" so mover doesn't move it. /mnt/cache or /mnt/diskX would be the path to a single disk where X=disk# (disk1, disk2, etc) /mnt/user/sharename would be the path to a share
  24. From OpenVPN Support- I’m mobile today so I can’t check this since I’d have to do it from my local network. Maybe one of y’all can test it?
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