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Everything posted by trurl

  1. And, reviewing your diagnostics again, I see most of your disks are pretty small by today's standards, and they are pretty full. Probably the first step if you really want to reorganize your files will be to replace one or more of those small disks with larger ones. Since your parity disks are 10TB it is pretty easy to get more capacity by just replacing an old small disk. This thread has gotten a little long now, and you have a lot of disks. I don't remember now so I will ask again. Do any of your disks have SMART warnings on the Dashboard?
  2. The way I usually work with files directly on the server is by using the builtin Midnight Commander. You have to go to the command line to get to it with by using the command mc. Midnight Commander is a textGUI file manager that has plenty of documentation on the web, and isn't really that difficult to figure out. When using mc I only work directly with the disks and never the user shares. You can also just do linux commands at the command line if you know how or want to figure that out, but linux is very powerful and often has very little feedback so it can be pretty easy to make very big mistakes.
  3. I think the unBALANCE plugin may be the best option for what you want to do. I have not used it in a very long time though and I know it has been updated quite a bit since I first used it. I don't currently have unBALANCE installed on my system. You can find the unBALANCE plugin on the Apps page. And here is a good opportunity to tell you about how to find support threads in the forum for your dockers and plugins. On the Apps page, each docker and plugin has a ? icon under it. If you mouseover that you will see that it goes to the support thread for that docker or plugin. Also, after you have actually installed a docker, you can click on its icon on the Dashboard or Docker page and select Support, similar to the way you did Remove earlier. Similarly, after you have already installed a plugin, it will be on the Plugins page, and each of your plugins will have a Support Thread link under it. Take a look at unBALANCE and see what you think. I will make another post with some other ideas.
  4. Before I get to how you might copy / move files within the server, let me just give some warnings here. You must never copy / move from a user share to a disk or from a disk to a user share. Linux doesn't know that user shares and the disks are just different views of the same things, so it won't realize when the source and destination are the same file and will try to overwrite what it is trying to read. Moving files between user shares won't necessarily move them to the disks you want regardless of the include/exclude settings of the destination user share. Linux will take the easy way out and just rename them so they are in a folder for the user share on the same disk. Here is a post I made about these "surprises!": https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61985-file-browser-in-webui/?do=findComment&comment=723474
  5. Do you have port multipliers or something? I usually estimate 2-3 hours per TB of parity to check. My 6TB parity is a little over 14 hours to check. Maybe it will improve now that you have those old small disks out of the way.
  6. I don't see any reason to go to all of this trouble. Which disks the files are on isn't particularly important, you can change the settings of the existing shares if you want, and you can even rename the existing shares if you want. If you want to consolidate some of the shares for some reason that would be the only reason to copy or move them. I don't speak your language so I don't actually know the meaning of your share names, though I could take a guess at some of them. So what do you have in mind?
  7. You install a linuxserver.io plex or you install a binhex plex. They are both docker containers, and though there are some technical differences between those containers, it is all ultimately the same plex code and will work the same. Linuxserver.io is likely to get more "timely" updates.
  8. OK, starting from #3, what you did was probably the fastest. Parity rebuild is required because an empty drive and a clear drive are not the same thing. In fact, the empty drives still had all of the bits of those files you had moved off, but they were no longer part of the empty filesystem. And parity still matched those empty drives with all of those bits from the moved-off files. But a clear drive is all zeros, so not the same as the empty drives, and not in sync with parity. But it was only one parity rebuild for 3 replacements. Parity rebuild at this point might be somewhat faster than parity check, since it doesn't actually have to check.
  9. Everything you did was completely unnecessary. You can always replace a smaller drive with a larger drive, no need to preclear, and no need to move anything off the smaller drive to begin with. The wiki you followed was specifically for the purpose of ENDING UP with FEWER drives in your array. If all you wanted to do was replace smaller drives with larger drives then all you had to do was replace each with a larger drive and rebuild, one at a time. Replacing a disk is what parity is all about. You can't replace a disk with a smaller disk, but other than that, it doesn't matter if the replacement is larger, if the replacement is clear, if the original is empty. With that many errors it may be faster to rebuild parity.
  10. Preclear I guess would be another way to test the disk, but other than that has nothing at all to do with rebuild. A clear disk is only needed when adding it to a new slot in an array that already has valid parity. A clear (all zero) disk has no effect on parity, so parity remains valid when adding a clear disk to a new slot. There is no other scenario where a clear disk is required. When rebuilding, the disk will be completely overwritten anyway so it doesn't matter at all what was already on the disk.
  11. Why would you preclear a disk to rebuild it?
  12. No, each parity disk (1 or 2) must be at least as large as any single data disk. As mentioned parity is not a backup so why would you think it needed to be as large as the total capacity? To add to what has already been said about parity not being a backup. Parity doesn't contain any of your data. Parity by itself cannot rebuild anything. Parity just contains parity bits that, together with the corresponding bits on ALL other disks, allows the data for a missing disk to be calculated. Here is the wiki on parity: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Overview#Parity-Protected_Array If you understand parity a lot of things about how Unraid works with the disks, and how you work with Unraid to manage the disks, makes a lot more sense.
  13. You don't need to make any. They will be made for you when you first try to access the share. In any case, it shouldn't matter for a public share. Are you still trying it as a public share? Can you post a screenshot of this "same result" you keep getting?
  14. Based on your Previous Apps screenshot you don't have either. You only had 2 different templates for the same deprecated limetech plex, and a couple of plugins (not dockers) related to preclear.
  15. Those all match "plex" in their descriptions, but they are not all plex. Some are things to be used with plex, and some are other things similar to plex. I use linuxserver.io plex so that is the one I am most familiar with. If you have other linuxserver.io dockers then there is some benefit to staying with them. On the other hand if you have other binhex dockers then there is some benefit to staying with them. If you don't have a preference just choose linuxserver.io plex. It is the first one on the second row of your screenshot. Whichever you choose you need to edit some things on the Add Container page so post a screenshot when you get to that page.
  16. You don't need to create one. Delete it so it can be renegotiated when you try to access.
  17. Go into Windows Control Panel - Credential Manager and delete any credentials for Unraid so they can be renegotiated.
  18. And another way you can get that same dropdown is by clicking on the icon for your plex in the Docker Container section on the Dashboard page. That is where I usually work with my dockers that are already installed.
  19. Not recommended. Can you configure the controller to not use any RAID mode? Perhaps flash another BIOS on it?
  20. Doesn't look like you have formatted any of your disks yet. Post a screenshot of Main.
  21. That is not Diagnostics. Syslog snippets are seldom sufficient. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  22. Maybe a power issue and all the other symptoms are just random manifestations of that?
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