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Everything posted by SpaceInvaderOne

  1. Just one thing to check. As you are using Ryzen CPU , if you haven't already, then you will need to make a change to your go file or the server can freeze up which maybe yours is doing. The go file is on the flash drive in the config folder You need to add this line /usr/local/sbin/zenstates --c6-disable So then the go file should look like this. #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/zenstates --c6-disable /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & Hope that helps
  2. Hi @sibi78 So you want to use some security cams on your server. I wouldn't use a vm to do what you want to. I would suggest using the docker container shinobi. Its very very good in my opinion. Its very light weight and doesn't use much resources. I have mine recording to an old unassigned drive in the server (so i am not recording to the array and avoiding wear on that). But if you want to use 2 vms with the same physical disk passed through then you can. You would pass the disk though by using its disk id. open terminal and type ls /dev/disk/by-id That will show you your disks by their id. for example here is what one of mine looks like so to passthrough a whole disk all partitions to one vm you would add the location like this. Just set location to manual then add this but with your disk id. /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N0ZDV2PF With this you could first pass this disk to a live gparted instance then partition up the disk Then after you can passthrough each partition to different vms (installing the os on each partition) you can pasthrough individual partitions by adding -partx x being the number of the partition for example you would use this for the location of partition 1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N0ZDV2PF-part1 and if you had a second partition you would add it like this /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-WCC4N0ZDV2PF-part2 and so on and son on for each partition that you had created. But dont have 2 vms running and try and passthrough the same partition to both. But i would really suggest giving Shinobi a try. I have been meaning to finish a video for it that i started making months ago then kinda forgot about it and did something else. But i'm glad that your post has reminded me that I must finish it off
  3. Yeah thats definitely a long time..... I am guessing that this may be due to op having the drive connected by usb. If his harddrive usb connector is only a usb 2.0 and not 3.0. So if say the usb 2.0 data transfer is about 30mbs then 2TB would take about 21 hours.
  4. I wouldnt use that myself because that drive is going to be old. There is a review here from 2013 so the ebay drive linked, may well of had upto 6 years of use. https://www.storagereview.com/fusionio_iodrive2_mlc_application_accelerator_review_12tb Also a modern nvme drive such as the samsung 970 evo plus is a faster drive. Also the Fusion-io ioDrive2 may well run under the published specs for the drive unless the PCIe power limit threshold is raised from the standard 25 watts https://www.dell.com/support/article/uk/en/ukdhs1/how12260/setting-the-device-wattage-level-on-a-sandisk-fusion-io-iodrive2-to-improve-performance?lang=en Also take into consideration that the 970evo nvme 1tb drive uses only 6 watts.
  5. Hey Nick. Glad that you haven't lost your data Yeah your right, the rebuild has started to reconstruct the data onto the 6tb and so has built the indexes to the files but nothing else. So yeah just reformat the drive and then copy the data across. If you didn't figure on how to reformat the 6tb then use unassigned devices plugin to delete the partition. 1. Goto the settings of the unassigned devices plugin and set it to destructive mode. 2. Stop the array. 3. Set the slot with the 6tb drive to unassigned. 4. the 6tb drive will show up as an unassigned device. 5. delete the partition 6. Now you can either (i) format the drive using unassigned devices to whatever filesystem that you want. ( I would use xfs as that is now the Unraid defualt for array drives). (ii) Only delete the partition then when drive back in array Unraid will format it as the current defualt set for the drives in settings/disk settings. 7. Go back to where you set the 6tb drive slot in the array to be unassigned and add the 6tb disk back to that slot. 8 goto tools/newconfig and this time set preserve current assignments to be all and apply 9. start the array . Again cancel parity sync until the data is safety copied across from the 2 tb then do a parity sync.
  6. You say that you had to add the card by editing xml. It is easier if you stub it in the syslinux.conf then you can add in webui under other pci device add this to your syslinux file after the initrd=/bzroot then reboot the server and you will see the usb card in the vm template. vfio-pci.ids=1b6f:7023 add this by on main tab clicking on flash the you will see the syslinx.conf and edit it adding the above and will look a bit like below default menu.c32 menu title Lime Technology, Inc. prompt 0 timeout 50 label Unraid OS menu default kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot vfio-pci.ids=1b6f:7023 I am not sure about the usb card that you have but dont see why it wouldnt work as it it in its own iommu group. You would be better posting this in the vm section of the forum as more people will see it there who may be able to help.
