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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. So evdev passthrough is used for passing through a keyboard and mouse to a vm. Yep we can easily do this by just passing through the usb device. However this works slightly differently. As well as having extremely low latency, it allows us to passthough any keyboard or mouse. That includes UBS and the old PS2 devices. Hit both control keys and the input will switch between the host and vm on the fly. If you like running old operating systems as vms the evdev is for you. Some old systems dont support usb. So using evdev you can still pass it through to those old systems. Hope you find this useful
  2. Yes the extra variables in the template may need you to delete the old template from the server so the new one is pulled down from community applications if on updating the container it doesnt change. So you have filled in the 2 variables driver capabilities to all and the id number of your gpu from the nvidia plugin. But you didnt say if you set the extra parameter (advanced view) to --runtime=nvidia If all these are set then please post screen shots of how the template is filled in.
  3. Update to the container. Changing tag to :nvidia will allow you to use you nvidia gpu with the container. Thankyou @gshlomi for your message regarding this. There are some changes to the template too which should be updated in the com apps feed in the next hour or two. Details are now at the beginning of this post.
  4. Having had a few flashdrives fail over the years and all reviews i see online regarding flash drives seem to only care about speed, size and price I thought i would test 27 flash drives to find the most reliable one that i could.
  5. I find the easiest way to move to a larger disk is not expanding the existing disk but to migrate to a new disk instead. 1. Create new macOS vm with larger disk. (ie 200G) 2. Stop new VM 3. Add the old macOS vm's vdisk (100g disk) as an additional disk to the new vm in its template. 4. Boot into new vm 5. Run migration assistant (applications/utilities/migration assistant) 6. Now you can migrate all programmes data and settings from the old vdisk to the new larger vdisk 7. After migration complete shutdown vm. 8 Remove old vdisk from template 9. delete old vdisk or keep as backup.
  6. Hi, I think it would be really great to be able to set individual mover schedules that are specific to each cache pool. As i would find it useful to have some pools move files more often than others.
  7. Ah i was writing the reply when you posted this. Glad its working for you
  8. Ah its an easy mistake to make , I have done the same before myself many times before You can change the grafana port or the rocket chat port. If you change the rocket chat port you will have to make a change in reverse proxy config file too as the confile file expects the port that Rocket chat is using to be 3000. So its this bit here you would need to change. server { listen 443 ssl; server_name rocketchat.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; location / { resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_app Rocket.Chat; set $upstream_port 3000; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<you would have to change the port here to match whats specified in the template>>>>>>> set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto http; proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Proxy true; proxy_redirect off; } } server { listen 80; server_name rocket.*; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }
  9. So you get an error like this when you click on start for the container? Most likely you have another container running with the same port in use. Is anything else using port 3000? Grafana also uses port 3000 by default.
  10. Here is a guide showing how to setup Rocket chat running through a reverse proxy. Also you can update the container but when you setup the mongoDB you must specify the hostname in the container when you create it. That way when the container is ever recreated it keeps the same name and so doesnt cause the database to break. If you already have rocket chat installed and have disabled updates then see a fix that will allow you to update as normal at the end of my video.
  11. Heres a video showing how to setup Rocket chat . Three conatiners are needed a mongoDB, linuxserver's letsencrypt reverse proxy and of course the Rocket Chat container. Hope you find this useful
  12. I just updated to the the nextcloud container to latest. After which i couldnt access nextcloud and was getting 400 bad request error So if anyone else has this error you can fix by rolling the container back To do that change the repository line in the template to linuxserver/nextcloud:18.0.4-ls81 as below
  13. @tomwhi @jazzyjeff yeah I should have added more variables for sure. Extra variables have been added to the template now. All can be left as default settings and should work. Personally I think using a custom ip is better than running as host (just so you dont have to change the web port and can access the container just by ip in a browser.) but if you run as host network then you will need to change the listing port. VNC now enabled by default to view Zigbee mesh. Add vnc password if you wish. To see debug and upnp options these are hidden by default so click show more settings at the bottom of the template.
  14. Have you updated the motherboard bios then since doing this the vm no longer works? This was a problem with ryzen cpus when the 3000 series came out and people updated their bios when their cpu was not a 3000 series. Then black screen on gpu. I made a video about it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-WHCCwgyDg&feature=emb_logo If that was the case you can try to downgrade the bios using this video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzqwjVDKAnU
  15. A container for explain shell to run on your server (as a self hosted alternative to using the explainshell website.) What is it? Not everyone, especially people new to Linux and Unraid, know what a command that they type will actually do. Especially when reading online commands to type into their servers. So just paste the command into the search box and click explain and explainshell will breakdown the command explaining what each part does. Quite a useful tool.
  16. There will be a video series (soon) for setting up Home assistant in docker (rather than hassio vm) along with deconz, mosquitto etc
  17. This container needs a ConbeeII usb zigbee stick to work This container is for the deCONZ software from Dresden Elektronik. It is used to control a conbee zigbee usb stick and can be used with home assistant. Setup. 1. Without conbee usb stick plugged into the server run the following command in a terminal window ls /dev/ 2. Plug your conbee usb stick into the unraid server. Then run the above again. You will now see an extra device here. This is your conbee zigbee stick. Most likely ttyACM0 (unless you have maybe a zwave stick plugged in aswell then it might not be) 3. Now add the name of the stick to the template. (default is already ttyACM0) Add it to both usb conbee: and usb device name: 4. I think it best to set a static ip for the container. You can then access the container from http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (the ip you set) 5. Now you can add your zigbee devices in the webui and connect deconz to home assistant for it to be able to access you zigbee devices.
  18. A video guide on how to passthrough PCIe devices using the vfio-pci config plugin. Makes it super easy for passing through usb controllers and knowing which ones are safe to passthrough.
  19. @Ong Hui Hoong your template seems very strange it is not the correct one for some reason. it should look like this now You will not need to change any settings for your Shinobi to continue working. These are all additional extra settings mainly only if you want dont want to use the built in mariadb server in the container but would like to use a separate msql outside of the container. Anyway you will need to delete the template that you have. (just make a note of your video storage location path as after deleting you will need to put that back in) please do these steps. 1. Stop and delete the container. 2. On the docker page goto the bottom and click add container. Then find the shinobi pro template that is stored locally on your server here. Select it now click on the red cross to delete the template. Now you can goto CA and search for shinobipro and redownload the container. Just put back in your video location in the template and pull down the container. All the appdata will still be there as well as all your recorded footage. Hope thsi helps
  20. This will only work using splashtop desktop to remotely connect to the vm, doesnt work using vnc. The virtual soundcard will be heard on the splashtop client. The sound unfortunately will not come out of the soundcard of the host Unraid server.
  21. To get the sound working you will need edit the xml of the gpu and its sound conterpart to be multifunction. Please see this video here
  22. Great info @rjlanthanks. Also people should remember that if they have restarted their server since installing jistsi then docker compose will no longer be instaled so will need to run curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.5/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose Might be a good idea to put that line into a suer script to execute on first start of the array
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