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Everything posted by trurl

  1. If you aren't getting to the boot screen it can't possibly have anything to do with Unraid.
  2. Post your docker run command as explained in the very first link in the Docker FAQ.
  3. NAS is the original and still a primary function of Unraid, the host OS for the VMs
  4. ^THIS You must always have another copy of anything important and irreplaceable. Lots of ways to lose data besides disk failure or corruption, user error being a common one. You don't have to backup everything. I don't consider a lot of things on my server important enough to backup. I have 2 copies of important and irreplaceable offsite. You get to decide what is important enough to you.
  5. Do you have any other browser windows open to your server, including mobile? See if you can get diagnostics from the command line as explained in this Need Help? sticky pinned near the top of this same subforum: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/37579-need-help-read-me-first/
  6. From your screenshot, I assume you must mean you are using terminal on your mac, since those are not actual Unraid paths. Try deleting them directly on the server. You can get to the command line on your server by clicking the Terminal (>_) button on the main menu bar. The user shares are in /mnt/user.
  7. No benefit to more than USB2 speed, or more than 4GB capacity. And it's best if you can boot from a USB2 port because they are often more reliable for the USB boot flash. The OS doesn't run on the flash, it just loads into RAM at boot time. Think of it as firmware. You want to make sure all disks are reliable. In order to reliably rebuild a missing disk, Unraid must be able to reliably read parity PLUS all other disks. And I always recommend not installing more disks than you need for capacity. Don't install a disk just because you happen to already have it. Each disk is a possible point of failure so the fewer the better. In fact, I always replace disks with larger disks to get more capacity instead of adding disks.
  8. You should be able to use Unassigned Devices to remote mount the share on your Qnap and leave the middle computer out of it.
  9. That is OK as far as it goes. You need to set the Container Path.
  10. In order for you to be able to work with those dockers from the webUI, you have to have their templates. If you remove them then reinstall them using all the settings (which you have lost), then you will have templates to go with them. Appdata is unaffected by any of this since it is not on flash, and if you point a docker to the correct appdata with all of the other settings it will work as before. None of this, of course, has anything to do with the particular docker this thread is about.
  11. The templates are stored on flash in the config folder. You must always have a backup of flash. You can easily get a zipped backup of flash at Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup. A new install of Unraid on flash, plus the config folder from a flash backup, are all that's needed to get going again just as before. That config folder contains all of your settings from the webUI, including disk assignments, and those missing templates.
  12. Number of data drives and number of parity drives don't matter as long as they can all work in parallel. The size of the largest parity disk is the main factor in how long parity check takes.
  13. Heat buildup. Excessive vibrations affecting connections.
  14. OK, here is something that may have you confused. When you try to specify the Host path, it is going to give you a dropdown folder tree to allow you to select the path. That folder tree shows you each of your user shares separately. To get a path that includes all of the shares, you need to go up one level by clicking on the .. folder at the top, and then select the folder that says user. Post a screenshot of that Add Configuration box when you think you have it like you want, or if you have more questions about it.
  15. A problem with the flash. Put flash in your PC and checkdisk. While there make a backup. Try again. If that doesn't work, prepare flash as a new install, then copy the config folder from that backup you made to that new install.
  16. What you put for the Name isn't important, it is just a label for that particular volume mapping which will serve as a reminder to you if you edit the container later. For example, you could put Media. That Container Path is NOT correct. That is what you need to put in the Host Path. Unraid is the Host, and that is how you specify the path on the Host. For Container Path, you can put anything you want, but it must begin with / so it will be an absolute path. For example, you could put /Media. I have Read/Write. It is possible to use plex to delete things, such as a Movie you don't want to keep, so if you want to be able to do that from within plex it needs to be Read/Write. And here I will give a short explanation of volume mappings. I think a lot of people just get confused by the term "map" here. A mapping is just a correspondence. Just as a location on a road map corresponds to a location in the world, a volume mapping just specifies a correspondence between a path on the Host and a path within the container. So, for example, the Host Path /mnt/user could correspond to the Container Path /Media. Then inside the container when you access the path /Media, it would be accessing the path /mnt/user on the host.
  17. OK, click on the blue text with the + at the bottom of that Add Container page, where it says Add another Path....
  18. You need to use VPN in some form. There are dockers with builtin VPN. There are VPN dockers. There are VPN plugins. Many newer routers have VPN builtin. Unraid 6.8 has WireGuard VPN builtin.
  19. Just thought I should elaborate on this part. I may have already explained how user shares work earlier in the thread but doesn't hurt to repeat it now. User shares are simply the aggregate of all top level folders on cache and array disks. Each top level folder on cache or array disks is part of a user share named for the folder. From the point of view of anything accessing a user share, every folder and file within a specific user share is in the same top level folder even though it may be on separate disks. If you create a user share, Unraid will create a top level folder, with the same name as the user share, on one or more disks as needed and according to the settings for the share. Conversely, if you create a top level folder on cache or array disk, it is automatically a user share with the same name as the folder. If you don't make settings for a user share, it has default settings. And I will add this part since it will be relevant when filling in the paths for the docker. From the linux point of view, the user shares are at the path /mnt/user. So, the Movies user share is at /mnt/user/Movies, the Music user share is at /mnt/user/Music, etc. Note that upper/lower case is relevant and you must get this right or you will be specifying something different, with the possible result of creating a different user share with a name that is the same except it uses different upper/lower case. So, all of the user shares are in /mnt/user, and if you give that path to the docker, it will include all of the user shares. Then the separate user shares will appear as separate folders within that. Or, you can give each of them separately to the docker, /mnt/user/Movies, etc. Either way they will look like separate folders to plex.
  20. I'm not sure you do understand me correctly. I also have tv shows in one share, movies in another, etc. I have a lot of separate shares with different content. But instead of giving plex a separate path for each of them, I just give plex a path that includes all of them. I can still manage them completely separately within plex since they are in separate folders. And I can even add shares later and those would also be included without having to bother with editing the docker. I would just tell plex to add another library.
  21. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  22. OK that screenshot has a few things hidden (some defaults) but I just checked with mine and all of the hidden things look like they should be fine. That template has places for you to fill in the path to your Movies, TV, and Music. You can also add more if you need to. An even simpler way is to just ignore those and add a path to all of your user shares. That is how I have it even though you could argue it is less secure that way. I don't think plex is going to do anything with those shares I don't tell it to use and I don't have anything to hide anyway that isn't already encrypted. So how would you like to do it, separate paths or all shares?
  23. I have done it more than once. Unraid mostly doesn't care what hardware it is on, it tries to figure that out each time it boots. Some controllers can give issues, and if you have any VMs with hardware passthrough these might need to be worked on with new hardware. As long as it sees the same license key on flash, and the same disks assignments that are recorded on flash, it will try to do everything it was doing before the hardware change.
  24. It was mentioned in the release thread for 6.8. Everyone should read the release thread before updating. And there is a guide to setting it up. Lots of ways to set it up. It can even cover your whole LAN.
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