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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. i dont use nvidia builds, but is it possible u have a gtx680 ? if so, may read 1st page, there is a link to the nvidia page which cards are supported and im pretty sure yours is not there. https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-decode-gpu-support-matrix
  2. actually its not planned as i also provide a pure guide2go docker and fetching from SD through VPN, i didnt thought anyone would prefer this. if there are more requests i ll add it or redesign the vpn one with always in
  3. ok, https is fixed with the latest docker update, thanks for the error report, should be all working now.
  4. ok, after some digging ... in xteve settings buffer useragent will make the stream working here, seems your provider is blocking ... VLC/3.0.8 LibVLC/3.0.8 about the https error still togo, but to grab the xml and play the streams, replace https with http, worked here at least for now.
  5. normal xteve with buffer on ? cause here the link u provided did not work with buffer on, with or without vpn ... i created a oneliner m3u with that link u posted up there to test here. and i take a look at the https links, thanks for feedback, nevertheless, may please try the suggestion i posted above
  6. @H2O_King89 i tested it now myself through, actually its not VPN related, its buffer related, the stream also doesnt work with regular xteve without buffer ... suggestion, u prolly have a link to grab your m3u, may try by adding &type=m3u_plus&output=ts like described on their iptv setup video too, should become a more compliant m3u then, please test this and let me know.
  7. hmm, may enable xteve debug 3 to see what is happening,
  8. buffer needs to work cause otherwise VPN is obsolete, may check r/w permissions on your buffer location in case u mounted it outside the container /tmp/xteve i ll take a look at the update error, but that shouldnt disturb any function for now.
  9. if you take a look here it seems radarr needs some special parameters in subfolder https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs/blob/master/radarr.subfolder.conf.sample may try inserting some of those parts ... i dont use radarr so cant tell for sure
  10. besides the already mentioned "status" cosmetic thing i had a issue while upgrading from rc4 to rc5, system stalled on reboot and screen was here. First time i had something like this ... i waited a while and then hard rebooted, all good after reboot
  11. may a question what this error means when i want to remove the vm as it was a nice test with macos but really doesnt fit here with no rdp solution i d like to remove the vm.
  12. @mbc0 i just made a fresh docker install to test (u did clear /appdata ?) works as expected ...sorry to say from the log webui docker ... all good here ... please try with a fresh install and not with existing appdata, can be the only thing something is not compatible
  13. replace the "buffer": false, "buffer": "-", and restart, that should work then its a change in xteve ... so now when using existing settings its hard where to start, "old" or "new" ... thats why some have this "issue".
  14. the docker is restarting and updating automatically, this error comes from your settings.json, buffer setting changed ... check your appdata/xteve/settings.json and let me know what you have in there ... most common from playing with buffers ...
  15. may a little offtopic but a question to mac users is there really no rdp solution for mac, personally i try it as vm only with guacamole, but the vnc experience is ... lets say not the best, roughly there is even a huge difference using unraids web vnc compared to another vnc client ... when i read around there is no rdp possible ? only 3rd party protocols which then wouldnt fit either with guacamole. next question is, apple id, i tested my "very old" apple id and i can login to the apple web page etc ... but on the vm i always end up "there is a problem ...", and when i want to creat from the vm with my existing it tells me this account is already in use, now, i read about reset or remove hardware, also really possible only with another apple hardware device like iphone ? or by installing itunes on another pc ? sorry for offtopic and thanks for a tipp.
  16. may a question what could happen when changing cpu's vm settings ... i had mine running, made some small installs etc, then i thought lets switch the cpu settings. did that, changed them in gui part, saved, entered the xml part, reentered the bottom lines like described, VM bootloop ... well, thought lets start fresh then and set cpu before installing, wiped /domains/... wiped VM, started dockerm ewn files downloaded, waited until docker logs say restart array, did the restart, edited VM directly before 1st boot (only cpu settings), reentered manually the buttom lines, booting into clover, want to start install, looping directly back to clover ... anything i missed when i want to assign cpu's manually for the mac VM ? i wanted to assign 2 HT cores (4 threads) ### UPDATE changing the vcpu´s in a fresh template in the xml (advanced) works ... as note, mouse removing the USB entry ... saved alot thanks herefore
  17. ok, raw image really did it, installed and started, just have to find a way through this crappy vnc setup ... german keyboard, mouse is elsewhere, really wonder what unraid is using here as vnc bridge to vm's ... nvm, will figure that out too. thanks for the tip with raw, that was the winner
  18. ok, thanks for the resolution info. i ve tried 3 x yet with the same results (i always cleaned /domains ...) i ll try with raw instead, lets see if that helps my CPU is a i7-8700, should be fine thanks for the efforts. as note, the /domains/path issue ... was here the same, i also never used /mnt/user/domains for my VM's, after leaving docker settings default and creating /domains share all is good for now, just custim path didnt worked, i guess its somewhere hardcoded in the vm xml creation.
  19. may a question what could be wrong here. using the docker to create the vm ... stop / start array to get the vm visible. now when i watch the video, the first thing todo is to change in bios resolution to 1080p, here is my 1st hurdle, i can hit esc as fast as i want, no chance to enter the bios ... thought well, lets skip this part now, went further and erased disk, installed macOS, ok. looks all good, few minutes later ... reboot ... now im in a loop to clover, only message i see is may a hint what could be wrong ? or is it the bios gpu setting (1080p) ... if so, any chance to get in there in another way ? yesterday when i saw this docker i already made another test (bofore this support thread), same behavior, i then also went further and edited the xml already be removing disks and adding manual disk, didnt help either. for any tipps, thanks ahead
  20. one thing i notice here, using webterminal exit will directly relogin again, so only way is to close the window while session open, by demand ?
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