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Everything posted by hernandito

  1. Its thru imgur... not sure how long they keep stuff up...just as a safe keeping, download it and re-up in case they remove it... I am glad you like it. Thanks for this docker!
  2. Just in case you like, I have slightly embellished an icon based on their logo. http://i.imgur.com/QWkgTSP.png Thank you so much for this... working perfectly.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/Gv7d1ib.png because you cannot only have just one...
  4. 3rd. I also could not help but slightly enhance the Guacamole logo.... sadly the source logo image was small resolution and this is as big as I can do it. http://i.imgur.com/ozPZT6N.png Thanks.
  5. Could I impose on someone to please write directions how to set this up? Can the template be re-written so that one can enter our login information as variables...? I have no-ip and would love to get this going. Thanks, H.
  6. In case someone wants an ownCloud icon... http://i.imgur.com/zinhEqL.png I have created my own personally hosted page that launches all my container stuff. Now that I have (thanks to the amazing CHBMB) reverse proxy working, I need to keep track of all those URLS, ports links, etc. I host this in the Reverse Proxy Docker. It allows me to swicth whether I am in my home network, or outside.. and the links change appropiately. If someone is interested in the code, please PM me... I don't want to release it because it takes some HTML knowledge and editing to get it working for your own purpose. Please don't freak out.... I do not access my unRAID GUI outside my home network.
  7. How do you build the Dockers in this fashion? I create a repo in Github, start with a similar dockerfile and add anything needed. I then create a new Auto Build repo in dockerhub. There is a lot of trial and error... If there is a better work flow, I would love to know about it.
  8. ps... Since this data is on cache drive only, you should implement some type of backup system for your cache drive... or setup multiple drives.
  9. THE best way to avoid this is when you create your appdatada share, you tell it to store it to cache drive only.
  10. Bummer... thank you for considering though. I have already disabled all the things I don't want to see in the Settings page. I wish I could understand php enough to see how its reading and outputting the data... and in which order, and insert a <br> between things or sets of things.
  11. Any suggestions would be welcome and considered. Hi Theone, Sorry for not getting back sooner. I have some suggestions for the "visuals" of the plugin. I find the "continuous line" description w/ the alternating white and black, very hard to read and discern. I suggest something like wht I mocked up below: As you can see in the middle drive, I have grouped some of the more important info together and larger. I have also split other lines. This could be a 2 column table. If some lines get too long (like HDD model number) you could either make font smaller, or truncate the string. What (for me) are the most important lines that can go together and on their own could be something like: DiskNo. - DiskSD# - DiskSize (top hierarchy larger font, bold) Manufacturer - Model (small font) SerialNumber (on its own line) If needed, you can also make the grey rectangles a little larger to accommodate the better formatted text. The whole thing does NOT need to be exactly like my mockup, but the idea is to make the info easy to read. For the Vertical oriented drive layou, I would strongly consider not rotating the font. Very hard to read. Here as well, you could make the drive rectangle containers a little larger and/or split the text info into various lines. While not a big deal, I am also offering icon alternatives. These icons are more in-line with the icons in unRAID's Setting page. The icon you have is a little more modern, in the "flat" style of the latest iOS, Win 8 Metro, etc. http://i.imgur.com/RzFq1CP.png http://i.imgur.com/bhsBHRH.png Please let me know your thoughts. Many thanks again for this plugin!! ps. Maybe the Tray Number can go directly below the LED light, in a larger font... in dark grey...
  12. Just found out about this plugin... really nice.... long gone are the days of having to take out each drive to read serial numbers. Thank you so much for this. Would you be interested in some design (visual) suggestions?
  13. It should not be hard to build based on a Phusion image... I am having a hard time grasping how this works... Is it like your own personal MediaFire or Fileshare, or is it more community share base.
  14. Not sure I can help with your configuration, but I save my Calibre library in a folder in Dropbox. This way I can access my books from both my work/home desktops using regular Calibre and from any web enabled device iPad/Nook/etc. I have a Docker for Dropbox, that saves the books my cache drive. I have another Docker w/ Calibre server, that looks at the Dropbox folder for books. I download books using my ruTorrent Docker, and I have Autotools move the completed books to my /Downloads/complete folder in my array. Whenever new books are downloaded and in the proper folder in /downloads, I run the following command from my unRAID command line. (change the docker ID to match your Calibre docker). I added a volume to my Downloads folder in the Calibre server container. docker exec -t -i b531544560182 /opt/calibre/calibredb add /downloads/complete/Books/ -r --with-library /config rm -rf /mnt/user/downloads/complete/Books/* I created a little bash script with that command and put in my /boot folder. Unfortunately I cannot get it to run from cron... but that is minor.
  15. Love the Plugin.... Easy as can be... using it for first time to pre-clear a 4TB drive. I do have one enhancement suggestion: There is the drop-down list that lest you choose the different actions to perform (clear, test, ?, etc.). It would be very helpful to have a description that clearly states what each of these options do. When, why, and how you would use each of the options listed. This is more of a reference than a functional feature. It would really help the non-power-experts. Thanks for this!!
  16. BTW, I just ordered a new drive so I can test it.... and add more storage... who doesn't need more storage?
  17. Thank you for this... long overdue. Its not often that I add new drives to my array... thus I have to -re-learn how to do it every time. The blond-pressure level goes up, trying to make sure I don't mess up. It looks like this will certainly ease things up.
  18. I wish my brain could grasp what this does and what I can do with it...
  19. I have created my own "portal" page which is like a Maraschino on super steroids. One of the things it does, it goes to the various NZB indexing sites I am a member of, and it parses the RSS feed to show me the latest releases. It then presents them on my portal. Because you only get a limited amount of API hits on those sites, I have a script that reads the rss feed, stores the info in a mySQL database table. Then when load the portal page, it reads the stored value in the database and not directly from the indexer websites. The script runs every 30 minutes, so that is 48 API hits per day. The info then is at worse, 29 minutes or less behind. This is totally fine for my perusal purpose. It do not need real time like that. Thus the cron... it runs the script that loads the data in the db. I also scrape the NY Times bestseller book list and stores it. I have a page that lists the weeks list. I was getting the cron job error you listed... and someway, somehow they went away. Unfortunately I cannot figure out what causes it. My guess is that it was a conflict with another docker. As you know, I am far from an expert.
  20. I just upped a logo and changed the xml.... I want something that shows php, apache and database.. Not great... but not sure what else to try. Apache feather is a little too boring for my taste. EDIT - fixed earlier problem.
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