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Posts posted by BomB191

  1. On 3/3/2020 at 3:44 PM, klipp01 said:

    So no it appears it is trying to convert my TV Shows but nothing get converted and no errors or failed conversions. Not sure why it is converting my Movies fine but not doing anything but spinning its wheels with processing my TV Show Library.

    No ones going to be able to do anything with logs.

  2. On 1/26/2020 at 11:39 AM, Blacksus said:

    Hi everyone, 

    Is there any way to utilise unmanic to pass through the video stream but just encode the audio track and remux? I'm only getting mkv files and the video stream can stay untouched, however I'd like to have them all use aac for the audio stream. I've tried a few settings but I didnt get it to work, I guess the audio encoding only kicks in if the video encoding is, too, eh?



    If i remember right it will only encode the video if it isn't h265 or mkv (depending on your settings) but actually disabling i don't know

  3. So this one has been driving me nuts and I can't seem to rectify the issue with reinstalls etc. everything still 'works' just crashes every 30 seconds of so. IT then pisses off my news groups and they won't allow new connections.


    The internet so far has let me down. I did see someone had the same issue on page 2 of this post but I still have full access to the web address and changing settings works fine.

    No encription

    all other things connect fine. it runs fine when everything is paused. what other information would you guys like?


    2019-10-12 13:35:20,481 INFO success: nzbget entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2019-10-12 13:35:31,596 DEBG 'nzbget' stderr output:
    /home/nobody/start.sh: line 26: 3713 Killed /usr/local/bin/nzbget/nzbget -c /config/nzbget.conf -s 1>&-
    2019-10-12 13:35:31,597 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22550008935920 for <Subprocess at 22550008852632 with name nzbget in state RUNNING> (stdout)>
    2019-10-12 13:35:31,597 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22550008855296 for <Subprocess at 22550008852632 with name nzbget in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
    2019-10-12 13:35:31,597 INFO exited: nzbget (exit status 137; not expected)
    2019-10-12 13:35:31,597 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
    2019-10-12 13:35:32,599 INFO spawned: 'nzbget' with pid 5087
    2019-10-12 13:35:32,611 DEBG 'nzbget' stdout output:
    [info] NZBGet configuration file exists
    2019-10-12 13:35:32,611 DEBG 'nzbget' stdout output:
    [info] Patching NZBGet config file for WebDir and ConfigTemplate locations...
    2019-10-12 13:35:33,612 INFO success: nzbget entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,223 DEBG 'nzbget' stderr output:
    /home/nobody/start.sh: line 26: 5090 Killed /usr/local/bin/nzbget/nzbget -c /config/nzbget.conf -s 1>&-
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,223 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22550008935920 for <Subprocess at 22550008852632 with name nzbget in state RUNNING> (stdout)>
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,223 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22550025298072 for <Subprocess at 22550008852632 with name nzbget in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,223 INFO exited: nzbget (exit status 137; not expected)
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,226 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,243 INFO spawned: 'nzbget' with pid 6462
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,333 DEBG 'nzbget' stdout output:
    [info] NZBGet configuration file exists
    2019-10-12 13:35:45,333 DEBG 'nzbget' stdout output:
    [info] Patching NZBGet config file for WebDir and ConfigTemplate locations...
    2019-10-12 13:35:46,334 INFO success: nzbget entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)


  4. On 9/4/2019 at 6:17 AM, Josh.5 said:



    Actually that output is enough as far as unmanic goes. It looks like ffmpeg did not like the arguments it was passed or the file needed some kind of special configuration.
    Can you please try running that command manually from a terminal inside the docker container. Ffmpeg will give you some output that will show what is wrong. Then can you give me that output?

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk


    I have no idea how to do this 🤣🤣

  5. On 7/31/2019 at 9:43 AM, m0ngr31 said:

    This docker has been incredible. The only problem I have is that I'm not pinning any cpu cores to it so it shares with my other dockers. I have the --cpu-shares=2 flag passed in, but constantly my Plex and Pihole dockers will just struggle to work so I am having issues with that.


    My current solution has been to stop using Pihole and I have unmanic shutoff everyday at 3PM and start up again at 1AM. This isn't ideal since I'm losing encoding hours... Is there something else I could do? Maybe cpu pinning would be my best option? I just lose cores that way.

    Yeah that will be a problem until you actually pin cores. --cpu-shares=2 just adjusts priority to using said core.

  6. image.thumb.png.dcd71a25124e0e600bdc414354c3f9a2.png

    Here is mine. Yours should look roughly the same bar the excessive libraries i have haha


    I just realise how this maybe unhelpful heres whats in some of them






    Make sure you have advanced view on.


    3rd addon to this. the UI (for me atleast) is slow as shit I doubt that's the container and more that my server is almost pegged 247 because I'm not a nice sysadmin. Just give it some time to load things up


    don't forget this option either


    • Upvote 1
  7. 6 hours ago, mwoods98 said:

    So.. one more question on this:


    Is there a utility that will stop and start this docker on command? It would be nice to let it chug away at the library during the night when everyone is asleep then have it turn off in the morning. 

    no. But it's a docker so have a look around at scripts to auto start/stop

    or just having it cranking all the time with the Processor priority set to the lowest.

  8. 2 hours ago, Pducharme said:

    Off-topic, but what would be the "optimal" Settings for less "Transcoding" and more "Direct Play" in PLEX ?  Also, is H.265 (HEVC) supported?  Any plan un supporting Nvidia Transcoder to accelerate the work ? thanks.

    from my understanding best "direct play" is mp4/h264 and ac3/2 channel audio. MKV will become the new mp4 over the next few years though (atleasts that what I have read)

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, munit85 said:

    Are you running the "CleanDockerLogSize script."


    it shrank the log from 5.4gb to a few kb. I just set it to run daily to keep things under control. Should be great.

    That's the one.


    I'm not sure on the reason for the log going crazy (only really started as the library was getting more "completed") @Josh.5 Will have to explain that one if he gets a chance.

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