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Everything posted by trurl

  1. You shouldn't put your server on the internet without a VPN. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  2. There isn't anything specifically called "Plexmediaserver Docker". Do you mean the plex docker from the limetech repository? Post the docker run command you get from each of these dockers as explained in this very first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  3. You seem to be using the word "replaced" to mean "mapped". As I said, the application inside the container is still using the same path it was, and in fact, it knows nothing at all about any host paths. Not sure what is happening with the way this is showing up on the Add/Edit container page, assuming that is what you mean. Did you actually create this xml template using that page, or did you create it manually somehow and then put it on flash where it would be found by dockerMan? Post the xml file, a screenshot of the Add/Edit container page (Advanced Mode) where you don't see the mapping, and post the docker run command it generates as explained in this very first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  4. Map just means a correspondence. Just as a location on a road map corresponds to an actual location in the physical world, path mappings just setup up a correspondence between paths on the host and paths in the container. So the application inside the container is still using the container path /var/opt/..., but on the host that corresponds to the path /mnt/cache/.... This is all pretty basic docker volume mapping stuff. Are you saying that the Add/Edit Container page no longer shows the mapping? Try moving the slider at the top right to switch from Basic View to Advanced View. Some of the "default" settings are hidden in the Basic View.
  5. This was actually a necropost by @osokthedevil since the thread had been dead for 4 years already.
  6. This is a little long with some details about how some of this stuff works "under the hood". If something I have said is unclear ask for clarification. Have a look at the diagnostics you posted. Diagnostics are just text files in folders and can be easily read. Some of these are actually the same .cfg files that exist on your flash drive. In the shares folder are the .cfg files for each share. These contain the settings from the webUI of your shares. User shares are simply the aggregate across all disks of the top level folders with the same name. Any folder at the top level of array or cache drive is automatically a user share, whether you actually created it as a user share or not. If you don't make settings for a user share, it has default settings. The share .cfg files in your diagnostics contain several "duplicates" with the (1) appended. They are named this way due to DOS compatible filenames where it doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case. If you take a look at both of the files in these "duplicate" pairs, you will see one has settings but doesn't exist on any disk, and the other has default settings and does exist on disks. The ones with default settings don't actually correspond to anything on your flash drive, because you have never made any settings for them. And those are the ones that actually have files and actually exist in your user shares. The ones that don't exist on any disk do correspond to files on your flash drive because you made settings for them, but they don't actually exist in your user shares. Probably at some point you accidentally created the shares without any settings by specifying the wrong case in some path in a docker mapping or something. I don't really see how this could cause the symptoms you are having, since default share settings are highwater, split any, 0 minimum, and cache-no. But, there is definitely some confusion with the way your shares are setup, so clean up all of these just as you did before with your media share and see what happens.
  7. Any path that isn't mapped to Unraid storage is in the docker image (and will possibly fill docker image and corrupt it). It won't persist after the docker gets updated. Why don't you just map that path to /mnt/cache/appdata/mssql?
  8. I recommend taking things slowly, setup one thing at a time and make sure it is working well before adding another thing. Do you need help setting up Plex?
  9. If it is seldom used it is unlikely to get your attention as needed. There are other agents besides email that can be used, but to use gmail you have to setup an app password in your Google Account and let Unraid use that app password instead of your regular google password. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en
  10. Your domains share is gone so that is cleaned up, and the settings for that share look good. If/when you create files for that share they will go to cache where they belong. Delete whatever is still in your system share, they are all on the array and you don't want them there or indeed anywhere. The settings for that share are good also. When you create files for that share they will go to cache where they belong. Since you formatted cache, what is left of your appdata is on the array. Might as well delete that too and just start over so we know we have a clean slate. The settings for that share are good and when you create files for it they will go to cache where they belong. And you only have the single 1TB cache now so that is also good. Your Media share is all on the array now. For now go ahead and set that share to cache-no as @david279 suggested until you get things working well. Later you can decide if you want to cache new files or not. Personally, I don't since most of my new files are from scheduled backups and queued downloads and I am not waiting on them to complete anyway. And by having them on the array they are already protected. So it looks like you are at a good starting place. Just a few other questions for you to consider. Do you have Notifications setup to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected? You should take care of a problem when it first occurs so you don't get multiple problems that are more difficult to recover from. Do you have backups of anything important and irreplaceable? Parity is no substitute for backups. Many of us don't try to backup everything on our large capacity servers, but you must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable. You get to decide what qualifies. Which dockers do you plan to run? And isn't it good that I split this into a thread you could have all for yourself?😉
  11. Of course if you have no docker image it can't be 90% full. Post a new diagnostic.
  12. No SMART for parity or disk1. Check all connections, power and SATA, both ends including any power splitters. Then post new Diagnostics.
