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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Sorry I have been away. Yes I made a mistake trying to get that file renamed. Forget about the warning triangle on your shares for now. It just means some of their files have no redundancy because they are on cache instead of the parity array. When we get done you will still have some of those unless you install an additional cache drive. Lets do this command again to see where we are: ls -lah /boot/config/shares
  2. There is a setting in Unraid, Settings - Disk Settings - Enable auto start. So when the server is booted, the array will start and docker, VMs. Probably most people use this setting.
  3. Get a different controller.
  4. You should have given us your diagnostics. I doubt the problem you were having is actually related to this release, but it may be a problem with your configuration that may return. My guess is you had somehow filled up rootfs.
  5. You didn't drill down far enough in your second screenshot, you missed one click, the Doesn't matter though, the other screenshot tells me what I wanted to know. The cfg file is actually for a share named Tv Serier (which does not exist). The share you have is actually named TV SERIER, and it doesn't have a cfg file. Linux is case sensitive, so these are not the same thing. Try this from the command line: cd /boot/config/shares ren Tv\ Serier.cfg TV\ SERIER.cfg ls -lah and post a screenshot of those results.
  6. Likely there is a setting in the BIOS that tells it to reboot after a crash or when power returns.
  7. I don't remember, did you ever try a different USB port?
  8. On the menu bar the button that looks like this: >_ I'm just trying to see which files are in config/shares on the flash drive. Here is another way to get what I'm after. Go to Main - Boot Device and click on the folder icon at the far right of the line for Flash. Then click on config. Then click on shares. Then post a screenshot.
  9. That is the puzzle. According to your diagnostics, the share with those settings doesn't exist on the array, and another share with a similar name does exist but has no settings. What do you get from the command line with this? ls -lah /boot/config/shares
  10. Apparently not related to your problem, but for future reference. You should check and make sure you are using the current version of the plugin before asking for help. Yours is not the current version.
  11. What message? If you are talking about that text in the blue background on your first screenshot, that is just the Help text for the Copy-on-write setting. Don't worry about that. You can follow along with this next part by looking at your diagnostics yourself. They are just text files, and the share settings are .cfg files in the shares folder. Many of the files in the diagnostics are the actual configuration files where your webUI settings are stored. The reason I wanted to see your actual share names is because some of them happen to begin and end in the same letter and they have the same number of letters. The diagnostics anonymizes your share names by replacing all but the first and last letter with -. Since this can make some of them have the same anonymized name, one of them gets (1) appended to the end in the diagnostics. So I wanted to be able to talk about them using their real names. Your shares that begin with M and end with R are like that, and their settings look OK for now. You have 2 shares appearing in your diagnostics that begin with T and end with R, and I am not referring to the one that actually has the number 2 at the end. One of these shares doesn't really exist on the array (and so is not in your screenshot), but it has settings for it. The other does exist on the array, and has no settings, so it gets the default settings. Post a screenshot of the Settings for the user share named TV SERIER. .
  12. You'll want to move your appdata, domains, and system share back to cache if you haven't already. Disable Docker and VM services as before, set those shares to cache-prefer, and run Mover.
  13. For future reference see this post about how to report bugs: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/report-guidelines-r68/ So in addition to diagnostics, you should try to reproduce the issue in SAFE mode to eliminate any plugins.
  14. Copied from the bug report to this thread in General Support. Please continue this discussion here until such time as it is determined this is an actual bug.
  15. No but there is a way to copy it and I have done so. I will close this for now we can reopen if needed. Please continue the discussion here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86139-680-unresponsive
  16. Unlikely. Are you sure something else on your network didn't grab that IP?
  17. Try again with Permit UEFI boot mode [Y/N]: n
  18. I suspect this is at the root of your Plex issues. This has probably resulted in a corrupt plex database so don't be surprised if you have to setup Plex from scratch after we get your other things straight.
  19. Just to clue everyone else in on where I intend to go with this. His appdata is literally scattered across all disks. And his cache is reiserFS. My plan is to get everything moved off cache so it can be reformatted, then move system and appdata to cache. @Kjetil This is actually a good thing. That share would be created if you ever enabled VMs. If you don't intend to have VMs that is fine, and you shouldn't try that for now anyway. Turn on Help in the webUI so you can get some more information about what things do in the webUI. Help (?) is a toggle in the upper right on the main bar. Go ahead and do this for all shares. Some of the anonymization is making it a little hard to interpret a few of your user shares. Go to Shares - User Shares and post a screenshot.
  20. There is a thread on this forum but as noted, not this one. You can always go directly to the correct support thread for any of your plugins by selecting the Support thread link on the Plugins page.
  21. Since you are using Krusader I am guessing you are transferring from Unassigned disks instead of over the network. One problem that happens with Krusader and rsync and other applications, it will create all of the folders first, and they will all go on one disk since high water won't be reached. Then it copies the files into those folders that have already been created. One workaround is to do the transfer in smaller chunks. When it happened to me with rsync, I noticed what was happening and that it was going in alphabetical order, so I just started at the other end of the alphabet and began moving the empty folders to other disks before it started filling them.
  22. What app? There are ways to do DVR on Unraid without resorting to a VM.
  23. The thread you have replied to is nearly a year old, and is not the support thread for either of those dockers. You can always go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by simply clicking on its icon on the Dashboard or Docker page and selecting Support.
  24. If your shares did say that then their cfg files would not have a long list of disks in included. Include All and Exclude None shows up in cfg as blank entries for both. For example, you have a share anonymized as B----R and another share anonymized as E----------R. Post a screenshot of each of their settings. When you actually have a list of included disks, that is not really the same as ALL, since you could add a disk to your array and it would not be in the list. Also, it is simpler for Unraid to decide which disk if it is ALL instead of having to go down a list to decide.
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