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Everything posted by trurl

  1. OK that will be a good starting place perhaps for a discussion of what you want to do that is different from what you already have. That page shows each of your shares, and how much of each disk each of those shares are using.
  2. So you have put your server on the internet. No wonder your ISP is blocking you and it's a good thing. If we could have gotten system logs from you from while that was going on no doubt we would have seen IP addresses from all over the world trying to hack into your server. The world is full of bots that constantly look for things to hack into and try relentlessly to do so, completely without human intervention.
  3. Is this a trial license? Do you know the difference between your network and the internet?
  4. If you have a keyboard and monitor you can also work from the command line to get the diagnostics, as explained in that link already given.
  5. He gave you a link that explained how to get the diagnostics. Here, I will tell you directly how. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  6. Do you mean this is some sort of automated process that immediately sends you a message and blocks you when you run Unraid? Are you putting your server directly on the internet? (DON'T DO THAT!)
  7. The post you quoted is over 3 years old. Unraid 6.8 and above does not allow executing scripts from the flash (/boot) drive. Use the User Scripts plugin instead of the go file.
  8. Post your docker run command as explained in the very first link in the Docker FAQ
  9. If it hasn't produced a result yet try refreshing the screen.
  10. As a starting point to help understand which disks have which shares already, go to Shares - User Shares and click the Compute All button at the bottom. Wait for the result, it might take several minutes. Then post a screenshot.
  11. Most people don't have these problems. I suspect something odd about your network setup.
  12. You could try it that way. It would be slower since the files would have to make a round trip to your mac and back. The reason I suggested upsizing at least one disk is because all of your disks are pretty full and if you had one with a lot of free space you would have some space to move things around. If you can tell me in enough detail what you want to do I can help you do it.
  13. What sort of help do you need? I haven't tried it but the docker run command at that link seems pretty straightforward. Looks like it doesn't even need any ports remapped unless you have conflicts so host would be fine for that. Then I assume that single volume mapping would be your appdata.
  14. Default network configuration (after deleting config/network.cfg) is to use DHCP so it should get IP from router. Are you sure you don't have a hardware (cable, port, etc) issue?
  15. How about new diagnostics since you started the array. Lots we can't tell about your configuration until the disks mount.
  16. Tools - Diagnostics, attach complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.
  17. I should also mention the Krusader dockers. Krusader is a GUI linux file manager, and the Krusader dockers just put the application into a container. It is probably even easier to figure out how to use than mc once you get it setup. It is probably the most popular general purpose file manager around here these days. I don't use it myself since Midnight Commander is already builtin and I have been using it since long before Unraid even had dockers. But I'm sure I could guide you through setting it up at least.
  18. Those larger drives should also perform better simply due to increased density.
  19. You can always return to default network settings by deleting the config/network.cfg file on flash
  20. You can always go back to default network settings by deleting (or renaming) network.cfg and network-rules.cfg from the config folder.
  21. The drive will be disabled until it is rebuilt. Since a write to it failed, it is out of sync with parity. But the data for that failed write is still in the array from the parity calculation. In fact, Unraid will not even use a disk after it has been disabled. All attempts to access the disk, whether reading or writing, is done by emulating the disk from parity. So, the contents of the disk can still be read, but that is accomplished by reading parity PLUS ALL other disks and calculating the data for the disk. And all writes to the disk don't actually write the disabled disk, it just updates parity as if the disk were written. So, the disk must be rebuilt. Rebuilding will not delete all of the data off it. It will instead write all of the data onto it, including the failed write and any subsequent writes that didn't actually go to the disk because it was disabled. The safest approach is to rebuild to a new disk, since that allows you to keep the original disk as a backup in case there is some issue during rebuild. But obviously that requires a spare disk. The most likely cause of an issue during rebuild is another bad connection, possibly with another disk. All disks must be reliably read in order to calculate the data for the rebuild. When I said check all connections, I meant all, even those for other disks. It is very common for someone to disturb the connections of other disks when they are inside the case. SMART for that disk looks fine except for the connection issue so if that is fixed it should be OK to reuse. To rebuild the disk to itself: Stop array Unassign disabled disk Start array so the missing disk is registered Stop array Reassign disabled disk Start array to begin rebuild
  22. Looks like a problem with your flash drive. Put it in your PC and checkdisk. While there make a backup. Try again. Make sure you use a USB2 port for the boot flash on your server.
  23. There are some torrent dockers with builtin VPN. Search on the Apps page.
  24. Looks like CRC errors, which is typically a connection issue. Check all connections, power and SATA, both ends including power splitters. Do you know how to rebuild the disk to itself?
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