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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. You can actually select between a bunch of different erase, clear and verify options.
  2. If you are really using this utility and not the plugin then I think you can just close the screen session or ssh connection you are using. If you're using the plugin then probably you should ask in that support thread. If Im remembering correctly there will be a red x displayed next to the drive for this.
  3. I managed to stop the error on my server by setting max connections = 85 in the same method @Lytic was using for setting Auto Managing. I believe this will be the “per torrent” connections. Only thing I’m not sure about though, is this really necessary? In my case, I’m not seeing any performance issues related to the syn flooding. The log entry only appears once right after docker startup and then no recurrences. If it was a constant problem wouldn’t I get a recurring log entry? Just don’t know enough about this to know if it really needs to be solved (for me at least)?
  4. No ? Still see the error after restarting the docker.
  5. Probably a good idea. Otherwise you have to wait for the shutdown to complete (about 60 secs for me) before you can close the app.
  6. Why do I see this error on my terminal when I reboot? /bin/bash: line 5: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr/scripts/stop: No such file or directory
  7. Actually thats the one I have installed. Guess that line is just an old leftover.
  8. Every time I reboot my server I get an error that /boot/cache_dir: Does not exist. I'm just guessing that the file has something to do with this plugin. It's being called from my go file- #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & /boot/cache_dirs -w beep -l 300 -f 220.00 -n -l 300 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 220.00 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 261.63 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 261.63 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 261.63 -n -l 300 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 261.63 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 659.26 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 329.63 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 329.63 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 554.00 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 223.00 -D 100 -n -l 750 -f 293.66 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 223.00 -D 100 -n -l 750 -f 311.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 293.66 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 329.63 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 370.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 # force iptable mangle module to load (required for *vpn dockers) /sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle # Enlarge the LOG partition mount -o remount,size=384m /var/log Should I just delete the line for my go file or am I missing a file?
  9. Just in case anyone else is getting syn flooding errors, I managed to fix it with a LOT of help. Create a file named sysctl.conf in /boot/config with contents- net.core.somaxconn = 2048 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 1024 These values are optional. Add a line to /boot/config/go- #syn flooding changes /sbin/sysctl -p /boot/scripts/sysctl.conf Changes will be applied on reboot. Nevermind. Didn’t work. Still get the syn flooding errors even with setting up to 4096.
  10. Looks like I have run into a bug. Used this app to reboot my server and now it’s hung on this screen after the boot completes- I can’t go back. The only option is to force quit the app. Edit: Only happens if you close the app before the shutdown process completes. If I just leave it open, no issues.
  11. Tried making the changes- go file- #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & /boot/cache_dirs -w beep -l 300 -f 220.00 -n -l 300 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 220.00 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 261.63 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 261.63 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 261.63 -n -l 300 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 261.63 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 523.25 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 659.26 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 329.63 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 329.63 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 440.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 554.00 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 223.00 -D 100 -n -l 750 -f 293.66 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 223.00 -D 100 -n -l 750 -f 311.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 349.23 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 293.66 -D 300 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 196.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 233.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 329.63 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 300 -f 220.00 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 293.66 -D 100 -n -l 150 -f 370.00 -D 100 -n -l 500 -f 440.00 -D 100 # force iptable mangle module to load (required for *vpn dockers) /sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle # Enlarge the LOG partition mount -o remount,size=384m /var/log #syn flooding changes echo "net.core.somaxconn = 2048" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo "net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 1024" >> /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.config- # from https://github.com/guard/listen/wiki/Increasing-the-amount-of-inotify-watchers # increase the number of inotify watches fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 # from: https://www.andrisoft.com/support/portal/kb/article/os-level-optimisations # better support for 10Gb ethernet net.core.rmem_max = 16777216 net.core.wmem_max = 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216 net.core.somaxconn = 2048 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 1024 The changes are being written to sysctl.config but they aren'y being implemented on boot- root@Brunnhilde:/etc# sysctl net.core.somaxconn net.core.somaxconn = 128 root@Brunnhilde:/etc# sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 512 root@Brunnhilde:/etc# Any ideas why?
  12. I’m running 6.3.5. Everything seems to be working properly. If I hadn’t checked my logs I wouldn’t have known about the sun flooding. I only see the error once just after a restart of the docker. I saw that too. I was able to make the threshold adjustments described in the article, but it appears that a server reboot is also required which will mean I’ll lose the changes. I know I’d need to add something to the go file but no idea what. The article says to make an edit in /etc- echo “net.core.somaxconn = 2048” >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo “net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 512” >> /etc/sysctl.conf Im not sure how to adapt this for the go file? I’m not much on network protocols but if I understand the article correctly this will just be hiding the issue. Is there some way to actually fix it?
  13. I’m seeing the same thing. The error appears within about 5 minutes after this docker starts. I saw this but no idea how to apply the changes suggested.
  14. Thanks. I saw that too but I have no idea how to make the suggested changes inside the docker. It seems that I get the error within about 5 minutes after the binhex-delugevpn docker starts.
  15. I’m seeing this entry in my system log at about the same time every morning- Nov 19 03:19:52 Brunnhilde kernel: TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 41083. Sending cookies. Check SNMP counters Is this something I should be worried about? brunnhilde-diagnostics-20171119-0854.zip
  16. Patience is a virtue.? If you continue to have issues I’d recommend attaching the supervisord.log from your appdata folder and maybe screenshots of your docker configuration.
  17. Yes. It’s sending emails to plex_user, recipients and friends even though friends should be disabled. This is with the cron automated schedule. Not really a big deal for me. All the friends are just fake gmail accounts so I just set a spam filter in gmail. Wanted you to know about it though. If you need me to do some testing I’ll be glad to.
  18. Did you mean colon + tag? Or maybe it should be linuxserver/jacket;83 ❓
  19. The video is very good but a little outdated. Probably a good idea to also take a look at the instructions linked in the OP since they are updated as needed. https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/openvpn-as/ Scroll down to the "Setting up the application" section.
  20. wgstarks


    Tools>diagnostics Download the zip and attach it to your next post. Be sure to select “anonymize”.
  21. root@Brunnhilde:~# ps aux | grep controlr root 6874 0.0 0.0 10264 6488 ? Sl 13:03 0:00 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr/controlr -port 2378 -certdir /boot/config/ssl/certs -showups false root 16829 0.0 0.0 9640 1840 pts/0 S+ 14:00 0:00 grep controlr root@Brunnhilde:~#
  22. I have updated app and plugin. Set plugin to disable UPS data. Restarted ControlR app. Still have ups data scrolling across my screen. Did I miss something? Edit: Also restarted the plugin.
  23. For me it was. I took a screenshot of the old settings but didn’t really need it. Settings for v2 haven’t changed too much.
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