  13. There were several things that needed fixing. You did what exactly and it fixed what exactly?
  14. Are you referring to the 1TB cache? Possibly it was corrupted after all. Any files from there are gone now, but it doesn't seem like an important loss. In future, always ask for advice before formatting anything. Many people make the mistake of formatting an unmountable array disk, thinking the data can be recovered from parity. It can't. Post a new Diagnostic.
  15. And many of those disks look like they are empty and with plenty of free space on the others. I always recommend only installing as many disks as you actually need for capacity. Each additional disk is an additional point of failure.
  16. Your system share is on the array instead of on cache where it should be. That isn't the cause of your problem but it is something we can fix along the way to fixing your other problems. Do you have any VMs? You are actually having hardware problems with multiple disks, possibly a controller or power issue. It should be apparent if you look at Main - Array Devices and see the Errors column. The hardware problems need to be taken care of before trying to work on your docker problems, so lets get the dockers out of the way for now. Go to Settings - Docker, disable then delete the docker image. It is always safe to do this because your dockers are easily downloaded again and the settings you have made for them are preserved and they can be installed exactly as they were from Apps - Previous Apps. You have a lot of disks, do any of them have any SMART warnings on the Dashboard page?
  17. Making it larger isn't the solution. You almost certainly have one or more of your applications writing to a path that isn't mapped. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  18. Wonder how you ever got it enabled in the first place. You should be able to disable it by editing the file on flash at config/domain.cfg then restart the array. There are several ways you could edit that file but the simplest to explain would be to shutdown, put flash in your PC and edit it there. Then we should be able to get rid of that last bit of system share on disk1. Why do you have anything at all in the domains share? Doesn't look like you have much in appdata to save so maybe the simplest thing to do would be to just delete it. What do you get from the command line with these? ls -lah /mnt/cache/system ls -lah /mnt/cache/appdata ls -lah /mnt/cache/domains
  19. Connection attempts from unknown IPs
  20. From those diagnostics it looks like you got your Media moved off. Maybe that didn't take very long because there wasn't much there to move. Unfortunately your cache pool configuration is screwed, though I didn't notice any corruption, so that is good. Diagnostics says Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sdc1 1.1T 612G 1.4G 100% /mnt/cache Obviously that doesn't add up. It looks like the only other thing on cache that might (just maybe) be worth saving is your appdata. You still have VM Manager enabled Go to Settings - VM Manager, disable and delete the libvirt image. Go to Shares - User Shares, click Compute All, wait for the results. If you don't get a result after several minutes, refresh the screen. Then post a screenshot of those results and a new Diagnostic.
  21. Only if the user share is cache-yes or cache-prefer. If the user share is cache-no it isn't going to be writing to cache anyway, and if it is cache-only it won't consider writing to an array disk.
  22. That is essentially the Add/Edit Container page in the Unraid webUI, as seen in @S1dney screenshot in the previous post. It is a form for entering all the things that you would need to put into a docker run or docker create command. When you submit the form, it is saved as a template on flash for you to reuse, and the docker run command with all the items on the form is executed. And once you have that template, you can work with it just like any other docker in Unraid.
  23. Put your server on an UPS If you format it you CANNOT rebuild it from parity. Just wanted to say that since it is a common mistake.
  24. Just wanted to pull these out to comment on the correct use of the Minimum Free setting. You should make Minimum Free larger than the largest file you expect to write to the user share. Unraid has no way to know how large a file will become when it chooses a disk for it. If you have Minimum Free set too low, Unraid could choose a disk without enough free space and then writing the file will fail. There is also a Minimum Free setting for cache in Global Share Settings that works similarly. If cache doesn't have enough free space Unraid will choose an array disk instead (for cache-yes and cache-prefer shares)
  25. You seem to have made things worse instead of better since your last diagnostics. I don't know if starting over would be the best thing to do unless you know what you would do differently. We can probably clean up this mess if we take things a little at a time. Go to Settings - Docker, disable and delete the docker image. Do the same for Settings - VM Manager. Leave them disabled and deleted until you get a lot of other things fixed. You have a share anonymized in the Diagnostics as M---a, I'm guessing Media. It is set to cache-prefer, which means put all files on cache and if any are on the array move them to cache. That is why you have filled your cache and that should be the first thing to take care of before any further progress can be made. Change that share to cache-yes so it can be moved to the array, then go to Main - Array Operations - Move Now and wait for it to complete. Then post new Diagnostics. I am putting a little bit at the bottom about your cache pool just as a reminder to myself but don't do anything about it yet. I probably won't get back to you until tomorrow. If you want something to read in the meantime you can check out the Unraid FAQ and maybe even the Docker FAQ, but don't do anything else except get that share moved off cache and post those Diagnostics. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-554741 https://forums.unraid.net/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ You have a 1TB and a 120GB disk in the cache pool. Personally I wouldn't even bother with that smaller one. If you use the default raid1 setting then you will only get a mirror with the capacity of the smaller. And raid0 isn't the right setting either. I would just get rid of the 120G since it can't give you any redundancy for the other and it doesn't really give any meaningful capacity.
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