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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. Hi, im also helpless on a script i would like to create usecase, i do my commercial cuts manually (as comskip aint so reliable) with avidemux, so i have a .ts file, after cutting i have a .idx2 file and my final .mkv file. now, what i would like to reach look for .ts file, check if .mkv exist, if so run a curl command including the file name, remove the ts and idx2 file. after looking for some kind of commands i guess its currently over my head, may someone has some hints where to start like finding the dupes and catch the filepath from location /Media instead /mnt/user/Media/ (needed for update TVHeadend curl command). for any tipps thanks ahead ### update, i guess i have it finally, may someone could take a look if its reliable or if theres something i may didnt checked out ... ### like this its updating live TVH recording and removing the .ts and .idx2 file, cause they need to be there for updating TVH. #!/bin/bash startpath="/mnt/cache/Media/" ### main place where to look for searchpattern="*.ts" ### what type of files to look for matchpattern=".mkv" ### compare if exist - work done ? extradelpattern=".idx2" ### extra delete type - sample, avidemux file mediafolder="/Media" ### add to path beginning for TVHeadend update waittime=30 ### time to wait in case script runs while processing file tvhuser="user" tvhpass="pass" tvhip="" cd $startpath find . -mindepth 2 -iname $searchpattern|sed "s|^\./||"|while read fname; do echo "$fname" sourcefile=$(basename "$fname") filenameonly="${sourcefile%.*}" endfile="$filenameonly$matchpattern" extrafile="$sourcefile$extradelpattern" filepath=$(dirname "$fname") cd "$startpath/$filepath" if [ -f "$endfile" ] then echo "$endfile found, processing ..." curl -s "http://"$tvhuser":"$tvhpass"@"$tvhip":9981/api/dvr/entry/filemoved" --data-urlencode "src=$mediafolder/$filepath/$sourcefile" --data-urlencode "dst=$mediafolder/$filepath/$endfile" sleep $waittime rm "$sourcefile" rm "$extrafile" else echo "$endfile not found." fi done
  2. ok, happened again today i was testing some http api commands for tvheadend and one command stalled ... after that there was no more repsond, also could not quit the command at all, even a tvheadend restart (to definately kill the http connection) also didnt help, just as note. /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart <- worked then well here
  3. as i edited, was straightforward @ guac homepage ... but i didnt use guacamole as password, using own pass now, hope that wont hurt
  4. Hi, may a question as i installed a mariadb anyway for other application(s), is there a tutorial howto start and setup with mariadb ... i guess guacamole side its just to modify the credentials in /guacamole/guacamole.properties, but how to start with mariadb ... db schema etc ... if theres something thanks ahead, otherwise, its running perfectly as is ### ok, just followed the instuctions on the guac page and it was pretty straight forward, working and really spared half size
  5. use the privoxy vpn from binhex and connect jd to it in the connection settings
  6. as i also have this issue sometimes ... try hostname:port instead ip:port, works here, may solves your issue too ... i assume its a caching issue as there are many sites under here ....
  7. ok, pretty sad, when u are sure it was working before updates, may use a older tag ? last one before some changes where done is :204 (4.3x from 3 weeks ago) linuxserver/tvheadend:204 in Repository ... may worth a try ?
  8. when i killall ttyd instances i then get a bad gateway instead about:blank when trying terminal again i assume ttyd need a restart, may a hint wich options to use ?
  9. g morning, just as quick test today morning i see it happened again, as note ... command was ps x the last entry from system log Mar 1 07:01:42 AlsServer login[12318]: ROOT LOGIN on '/dev/pts/2' is there no option to restart the service ? exept server reboot ?
  10. did you try the /desc.xml in the end ? --satip_xml
  11. and after a few seconds google may try this ... --satip_xml http://IPADDRESS:8080/desc.xml
  12. i would try to look @google ... my sample was of course a sample just to show how the variable is set, and i only need this for my fritz dvb-c tuner ... my DD octopus v2 is detected just like that ... looks like selfsat is not broadcasting itself, so also may ask their support ? heres the screen from my tvh tuners, the fritz needed the xml variable ...
  13. here is my variable full line is --satip_xml
  14. @limetech anything i could try via cli etc ? otherwise i would take a reboot to get webterminal up again
  15. no need for DVB Edition for Sat IP Tuners, i use an DD Net V2 and a Fritz 6490 as Sat IP source, what Sat IP Server do you have ?
  16. Hi, everything just works as normal, only webterminal is dead. anything i can do ? its still all open
  17. ok, happened again now, i have the webterminal windows open where it "stalled", i opened a new window to see what happens and its the same behavior, about:blank .... happened in the middle of typing, not even executed anything ... heres a screenshot and diags attached now, what to look for or what diags could be helpful, i keep all open for now ... alsserver-diagnostics-20190225-0609.zip
  18. i did ... happened 3 days ago, i ll next time. i checked syslog, no entry, i checked cpu loads, seemed fine, i checked ssh, was all good. thats why i didnt made a diag, next time i will.
  19. @Taddeusz now or when it happens again ?
  20. another browser didnt help here tooi checked another browser, typed in manually the webterminal address (the adress fiels stays about:blank i tried from another mashine, i waited till i was at home and tried also, same ... all other was still working, ssh through guacamole etc ... just the webterminal. i tried to find a way to restart web interface but afaik theres no way therefore ...
  21. same here, no entries in log, just blank screen (about:blank) when trying to open webterminal again. ssh still working etc ... only final solution was a reboot.
  22. may again the same question, no intention to make another one with chrome (or chromium) as browser instead FF ? sample, mainly i use chrome and only ff with this docker, would be nice to have a nicer history together etc (sync) ... and i guess there are also many chrome users out there
  23. may a weird question if thats possible i d like to reverse proxy my privoxy socks5 proxy. dataflow sample external browser -> website via proxy.mydomain.com (nginx) (browser proxy setting) -> privoxy (with vpn) -> website as privoxy has no htaccess config and i dont want to open it to www only ip´s possible but here its always a dynamic range ... as its a socks5 ... i have no clue if its possible or if so, howto ... currently i use a ubuntu xrdp docker with chrome therefore (using the privoxy) ... just a thought to make the privoxy easy and secure usable from outside. ok, seems its may possible with an module from here wich i cant get compiled into this container, https://github.com/dannote/socks-nginx-module
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