  7. Hi Nick, Unraid has dropped that disk from the array. Although it is now present when the server is powered back on, when you add it as the same drive, disk 3 , although its the original drive because it was dropped from the array, Unraid now considers it a new disk and wants to rebuild it from parity. However as this disk came out of the array when rebuild was happening (replacing the 2tb) it cant rebuild disk 3 because there are now 2 missing drives and 1 parity disk cant rebuild 2 failed drives only 1. this is why you see the error 'Too many wrong and/or missing disks!'. Now there maybe a way that you recover from this. I guess that you still have the 2tb disk that you are replacing yes? (if not there still maybe a way but for now i assume that you have) So if you still have it then data is still on that drive...so thats good. Disk 3 should also still have its data on it so you haven't lost anything there (unless it was lost before hand) So what i would try would be the following. Note the disks and there locations (take a screen shot of how they are now) Now goto tools, new config. On the drop down menu you will see preserve current assignments. Choose to preserve parity slots and and cache slots and create new config. Now add back the data drives as in your photo. (be careful not to add any other drives that were not part of the array, if you were using other unassigned drives on the server) But don't add the 2 tb drive to the array (you want that to be an unassigned drive and then later copy the data from that to the array) So you should now have in the array, all of your old data disks (except the 2tb) including the 6tb that you started to rebuild on. Now start the array. Unraid will want to do a parity sync as this is a new config. Cancel that, you will do that later. It will also say that the 6tb drive has not file system (or it should as the rebuild failed) this is fine. Allow Unraid to format the 6tb drive. Now the array should be started. parity will not be valid -- but don't do a parity sync as yet. You need to copy the data off the 2tb drive first. Do this using the unassigned devices plugin and Krusader docker container you and manually transfer the data off the 2 tb to the 6tb drive. After this has finished ( now the data is transferred to the 6tb ) you can then do a parity sync and your array should be fine. if the disk 3 is okay and doesnt still keep giving read errors parity sync should complete ok I hope that this makes sense
  8. @z0ki hey welcome to being an Unraid user and to the Unraid community. I am glad that you find the vids useful. Best of luck with your server. Hey @Can0nfan thanks glad that you liked the video. Wow looking at your servers in your signature. The 98tb one, wow thats a whole lot of space!
  9. Here a guide that shows how to repair XFS filesystem corruption if you are ever unlucky enough to have this happen on your server. Hope its useful if you need to fix it !
  10. Yes just swap it over and boot up with the usb flash drive from the old server. Unraid will look for the drives based on the serial numbers of the drives and add them as they were before. But as @itimpi says a screenshot of the drives is a good idea .
  11. Yes if your m board doesn't support vt-d (iommu) then unfortunately you will not be able to isolate the hardware to allow passthrough.
  12. In your diagnostics file, the file showing your iommu groups is empty. Looking at your cpu here it does support vt-d https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/33910/intel-core-2-duo-processor-e8400-6m-cache-3-00-ghz-1333-mhz-fsb.html I would think that you don't have vt-d enabled in your motherboard options. See if you can enable that in bios settings. When enabled if you goto the info button at the top of the Unraid Webui. It looks like a small computer screen icon. Click it and it should say HVM: Enabled IOMMU: Enabled
  13. Heres a short guide on how to downgrade the bios on an AMD motherboard if you have the same problem that I did. This is for AMD motherboards that use an AMI bios as many do. Hope its useful
  14. For those that want to downgrade their bios on motherboards using an AMI bios i have put together a short guide here
  15. I think he was using the afuwingui version maybe why a difference
  16. You cant use afuwin in windows to do this (as windows has a system protection to stop bios being changed to one that doesn;t match and setting to ignore in afuwin will just reboot you into the motherboard bios page to upgrade so no good) I have almost finished a video guide on how to do this which i will upload and link here later today. But for now here is how. Format a usb stick with gpt partition. (use rufus in windows to do this) the put this file attached here into the root of the flash drive. (obviously unzip) EFI.zip Then you will have a file on flash called EFi inside there ther is a folder called BOOT. Copy the downgrade bios that you want to use into that folder but rename it bios.rom then boot the computer from the usb flash drive that you have just made. you will see the shell Now you will need to change to the usb drive type fs0: (yours maybe different poss -- fs2: fs4: etc) then type cd EFI cd BOOT then type ls to list the files there. (you should see the files and the file bios.rom - you will know that you are in correct directory then) now to flash your bios (remember flashing a motherboard bios has risks and it is possible to brick a board so do at your own risk please) type Afuefix64 bios.rom /P /B /N /K /X This will flash the bios onto the board. It will warn as in windows but just type y to continue. After flashing I would clear the cmos then re-setup bios settings as desired.
