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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Docker Safe New Perms has stopped working for me. I've been having issues with the permissions for all items on the root of my cache. In the past I've been able to fix them using this script, but it's no longer having any effect. Now the only solution I've found is to reboot my server. I checked the log but saw nothing other than that the script had run (no details). Started another thread to try and eliminate whatever is causing the permissions issue, but it would be nice if I could find a simpler fix than having to reboot.
  2. Not sure what a UNC share is, but you would use it to mount the share and then add a new path in the docker. IIRC you should be able to just browse to the mounted share in the path field.
  3. You would add another path to the docker pointing to the UD mounted share. Once you add the path you'll be able to see/add it in plex.
  4. Thanks. I'll run it as soon as my data rebuild finishes.
  5. Id be glad to post it but I'm not sure how you generated the graph?
  6. The docker has been updated since this video was made. Instead of using the instructions in the video regarding adding users it would be better if you use the setup/install instructions in the github readme. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-openvpnas
  7. No idea. I'd probably move them manually. It's not really an issue with the docker so you might try asking in the Sonarr forum. This is probably over simplifying but Sonarr will check your missing episodes against any new torrents posted on the sites you have setup in your indexers, using RSS sync. It won't search torrents that aren't newly posted. To check existing torrents you'll need to click the search button associated with each season or episode that you're missing. Once again I recommend the Sonarr forums. I'm sure you'll get some answers here, but there will likely be many more resources there to answer your question regarding the app itself.
  8. I see that the gfjardim script has a lot more options than it did the last time I used it. Which option is best for preclearing a new drive? I'm guessing that erasing is probably not needed, right?
  9. When I ran into this it was because I didn't have matching /data paths in my Sonarr docker and my Deluge docker. Are both of yours mapped to the same folder?
  10. Sonarr will rename the completed downloads when it imports them. This should follow the naming pattern you set in Sonarr media management settings.
  11. Not sure if this has been reported or not. I just noticed it.
  12. That's ok. Looks like the backup plus goes on sale tomorrow for the same price.
  13. Just irritates me that the seller listed it as AS0002 and even included several pics. The drives don't look anything alike. I have a hard time believing they accidentally listed/shipped the wrong one. What about issues with partitions that need to be removed? Seems like I've seen some posts regarding drives that couldn't access the full capacity.
  14. So, would you keep and use these considering the fact that there won't be any warranty?
  15. @Harro Wondering if you had any issues using these drives in unraid? Any partitions that had to be removed or that sort of thing. Just purchased an ST8000AS0002 on eBay but got the DM004 instead. Trying to figure out if I should just demand a full refund and return the drive or except a partial credit and keep the drive.
  16. There's a link to it in Binhex's sig. Check the OP.
  17. Should be something like http://<yourIP>:943/admin/
  18. Discussion starts here and then read the next few posts. May answer your question.
  19. You mean f*cking isn't a PC term? I would have thought the two were closely related.
  20. The docker was just modified last week. Perhaps @gridrunner might update his video since the installation now has some significant changes. Much easier setup IMHO.
  21. With the most recent version you shouldn't need to use PAM at all. Just login the first time with the default admi/password. Create a new user with admin privileges in the webgui. Logout of the default admin account. Log back in with the new user credentials you just created just to test it. Make the change to as.conf. I believe you shouldn't need SSH at all. If this doesn't work you can attach your logs to your next post. Be sure to redact users and passwords. I'm sure one of the gurus here will be able to figure it out.
  22. Well, I looked for this on your YouTube channel but missed it. Almost posted some sort of smarta$$ remark in this thread last night about missing SpaceInvader videos. Glad I didn't. Wouldn't want to look stupid(er).
  23. It would probably be better if you followed the installation directions in the github readme linked in the OP.
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