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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Many people put the flash inside the case using a motherboard USB header. Unraid doesn't "run" from the flash, it runs in RAM. At boot, the archives on flash are unpacked fresh into RAM and the OS runs in RAM. Think of it as firmware except easier to upgrade. Configuration settings you make in the webUI are also saved to flash so they can be loaded at boot. The GUID of a flash drive is associated with the Unraid license. If you ever need to change hardware all you need to do is move the flash to the new hardware and your license is still valid. Virtual Private Network. There are several dockers and plugins to create a VPN, including OpenVPN and builtin Wireguard support in the current release candidate. Also many newer routers have VPN builtin.
  2. Unraid IS NOT RAID. Each disk is an independent filesystem, there is no striping. 1 (or 2) parity disks provide redundancy to allow 1 (or 2) disks to be rebuilt from all the other disks using the parity calculation. Since each disk is an independent filesystem, each file is completely contained on a single disk, and each disk can be read on any linux if needed. Also, independent disks allows Unraid to mix different sized disks in the array, and to easily replace or add disks without rebuilding the array. Even though each file is completely contained on a single disk, Unraid allows folders to span disks (User Shares). Unraid is a standalond OS and it can also host VMs and dockers. There are hundreds of docker applications available that will let you do what you want and much more. See the Product pages linked at the top of this page and this Wiki Overview for more details: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Overview
  3. Any idea why these are hitting your syslog every 10 seconds? Nov 26 08:02:57 t610 rpcbind[28748]: connect from to getport/addr(mountd) Nov 26 08:03:07 t610 rpcbind[29233]: connect from to getport/addr(mountd) Nov 26 08:03:17 t610 rpcbind[29629]: connect from to getport/addr(mountd) Nov 26 08:03:28 t610 rpcbind[29973]: connect from to getport/addr(mountd) ... Nov 26 18:38:37 t610 rpcbind[28345]: connect from to getport/addr(mountd) Nov 26 18:38:46 t610 rpcbind[28731]: connect from to getport/addr(mountd) Nov 26 18:38:56 t610 rpcbind[29359]: connect from to getport/addr(mountd) Something to do with this? Are you trying to write a lot to your server during the parity check?
  4. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  5. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  6. Unraid doesn't have a ZFS option, but there is a plugin for that here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/41333-zfs-plugin-for-unraid/ You might take a look at that thread to get some idea of what you might be getting into. Here are some relevant quotes from the first post in that support thread: On the other hand, if you aren't really committed to ZFS and just want to learn more about what Unraid is all about, I encourage you to take a look at the Product pages linked at the top of this page and this Wiki Overview: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Overview
  7. Possibly your problems aren't exactly the same. Why didn't you ask for help in this thread yourself?
  8. Your diagnostics only had 1 data disk, so I assume you mean after you You might start with this one: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/54834-video-guideall-about-docker-in-unraid-docker-principles-and-setup/
  9. Personally, I would just skip the preclear since you have already created an array. Just run Extended SMART test on each disk (will take several hours) and then post diagnostics so we can take a look at your SMART reports.
  10. Each disk whether hdd or ssd is of course an attached storage device. Not sure why you would think it might be otherwise. Do you really need the capacity of 12 array disks to start? I always recommend using only as many disks as you actually need. Each additional disk is an additional point of failure. And I recommend starting with cache installed since it simplifies setup of dockers and VMs, which you want to reside on cache. Unraid allows disks of mixed sizes in the array, and allows you to add or replace disks without rebuilding the array. You can also have 1 or 2 parity disks. Each parity disk must be at least as large as the largest single data disk.
  11. For future reference, as far as I know nothing in the Unraid webUI responds to right mouse click. The webUI is a web site and web pages typically only respond to left mouse clicks, and in some cases mouse-over. There are many informational popups in the webUI from mouse-over. Another thing is Help (?) in the upper right. It will toggle Help text On/Off for the entire webUI. You can also often toggle help for many specific settings by clicking on the label for the setting.
  12. Assuming you followed those instructions that is what you should expect to see. If you go to Main - Array Devices, you should also be seeing writes to the new parity disk, and reads from all the other disks.
  13. Do you have any data on your server yet?
  14. It sounds like you haven't really explored the webUI much, so it might be better if you get more familiar with using Unraid before trying to make any changes to your disks.
  15. Main - Array Operation, there should be a Stop button there
  16. Can you try a different browser to see if you get a different result?
  17. Already explained so tell us what you didn't understand.
  18. There are a lot of reasons you would lose that data trying what you propose, but the most basic one is the lack of parity.
  19. Your attempt to ping johnnie.black failed. You have to begin typing, and then you have to actually make a selection from the matching choices. Just typing it won't work. @Fireball3 VS @Fireball3
  20. The thing missing from this discussion is the fact that Split Level has priority over Allocation Method, so regardless of Allocation Method and how full a disk is, Split Level will override all that and put files together that belong together. Maybe you are just off one level when specifying Split Level.
  21. This is likely just an artifact of the way different OS and software report size. There is a lot of variation and they don't always tell you whether they are reporting MB or MiB, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte Is this from the server GUI mode builtin browser or from another browser on a different computer? Which browser? Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  22. These are typically caused by bad connections. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  23. What version of Unraid did you update from? Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  24. And in case you didn't know, moves from cache to array by default only happens daily in the middle of the night. Mover is intended for idle time, not while writing data. Moving and writing also slow each other down since they will compete for the disks. That Turbo write method they mentioned actually gets all of the disks involved with parity updates, instead of just the disk being written plus parity, so that is definitely a tradeoff and might not help much if you are trying to do too many things at once, another case of competing for the disks.
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