  17. Whilst getting ready to get a new AMD Ryzen 3900x I found that the required bios update for an MSI x370 and an Asrock x470 broke passthrough. Not sure if this is going to be with all motherboards. Dont know if x570 has this problem but becareful! I believe since Aega there has been a problem with passthough. The agesa that was in the bios i upgraded to in the MSI ans Asrock was AGESA Combo-AM4
  18. I have made un updated video guide for setting up this great container. It covers setting up the container, port forwarding and setting up clients on Windows, macOS Linux (ubuntu Mate) and on cell phone - Android and IOS. Hope this guide helps people new to this setting up OpenVPN
  19. Hi @johnnie.black I thought that I would chip into this post. I logged into @uaeproz server yesterday morning to help to do some testing with a new array and clean install. This was because his normal array (of 170tb and 11 data drives and 2 parity drives, encrypted xfs) the array will never start on any version of Unraid above 6.5.3. It always hangs after mounting the first or second drive in the array. He has been trying to upgrade to each new release of Unraid as they come out with the same problem and then having to downgrade back to 6.5.3 for his server to work correctly. What we thought that we would do yesterday, is to see if we could do a clean install of 6.7.0 stable. Then make a 1 drive array and see if the problem persisted. He removed all of his normal data and parity drives from the server. One 4tb drive was attached. An array was created with just one data drive with a clean install onto flashdrive of Unraid 6.7.0. The file system chosen was encrypted xfs (to be the same as the normal array) On clicking 'start the array' the drive was formatted but as the array started, the services started to start and it hung there. The gui saying starting services. The array never fully became available. I looked at the data on the disk and saw that the system share/folder only had the docker folder and had it had not created the libvirt folder. So i assumed that the vm service was unable to start but the docker service had. The server wouldn't shut down from the gui or command line so had to be hard reset. On restarting the server , before starting the array, I disabled the vm service. This time the array started as expected. However, stopping the array again it hang on stopping the services and the array wouldn't stop. Again needed hard reset. Next starting the array without the docker service or vm service running the array would start and stop fine. So next i tried starting the array without the docker or vm service running. Then once the array had finished starting then manually starting the docker and vm service. This worked fine. And so long as these services were manually stopped before attempting to stop the array, then the array would stop fine. ----- So next I deleted that array and made a new one using standard xfs (not encrypted) with the same 4tb drive. The array started fine with both the docker and vm service running without issue. The array could stop fine too. So basically everything worked as expected when the drive was not encrypted. I was hoping from the results of those tests that when we connected the original drives went back to the original flash drive, and upgraded the system to 6.7.0. that the array would start if docker service and vm service were disabled. This wasn't the case. The array didn't finishing mounting the drives. It stopped after mounting the first drive and had to be hard reset. So this is a strange problem. The OP has also tried removing all non-esstential hardware such as GPU. Also tried moving disk controller to different PCIe slot. He has run memtest on the ram which has passed. The diag file that he attached to the post, if I remember, was taken with one drive in the server formatted as xfs encrypted. Starting the array with the vm service enable. The array never finished starting just stuck on starting services. That when this file was downloaded. before hard resetting Hope that helps.
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