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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Do you have Syslog Server setup so you can get us the logs from before the reboot? Was that disk recently added/replaced?
  2. Donate link in his signature LinuxServerIO sig in first post. Unfortunately, viewing sigs is disabled by default in this forum. Go to your Account Settings (dropdown next to your user name at top right of page) and you can turn on viewing sigs and edit your own sig.
  3. And don't try anything without further advice. You are on the wrong track.
  4. Go to Tools-Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  5. Will they supply SMART reports before purchase?
  6. Was your previous flash drive seen by the BIOS as a hard disk and not something else?
  7. You really need to reconsider your entire hardware design. The current setup is going to be nothing but trouble.
  8. Forget about trying to actually use your server for dockers or anything else until you get these hardware problems taken care of. Do you have backups of anything important and irreplaceable?
  9. Why didn't you mention disk5 is invalid? Are you still trying to rebuild it? You have problems communicating with multiple disks so the rebuild isn't going to be good. Likely a controller issue or possibly power related. Why do you have so very many very small disks in your array? I always recommend fewer larger disks instead of more smaller disks. Larger disks perform better and are more cost effective. More disks require more ports, probably the root of your troubles. At some point more disks requires more expensive Unraid license, you need Pro with that many disks. More disks require more power. Most importantly, more disks are more points of failure, and you have multiple failures going on right now. I haven't looked at SMART for each of this large number of disks. Are any of your disks showing SMART warnings on the Dashboard? Did you test any of these disks before building a server out of them? Post a screenshot of Main - Array Devices.
  10. I have split your posts into their own topic because you have hardware issues with multiple disks and your problems likely have nothing at all to do with the binhex-krusader docker where you originally made your first posts.
  11. Post your docker run command as explained in this very first link from the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  12. rootfs stable at 9% use when the plugin is removed. Also stable at 9% if I install the plugin after booting. Only if it is already installed at boot does rootfs usage grow. I haven't tried to figure out what the plugin is doing or how it might cause this, just thought I would ask in case you had some ideas. I first noticed this behavior when trying to use recent versions of Unraid.net plugin which had a memory leak issue. That issue was independent of this. That plugin has been removed for several weeks now and I'm not planning to install it again until someone decides it's really fixed. So that is not in play nor is anything else changing on my system.
  13. Also, you need to plan to convert your reiserFS disks to XFS. This will require reformatting them so you will need to copy all their data elsewhere. But, first things first. Have you fixed your go file and rebooted as suggested? If so post new diagnostics so we can get a better picture before making more detailed recommendations.
  14. Do you have Notifications setup to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected?
  15. Did you read the link bonienl gave? Perhaps before even looking at that one you should look at the Upgrading to V6 wiki since you apparently didn't get rid of some things from previous versions: https://wiki.unraid.net/Upgrading_to_UnRAID_v6
  16. Array disks in Unraid can be XFS or btrfs. Most people use XFS. Cache can be XFS or btrfs. btrfs required for cache pool of more than one disk. NTFS and EXT4 are not supported in the array or cache but can be accessed with the Unassigned Devices plugin. Parity can be added later. Do you have backups?
  17. It would be more useful and much less ambiguous if you would just post the docker run command as explained in this very first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  18. Your docker run is broken because you haven't filled in your tuner type. That field shouldn't say "tuner type", that is something you are supposed to replace with the correct value for your specific hardware. Did you read the docs linked in the first post of this thread?
  19. I know this is deprecated and locked, but lately I have seen this slowly begin to consume rootfs after a reboot. My workaround has been to simply remove it then reinstall and it is OK until the next reboot. Any thoughts?
  20. Maybe try deleting and recreating your docker image then add one docker at a time back to see if you can isolate. You can easily reinstall any of your dockers just as they were using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page.
  21. I have merged the 3 threads. Don't crosspost! How can we coordinate our replies when you have posted multiple threads? Crossposting has been considered a bad thing on message boards since before the World Wide Web. If you think you haven't gotten attention just try bumping the thread by making a new post in it so it will show up as unread again.
  22. Where exactly are you getting these numbers?
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