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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Ok. Thanks. Where would I need to store the placeholder.txt file for this to work?
  2. I'm not much on scripting. What would I need for a script to copy a placeholder.txt file to .Recycle.Bin? Would just a cp command work or does it need something more?
  3. +1 for this. I think it sounds like a very useful feature.
  4. Just to be clear, I'm still running 6.3.5, so if I'm understanding correctly this didn't fully test the new formatting.
  5. Formatted an 8TB Seagate ST8000DM004 to XFS via UD and SMB 3. Installed the drive internally into my server and added to array as a replacement without having to reformat. Data rebuild is in progress. Looks like no issues with the formatting.
  6. I've got an 8TB that just finished preclear. I'll try it on that as soon as I get some free time this afternoon.
  7. This isn't really an answer to your question, but just wanted to make sure you know that Radarr doesn't have to have recycle bin to be able to delete video files. It's just more permanent without a recycle bin. If you leave that setting empty files will still get deleted.
  8. I'm not much on CIDR but shouldn't it be
  9. I think I'll just leave it as is for now. The temp has stabilized half way between warning temp and critical temp so as long as it doesn't change I won't get any more notifications (I think). If I change too many settings I might forget to reset something a week from now when the preclear finishes.
  10. Yeah. I tried that to stop the over temp notifications, but it only works for array drives I think. If I select the drive in the UD section I just get the SMART status. Managed to calm the fans down by setting them to wok with "System Temp" rather than "HDD Temperature". Not a great solution, but it will save wear and tear on the drives until the preclear is finished. Was hoping that the plugin could be modified to ignore external drives, but my guess is that SM lumps all drive temps together.
  11. Right now I have one external USB 3 enclosure attached to my server and running a preclear on it. It's not a well designed enclosure and runs a little warm (52C). I notice that this seems to spin up my drive bay cooling fans. Is it possible to segregate externally and internally mounted drives so that they don't spin up the fans needlessly?
  12. How do I do a defect report? Edit- Nevermind. Found it.
  13. Now I'm totally confused. Here's what I got with a file written with anonymous login- Brunnhilde login: root Password: Linux 4.9.30-unRAID. Last login: Mon Sep 4 12:09:10 -0400 2017 on /dev/pts/0 from root@Brunnhilde:~# cd /mnt/user/Media/Temp root@Brunnhilde:/mnt/user/Media/Temp# ls -al total 112 drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 47 Sep 4 15:17 ./ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 30 Sep 4 15:17 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 107685 Jun 13 2016 NCSBA\ Honey\ Competition\ Rules.pdf root@Brunnhilde:/mnt/user/Media/Temp# Same file created with my user login- Brunnhilde login: root Password: Linux 4.9.30-unRAID. Last login: Mon Sep 4 15:18:06 -0400 2017 on /dev/pts/0 from root@Brunnhilde:~# cd /mnt/user/Media/Temp root@Brunnhilde:/mnt/user/Media/Temp# ls -al total 112 drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 47 Sep 4 15:25 ./ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 50 Sep 4 15:24 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 wgstarks users 107685 Jun 13 2016 NCSBA\ Honey\ Competition\ Rules.pdf root@Brunnhilde:/mnt/user/Media/Temp#
  14. Looks like you are absolutely correct. I've been doing some reading this morning (more still to do) and it looks like this was all caused by the way I was mounting the SMB shares on my Mac. The shares were originally set as private and I was connecting using user credentials. From what I have been reading this sets special permissions. I changed the shares to public with OS X support enabled and connect as guest and the problem is solved. I guess guest access uses nobody/users permissions.
  15. I won't have a drive to preclear for a few more days, but updated UD and tested with the previous drive that was giving issues. It IS NOT disappearing like it was so looks like that part of the problem is corrected. Thanks
  16. I'm still testing <fingers crossed> but it appears this is all caused by the way I was connecting to the share on my Mac. The SMB settings for the share were originally "Private" and I was connecting with user credentials. I've still got more reading to do, but it looks like this sets special permissions. I changed the SMB shares to public (they're just a bunch of videos anyway ) with OS X support enabled and connect as guest and now have default (nobody/users) permissions.
  17. I think that would be great. Really like using the preclear plugin instead of a screen session since it gives me notifications.
  18. Thanks. Can I still run preclears from CLI? I've got another drive shipping in on Wednesday and I'd like to get the preclear started on it since it's 8TB and will take a while.
  19. I'm having an issue where drives will only appear in UD if I delete this plugin. It has happened with at least one drive, possibly two. Would be glad to furnish any logs if necessary.
  20. Thank you for posting this. I lost a drive last night and couldn't get it to show in UD. As soon as I deleted the preclear plugin the lost drive was found. It was actually the second drive in about a week to do this. I'm guessing I may be able to get the other one back up and running too?
  21. Thanks. Tried setting the switch to NO and wound up with no access at all to all the folders that radarr had written for each movie. Right now I am using- File chmod mask = 0666 Folder chmod mask = 0777 chown User = nobody chown Group = users These settings seem to work best, but something keeps changing permissions on my cache drive.
  22. Think I've finally figured out why my permissions keep getting screwed up. Every time radarr imports a movie it changes the perms for the folder. Not sure what setting to use? This is the current setting. Also tried chown User = nobody chown Group = users (that worked sometimes) and Set Permissions = No (that was a total failure). Does this look correct?
  23. Just did a little test. Wrote a file to an unraid share via SMB to check permissions. root@Brunnhilde:/mnt/user/Media/Temp# ls -al total 112 drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 55 Sep 3 20:09 ./ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 38 Sep 3 20:09 ../ -rw-rw-rw- 1 wgstarks users 107685 Jun 13 2016 NCSBA\ Honey\ Competition\ Rules.pdf I think this is proper, right?
  24. How can I check what the actual permissions are for files I'm writing from my macs?
  25. After I run the script the permissions still haven't been repaired. Is there some log I could check for an error? I think you're right about the docker. Haven't figured out which one though. I do use macs but never noticed any issues with the files transferred from them. How could I tell if this was a problem? What was the fix?
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