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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. thanks for the reply, i thought i tested that already and it didnt worked out, but now it does, i adjusted all 4 values now. the 2 path´s and the 2 variables, i think last time i didnt change the /watch on top, nevermind, thanks for pointing, looking good on move now.
  2. may a question about the move with this docker,as there are two mount points for /watch and /output the move is more a copy and delete instead an instant move, due the 2 mount points it seems like from docker point of view its like 2 diff file systems. may an idea how to solve, put /watch and /output in a sub mount like /media or whatever ? i recognized this with a large file and i remember i had this before in another docker which was then solved, but dont remember which i didnt figure out if this could be already achived with the current setting possibilities which are Basic Settings (path) Automated Media Center: Watch Directory: Automated Media Center: Output Directory: Advanced Settings (variable) Automated Media Center: Input Directory: Automated Media Center: Output Directory:
  3. happy new Year and yes, both are valid, i d remove the template if one wouldnt be valid anymore
  4. hi, bl0m1/xteve docker has nothing todo with me. i made a template for dnsforge/xteve which is a simple docker without tvheadend extras etc and as im also in the xteve help channel and alot unraid users likes the dnsforge one i added that one too, im also supporting the main app xteve in the discord channel thats why it made sence cause many unraid users made setup failures with the enviroments. the dnsforge maintainer is also in the xteve help channel and its ok for him to have his template on unraid, just as note. i hope its fine, otherwise i remove it again if not welcome.
  5. as this is the unraid forum, please rather join the xteve discord channel and ask there for other OS support, thanks
  6. not provided by @Djoss u can manually update it by downloading the correct package and replace like described 2 posts upper, at your own risk if something is wrong, del and reinstall docker, easy anyway. here a screen how it looks like when i unpack the file(s) and use the upper command from docker shell cp -Rv /config/beta/jar /opt/filebot/ restart docker and u done i hope its ok to post this @Djoss for those who also woud prefer the included fixes
  7. as there where no changes and im also getting a error when using vlc now with this url i assume your provider changed something (allowed user agent, ...), sorry, but this seems out of scope here to handle. Unauthorized is a error from your link (html usually 403 forbidden), can be different causes, link broken, user broken, limit reached, user agent, ... as this is more xteve related then this docker, u can try to get help at the xteve discord channel or the xteve github, may start xteve with debug=3 option to get better informations
  8. may i ask if it worked out ? (upper post) just so i know if there is a need for modifications ... thanks ahead
  9. from the docker info readme xteve, in docker with ovpn ### docker runs in bridge mode ### put your ovpn file in /config edit your ovpn credentials in /config set your LOCAL_NET to fit your netmask access xteve webui ip:34400/web/ you should have a logindata.conf in your /config folder to add username and password, where also your ovpn files are placed
  10. as small update, there seems to be always a java backwards compatible filebot version jdk8 tested here by downloading and unpacking FileBot_4.9.0-portable-jdk8.tar.xz to /config/beta then cp -Rv /config/beta/jar /opt/filebot/ and restart docker, looking all good with 4.9 now, just as note
  11. u set the path in the enviroment variables with the amc line, sample
  12. depending on your streams (no hevc) they should all run out of the box as pass, may check if u have a sep. user for your kodi clients and check if pass is allowed for this user and may check if pass is still the default profile ...
  13. please update (restart docker), should be solved now
  14. i can confirm for now buffer has issues ... wip
  15. user agent still on VLC/3.0.8 LibVLC/3.0.8 ? cause unauth....
  16. ok, ill check this again on next update, im pretty sure i had to redo chmod +x after your update with the custom apk add function, may i missed something. aggee, thats why i suggested optional, looks like theres also always only 1 release in /beta so fetching wouldnt be too hard i guess. ## edit i guess you are right, as when i read about it also different jave versions may needed ... so makes it really more complicated, sorry. and thanks again
  17. Hi, last question about this point to keep the docker console really untouched, may possible to add a /custom subfolder as suggestion with a chmod +x /custom/* so the files will be executeable without docker exec ... or chmod inside the docker shell, just as suggestion. 2nd point, possibility to add beta version support by varable (dl link), seems in times like this where tvdb etc are updating like hell and devs making changes in beta branches it could be helpful .. current sample from filebot discord channel, just as suggestion thanks again for this nice docker
  18. here it worked like described on the github page. in my case /mnt/user/appdata/FileBot
  19. Hi, as im on the turn from Win to Ubuntu ... 1 major issue i see here is the sound, i know i had to fix the MSI interrupts on my windows vmś too, but i cant find any solution therefore on a linux vm ... in my usecase its ubuntu and a nvidia 1030, drivers installed, sound device is there, but as in topic mentioned crackling ... now from Unraid lspci console --- root@AlsServer:~# sudo lspci -v -s 4:00.1 04:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GP108 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1) Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] GP108 High Definition Audio Controller Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 17 Memory at dd080000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [78] Express Endpoint, MSI 00 Capabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci root@AlsServer:~# --- from the VM console --- alturismo@Ubuntu:~$ sudo lspci -v -s 01:00.0 [sudo] Passwort für alturismo: 01:00.0 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GP108 High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1) Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] GP108 High Definition Audio Controller Physical Slot: 0 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 22 Memory at 91800000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [78] Express Endpoint, MSI 00 Capabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel Kernel modules: snd_hda_intel alturismo@Ubuntu:~$ --- what wonders me a little, kernel driver snd_hda_intel ? is this correct ? caue it is the nvidia device ... for any help, thanks ahead
  20. Hi, i came now accross howto call a script from amc in the custom options i added the following -exec /config/postprocess.sh this will exec the script then, now, as curl is not installed i can bypass by using docker shell and do apk add curl. question now if it aint too much effort to keep this persistent, either possible to add curl or add sudo or add filebot user as root ? (apk add in script then cause filebot amc is not running as root) thanks ahead for may taking a look
  21. thanks for the info, i can confirm it is like that, no way to disable 1 category. note from the filebot dev, latest current beta has better detection therefore, so i wait thanks for this nice docker
  22. Hi, may a question if there is a chance to get a postprocessing script call ? sample usage here, i used to call plex and emby library refresh after move ... and may a question to the filebot experts here, my tests went fine exept i had some anime hits instead movie ... sample, angel has fallen ... as i dont use any anime may someone has a hint howto disable anime or force tv/movie/music. for any tipps, thanks ahead
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