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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Download is the only option I know of.
  2. Here is the original post I made about this in case you missed it: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61985-file-browser-in-webui/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-723474 What I am suggesting there for "surprise" #1 is not a warning, but instead that any operation that would cause the "User Share Copy Bug" not be allowed at all. The problem is at the Linux level of things, but at a higher level it isn't that hard to detect when a move or copy would cause this problem. And for "surprise" #2, the suggested workaround is explained there in that post. So, if a file explorer were implemented, it would need to do some things other than just passing it to Linux to carry out the move or copy.
  3. Your use of the word "blacklisted" is incorrect. A blacklisted GUID is one which cannot be used for an Unraid license, perhaps due to its Globally Unique Identifier not really being unique, or perhaps due to its license having been transferred to another USB and its GUID. Probably the word you want to use is simply "licensed".
  4. You can always go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by clicking on its icon on the Dashboard or Docker page and selecting Support.
  5. Did you actually format cache after adding it to your server?
  6. I see "Member" thinks you are named "unPaid". I've certainly had a lot of users think I am named "Constructor".😉
  7. trurl


    You still... Go to Tools-Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  8. syslog snippets are seldom sufficient Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  9. Most of the rest of your posts seem better left for some other time. This part I quoted above is the thing that needs to be taken care of in order to get a trial key. What do you mean "most hacked machine". Why is it hacked? You must put your server behind a firewall, such as a router, and it must have access to the internet so it can get the trial key from the limetech servers. And while you are still on a trial license, it must be able to "phone home" to the limetech server.
  10. If you are referring to #1 in the text you quoted, it does not apply to your scenario since you are not mixing disks and user shares. When you might encounter the problem is if you were moving or copying from /mnt/disk1/share1 to /mnt/user/share1 or /mnt/user/share1 to /mnt/disk1/share1.
  11. Make sure you are aware of these 2 "surprises" that can happen with regard to moving or copying files directly on the server: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61985-file-browser-in-webui/?do=findComment&comment=723474
  12. Another caveat is if that backup config folder was from a time when you had anything different regarding disk assignments. Basically, the config folder is everything about your configuration that you set in the webUI. So if you copy that config to your new install you will be back to that old configuration in every respect.
  13. Might be related to this: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/cannot-disable-vm-r801/ Try stopping the array then enabling it. I notice some other things in your diagnostics. Why do you have 100G for docker image? Have you had problems filling it? I always recommend only 20G and it's unlikely you would use even that unless you have an application misconfigured so it is writing into the image instead of to mapped storage. Making it larger won't help, it will just make it take longer to fill. Also, your appdata and domains shares have files on the array. You want them all on cache and set to stay on cache. Your system share is good.
  14. Have you had any problems with Flash? That is where the templates are stored.
  15. You have replied to a thread that is nearly 5 years old and I assume was for Unraid V5. I will move the thread to Legacy subforum soon. Reviewing the thread I see it was for V6, but it was so long ago that nothing in this thread, except for my advice about Unassigned Devices, still applies. That SNAP plugin is long deprecated. If anyone is still using it, don't. Forget about this. What you want is the Unassigned Devices plugin.
  16. Let's try another way. Put your flash in your PC. While there make a backup of it. Then get a directory listing of the files in config/shares on flash, sorted by name, and post it.
  17. You can install cache before the initial data load. The default for a user share is to not use cache. As long as you don't change that on any user share until after the transfer then cache won't be used. You should install cache before you enable Docker and VMs though, so those can be created on cache where they belong. If you wind up with them on the array it can be a little extra trouble to get them onto cache since Mover can't move open files.
  18. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post. Also post your docker run command for this docker as explained at the very first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/
  19. I don't understand. Are you putting your server, maybe even other computers, directly on the internet? Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  20. I have split your posts from the other thread into this one. Please only use one thread for a particular issue. It is impossible to coordinate responses when you have multiple threads going. That is why crossposting has been considered a bad thing on message boards since before the World Wide Web.
  21. I split your post into its own thread. Even when you seem to have a similar issue the cause and fix may be completely different. We should let that other user have the support thread he already started, instead of getting your discussion mixed up with it. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  22. You can't You need to use a real ethernet port. What kind of computer are trying to use?
  23. If you are using the stock go file I don't see any reason the Apps tab should be gone. In fact, if the webUI is working at all likely the go file is not to blame. Have you tried clearing browser cache? Do you have a backup of flash?
  24. I will explain how to get us complete diagnostics before I explain how to rebuild the disk. Then we will have a better idea if you have any other issues that might cause problems for the rebuild. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
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