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Everything posted by ashman70

  1. Ok I am now getting all these email alerts that sonarr is sorting my tv episodes and they are disappearing from my 'completed' folder...Where are they being moved to?
  2. Ok fixed, this is the sonarr container now, correct? What are the next steps now with sonarr and the folder mappings?
  3. I'm guessing I need to add the container path in Sonarr to match that of Sabnbz to /data ?
  4. Ok I added the container to Sonarr, but the path is not listed, for sabNZB it says :data does this matter? See attachments. Now that I have added this to Sonarr what is the next step?
  5. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="binhex-sabnzbd" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8090:8090/tcp -v "/mnt/user/downloads/":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sabnzbd":"/config":rw binhex/arch-sabnzbd aacbc1a1f59cf41c1c8c3c13efa14b749e4f15c9fbc0452106cde789f0875a08 The command finished successfully!
  6. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Sonarr" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8989:8989/tcp -v "/dev/rtc":"/dev/rtc":ro -v "/mnt/user/TV/":"/tv":rw -v "/mnt/cache/downloads":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/user/appdata/Sonarr":"/config":rw linuxserver/sonarr 6f1197d2ccc0dd4107a005b07514146137e91b64cf9c22280b241b5e341b5e17 The command finished successfully! Is this what you wanted?
  7. Presumably Sonarr already has the tv show in it with it's locations as /TVShows/Sleepy Hollow/Season 4 No Sonarr doesn't have this location, it downloads the show to a local folder on the servers cache drive. Where do I find my docker 'run' commands to post?
  8. Maybe I am just thick or something but I am not following. What I want is this: Sonarr sends a request to sabNZB which grabs a show and downloads it to my folder 'completed downloads' Lets say for sake of argument it grabs Sleepy Hollow S04E01. I want it to then move that episode to a share on another server say \\TV\Sleepy Hollow\ Season 4 Is this possible and is it possible to automate?
  9. Well that is not happening, so is this a Sonarr config issue then?
  10. No I am using Sonarr to grab show and send them to sabNZB
  11. How easy is it to configure sabNZB to move downloaded files to a specific share/folder? Is there a guide on how to set this up?
  12. I run plex on my server behind my firewall and expose only the single port required for plex, it works great as a media server. Not sure why you have to test it to find that out.
  13. unRAID is not hardened and so therefore not meant to be internet facing. Your experiment is no different then putting a windows 10 box on the internet to see how quickly it will be compromised, except maybe that linux has a few less ports open by default. I don't really see the point of the experiment.
  14. Umm yeah, close those ports and get your server behind a firewall ASAP.
  15. Is there no firewall between your plex server and the internet? Typically a internet facing server is setup like this: Server with internal IP 192.168.x.x ======> lan facing firewall port or gateway======>firewall with internet facing port NAT'ing public IP to internal IP and port Are you saying your unRAID server is on the internet without firewall protection?
  16. If you really want to use Esxi I wouldn't recommend installing it on unRAID, I would recommend installing it on bare metal. You are not likely to find Esxi running on unRAID as a production server in the real world. There are lots of inexpensive HP, Dell, Lenovo servers you can buy off eBay that are a few generations old that should run up to Esxi 6.0. That would be a better experience for Exsi in my opinion.
  17. Nothing special or 'pimped' out here, just a 36 bay Supermicro chassis. Unfortunately you can't see the 12 bays in the back, sorry I'll have to get around to taking a pic of that. 30 drives in total for 108TB of space.
  18. I think this was my problem too, in the end I just wound up deleting the VM, formatting the SSD and at the moment I am in the middle of reinstalling Windows and recreating the VM.
  19. The SAS6ir RAID controller does not support drives larger than 2TB, that is definitely your problem. You could look on eBay for a Dell H310 RAID controller and then flash it yourself to Dell IT mode (pretty easy) and then you might have to get a breakout cable or not depending on what kind of backplane is in your server. Are there no on board SATA ports you could use? They should support drives larger than 2TB. That PCIe SATA controller you link to should work.
  20. I hadn't changed anything in my config either, it was just like that one day for no apparent reason.
  21. I haven't had time to do anything about it yet, its still in the same situation. I guess if we can't get it resolved I'll have to rebuild the VM, but its annoying not knowing what caused it in the first place and that it might happen again. The last thing I did was downgrade the server to unRAID 6.2.4 to see if it would make a difference as I had been on 6.3.1 and it didn't make any difference.
  22. I have been having the same issue with a Windows 10 VM of mine, no resolution to date, and its been over a month.
  23. It should be plug and play, I honestly think there is something else going on here, but we've all seen these kinds of problems result from missing a cable, a jumper a setting etc. I know how frustrating these problems can be, hang in there, it will get resolved one way or another.
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