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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. when u use /mnt/disks/... aint u missing a disk in there ? like /mnt/disks/<disknamehere>/appdata and of course u have to edit plex docker template to point to the new location ...
  2. u can use either backup and restore plugin. or as u described, backup your appdata folder(s) the templates from your docker settings are all on the flash, so when cache drive is replaced, copy appdata folders back to cache, install docker new 1 by 1 by using your user templates from add docker tab then u are back to the state as now
  3. Hi, while i was trying to test the new WSL2 feature it seems nester VM feature is not working anymore. Unraid 6 8 3 VM Windows 10 pro what have i done disabled all VMs, disabled VM Manager, unraid shell modprobe -r kvm_intel modprobe kvm_intel nested=1 edited VM xml template with the following entry under <cpu> section <feature policy='require' name='vmx'/> tried starting VM Manager, no way, always ended in <LIBVrt service failed to start> after some digging and results only showed check pathes (which where correct), i rebooted, VM Manager is back up and running, so went further. followed guide to enable nested VM by adding <kvm_intel.nested=1> to the boot append line, rebooted now, when i enable the feature in the Win 10 VM dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart and reboot, Win10 system crashes, have to restart in safe mode, changes are reverting and VM boots up normally but of course without virt possibility. after some further tests and some more searches i gave up now, when i read i see there is also a open issue which is pretty similar, so its probably still not solved ? For an Info thanks ahead attached diags ps. as WSL2 is coming now, i guess alot more will like to try the new features which demands nested virt ... alsserver-diagnostics-20200419-0711.zip
  4. did u took a look in the plugin if there is a 6.9 available ? i dont use it, but thats where i d look
  5. my /Media Share array includes the cache drive, which is a nvme, so no ... no noise and spinning disks (fresh files are all handled while on cache), when mover turns in to free cache then of course ... but thats the way unraid works.
  6. when u scroll a little up u see my config, and yes, all on array i move from /Media/Record to /Media/TV to /Media/HDDVDR to /Media/VCD as sample ... while TV is clear, VCD . HDDVDR are splitted by amc variables, depending on rules, easy is just /Movies
  7. about UD and moving ... just mount the disks, set input / output ... but fast depending now cause it will be definately a disk over disk move, not like moving inside 1 disk. about notifications, yes there are solutions, as mentioned before, check filebot forums or discord, u ll more likely find info or help therefore there.
  8. @hawors when i google this error, there are many many entries ... i guess u also checked them already. may try switch to tcp mode instead udp mode in your connection, thats the most common solution i see. tu surpress warnings may not be the best solution overall ... if there is something wrong i d always like to know.
  9. @danktankk this is not unraid related, the alpine version doesnt work anywhere including onlyoffice ... also the original one ... and if you prefer the original apache version, stay there, if lsio stays on alpine, they will ... nothing to worry about. personal experience (i tested both cause of this office situation), the lsio alpine based one is for my usage faster ... the NC apache version was slower ... so i decided for now until Nextcloud fixes its own issues to stay with 2 containers here, lsio NC and office seperately, your choice.
  10. may read here https://github.com/nextcloud/documentserver_community/issues/10#issuecomment-578891914 comment from thelamer ... and, NC is providing its docker as apache edition (Ofiice working) and as alpine edition (Office not working). as this lsio docker is alpine based, its also not working, the one working here is just a template from the original apache working one, u wont find a template from the original alpine one cause as described it cant work in the current state they builded the office integration (static libs). thats all afaik and after my personal tests and experience, but just try it or read the nextcloud github issues section or their forums.
  11. @zichichi just read a few pages back, it aint working yet with alpine builds.
  12. @Tucubanito07 sorry, no idea here, i d try the NC forums therefore cause it doesnt look like a docker issue, looks more like a NC issue when i check logs from you when i check google https://www.google.com/search?q=nextcloud+photos+expected+filesize&rlz=1C1CHBF_deDE881DE881&oq=nextcloud+photos+expected+filesize&aqs=chrome..69i57j33l2.7991j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 i see you are not alone ...
  13. @Tucubanito07 when u fresh install, did u also wiped the /appdata/nextcloud folder or may are there some old files from a different install ...
  14. @ur6969 i would take a look at the logs, ffmpeg transcode, or remux logs, then start at emby forums as im pretty sure u get more help there with emby related playback issues.
  15. https is handled by nginx, using https in emby makes only sense when u directly access emby by its https port from remote, in case u have issues there may try emby forum ?
  16. u can try in the extended values or so, i dont use the manager anymore due some sites didnt work as expected with special config ...
  17. @mihcox here is my working letsencrypt nginx onlyoffice conf to work perfectly fine with this NC docker of course check server_name and reverse address (i run my dockers all on their own ip meanwhile), also inserted sa mple when on bridge on host # Use this example for proxy HTTPS traffic to the document server running at 'backendserver-address'. # Replace {{SSL_CERTIFICATE_PATH}} with the path to the ssl certificate file # Replace {{SSL_KEY_PATH}} with the path to the ssl private key file map $http_host $this_host { "" $host; default $http_host; } map $http_x_forwarded_proto $the_scheme { default $http_x_forwarded_proto; "" $scheme; } map $http_x_forwarded_host $the_host { default $http_x_forwarded_host; "" $this_host; } map $http_upgrade $proxy_connection { default upgrade; "" close; } server { listen 443 ssl; listen [::]:443 ssl; server_name office.*; server_tokens off; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000; # add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $proxy_connection; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $the_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $the_scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_pass; # proxy_pass; } }
  18. alturismo

    Squid is 50!

    Happy Birthday from Germany @Squid ps. sorry for a little late, but hey ... your are 50 and need some time to read up
  19. @AngleRacket 1. the container does check every 3 minutes the online state (should check in the logs), may take a look what is in there, sample ping ok or we seem to be offline, restarting openvpn that should be your major point cause 2. is by design like described in first post ... when "master is edited, restarted, ..." all "slaves" need a restart ... may give another vpn container like binhex ovpn container a try as master if mine aint working properly in your setup, or take a look at logs and leave a message here what is happening when checkup failed.
  20. @SeoulPlaya u need 6.9 beta due higher kernel, current version only supports igpu until 8xxx
  21. @natiz may try the libreelec build currently, or try with mini satip docker to use it like this, i d recommend to test libreelec build currently.
  22. @tknx Hi, u should start taking a look at the filebot manuals ... here in this forum u get more help about docker related issues, not so much about the app itself https://www.filebot.net/forums/ or i can recommend the discord channel too, rednoah (dev of filebot) is also active there ... and very helpful https://discord.gg/cKVvZ2S
  23. afaik its not lsio or unraid related, as mentioned also the official nextcloud alpine docker doesnt work (they also provide a alpine edition), so we have to wait until NC solved it ... my last test was with 18.01, for now i keep the external onlyoffice solution ... when u have success within the next releases, may let us all know here
  24. @danktankk afaik this is still not supported by any alpine based nextcloud docker (also not the official alpine nextcloud one) this is only working in the apache nextcloud version ... due a pretty bad code from nextcloud. so (afaik) currently, either use the official apache nextcloud docker or us the sep onlyoffice doc server in combination with lsio NC for this now.
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